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Author-Champagne Book Group and Enchanted Rock Immortals. Urban Fantasy, Time Travel, and Paranormal Romance Author. Spouse. Mom. Greyhound Parent. All-round Creative Type. Except with food. Not a cook.
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#TimeTravelAuthors 17: Something in common with MC? Jim and I have similar senses of humor - dry, understated, and sarcastic. (It seemed the right approach for a really weird adventure.)

Day 17 #TimeTravelAuthors I feel just a little less socially inept than Rocky. (Though I'm not sure Rocky usually knows when he's being socially inept…!)

#TimeTravelAuthors Mar 17: Common points with character. I've actually written Homura and Dave as aspirational characters for me. I've always wanted Homura's dedication, and Dave's sense of humour despite the horrors. Someday I'll get better at these.

#TimeTravelAuthors Day 17--Something you and a character have in common. Seems off to post this on Irish-centric St.Patrick's Day, but my heritage, like my main character's, is #Scottish!


As anyone who's read both books can guess, Henry in's excellent Iamos Trilogy reminds me of Rocky (though Henry was in print first!). But I suppose most fictional computer geniuses fit the bill. It's a trope for a reason! #TimeTravelAuthors

I'm coming to Barnes & Noble in Ledgewood, NJ this Saturday! Can't wait to meet new and current readers! #amwriting #TimeTravelAuthors #booksigning #sciencefiction #physics

#TimeTravelAuthors Day 9 News in your story. In the futuristic setting, the government curates what people can see. It's shown on imagers, which are 3-D displays of information. News in 1400s Scotland was relayed by verbal dissemination. #timetravelromance #futuristicromance #historicalromance

#TimeTravelAuthors #Day5 #Chapter2 Jack’s eyes widened and he began dabbing at the stain more forcefully, taking out his #anger from the frigid memory on his sweater. “And you wonder why I hate camping. That trip pretty much ruined it for me.”

D3 #timetravelauthors #sffwriters #writingcommunity #writersky #speclit #amwriting #authors #thrillerauthors #writers

#TimeTravelAuthors 5: 'fury' snippet "He has had a complete medical workup. He is fully healthy in all respects, including those appropriate to a young man." Even through my #fury, I couldn't help but admire the diplomacy of that phrasing. #ScienceFiction #SFF #SciFi #TimeTravel

#TimeTravelAuthors Mar 5: Snippet with anger Dave slouched even further into his jacket. "I think he wanted you to get back your time magic. He seems to think you'd want to restore the universe to the way it was." Homura took a sip of her coffee. It was warm, but her anger burned hotter.

#TimeTravelAuthors Day 5--Snippet with "fury" or "anger." #timetravelromance #timetravelromanceauthor #timetravelauthor "My stomach tightened like I'd swallowed a hot ball of anger."

#TimeTravelAuthors #Writing #SciFan Day 3 A newly-discovered quantum particle! 😲

It's Read An E-book Week! I'm celebrating w/50% off my books at #Smashwords thru 3/8. Now's the "time" to catch up on librarian Beryl Blue's #timetravel shenanigans & the rest of my books! #ebookweek25 #timetravelinglibrarian #WWIIfiction #berylbluetimecopseries

Our gift to you... 12 #timetravel stories 12 #timetravelauthors Enjoy a trip through time on us! Find my #timetravelromance, "The Fountain of Youth," in this collection!

#TimeTravelAuthors 3: #TimeTravel tech? The Time Eye needs a nuke plant to run. It's really only designed to move particles through time - electrons, photons. It's like a camera that happens to reach a narrow slice of the Bronze Age. Turns it can do a little more. Once. #ScienceFiction #BookSky

I have a hand-held time disruptor, a temporal prototype (basically a big fishtank full of tech), and a huge f**k off time vortex with a mind of its own. #timetravelauthors #sffwriters #writingcommunity #writersky #speclit #amwriting #authors #thrillerauthors #writers

#TimeTravelAuthors Day 3 Describe your #timetravel technology. The tech is a combination of a time travel transport room and a chip implanted in the traveler's lower brain stem. Yeah, I know. Ew.

#TimeTravelAuthors March 3rd. describe your time travel device. My main character has been genetically engineered to feel the currents of time and travel them via the Chronoslip. The chronoslip breaks into our world through rainbows, such as an oil slick on water, creating entry points.

#TimeTravelAuthors Mar 3: Time travel machine/device. Descriptions of the time travel devices are scattered across my crossover fic, so here's a primer. Starting with Akemi Homura's shield, since that is covered in Madoka Magica. Homura has a shield with gears that control an hourglass. (1/4)

#WIPSnips 27: zone Interested to see if anyone else goes for this distant relation of the target word. 😀 #ScienceFiction #SciFi #TimeTravel

I'd love to connect with more #timetravelauthors. We're in a niche of our own, so it would be great to share things like #litagents open to our sub-genre. #timetravelauthors #sffwriters #writingcommunity #writersky #speclit #amwriting #authors #thrillerauthors #writers

#TimeTravelAuthors A fertile woman from an infertile future (2352) is sent on a mission back to 1400s Scotland to help save humanity. They're sent to the wrong time a week before the mission is set to begin. She soldiers on, knowing she's prepared...for everything except falling in #love.

#TimeTravelAuthors 25: Most competent char? Quite a few characters are competent in their fields. A couple are actual geniuses, though. Dr. Shaheen Kabirii is probably the *most* competent, creating viral cures for Multiple Sclerosis and many cancers. But she has far greater ambitions than *that*.

#TimeTravelAuthors Feb 25: Most competent. Depends on what kind of competency. If it's fighting, Homura used time travel to learn how to use multiple types of guns and other ballistic weapons. In other areas... let's just get them all to therapy first since they're all emotional disasters.

#TimeTravelAuthors 23: Joy in your story Jim doesn't feel a lot of joy in SECONDARY. Though as he puts it, "It was something like a religious experience for me, seeing people living their lives, thousands of years ago." #SciFi #TimeTravel

#TimeTravelAuthors Day 23 Quentin doesn't get to feel much joy, as Maddy's accident dominates the story. But when finds a way to help her, he rejoices. (A SWEET DEAL)

D19 #timetravelauthors #sffwriters #writingcommunity #writersky #speclit #amwriting #authors #thrillerauthors #writers

I give him every name she's ever used—her married name, her Arabic name, and "Sarah Peterson," the name she used for a few years of grade school. For good #measure, I even have him look me up under "Halim." "I don't see her anywhere," Rocky says. "Or you." #TimeTravelAuthors

#TimeTravelAuthors 19: 'measure' snippet SECONDARY's MC/narrator is a PhD. Of course there are footnotes! Once, even more... --- Oh, footnote-within-a-footnote: They don't measure in terms of 'resistance,' they measure the opposite - how *conductive* something is. #SciFi #ScienceFiction

Day 19: "Annie dove into school, work, politics. She became president, with a favorability rating higher than any president since someone had the idea to measure favorability ratings. People love a tragic backstory." -from FROM NOW ON #TimeTravelAuthors

#TimeTravelAuthors 2/19: Miriam's mom was a psychologist before early-onset Alzheimer's robbed her of her memory. Here's a snippet from a paper of hers with the word "measure."

#TimeTravelAuthors Day 19 Post-sized snippet--optional word "measure" In her 2352 futuristic world, disease, war, and genetic overmanipulation caused rampant infertility and brought humanity to a dangerous population level. So if you're fertile, you have children young. 1400s Scotland women do too.

Day 15: I had to look into the future to discover this excerpt from SEVENTEEN MINUTES OF RAIN... "We lost game four," she muttered, glaring at a random spot on the floor. "Nobody but Dexter even showed up. Now we're in trouble." #TimeTravelAuthors

#timetravelauthors D15. Decided to make this excerpt a bit longer, since the prompt doesn't specify "post-sized." #scifi #indieauthor #canadianauthor #fiction #aliens

Oh hey, I'm on video! (With quite a few other #TImeTravelAuthors!) See how we made a series of anthologies and just hear us chat!

#PretendPanel Day 16--What are you reading right now? I'm re-reading Ilona Andrews's Kate Daniels series. When I need to relax, I often reread favorite books. #urbanfantasy

#PretendPanel Day 15--What's the role of love in your writing? For my #timetravelromance books and my #paranormalromancebooks, #love is the point. I write romance because the real world doesn't offer enough happy endings, and my readers want to escape into worlds where they do.

#TimeTravelAuthors Day 13 In the world of STATUS GREEN (Maelle & team and Charlotte) there's only one timeline. It can be changed, but there's only one. In Quentin's world of A SWEET DEAL, it's probably the same but I haven't spent enough time there (yet) to figure out the rules.

Rode the Sweetheart Wine Train tonight with my husband to celebrate #ValentinesDay. Loved seeing the number of friends riding the train and celebrating time together, as well as couples. Hope you had a perfect day whether you celebrated it or not.

#TimeTravelAuthors Day 9 Maelle & team don't have time for nature, but Charlotte gets a big scare when 5yo Henry's pony gallops into a forest full of wild boar. (This is future Henry II of France, he needs to stay alive.)