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Surgical pathologist at Berlins greatest private histopathology Lab. Trained in Hamburg (renal pathology), Basel & Berlin. Married, father of three. Likes: medicine, science, pathology & our home europe.
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#PathSky Large retroperitoneal mass in a 44M. Some of it looks like this.

I just diagnosed a squamouscell ca. in a lung carcinoma via biopsy. Just look at that Ki-67 stain! #pathsky #pulmsky

#pathsky 48yo male. Dorso, nice plywood pattern #dermpath #pathology

Shout out to the person who took this beautiful gross photo of a clear cell renal cell carcinoma invading a large renal vein branch in the renal sinus. A colleague’s case #PathSky

Odontogenic neoplasms can sometimes cause #pathology trainees headaches because, well, they're just not that common. 🦷🔬 If you see a jaw cyst or tumor with hyperchromatic, palisading, basal-layer columnar epithelium, and stellate reticulum, consider ameloblastoma. #PathSky #ENTpath

#PathSky Intravascular papillae are fun to photograph. We tend to associate them with Dabska tumor (papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma), but you can see them in other hemangioendotheliomas, angiosarcomas and non-neoplastic lesions.

Ich rechne damit, dass heute, Vorwürfe gegen meine Doktorarbeit, die ich vor 25 Jahren geschrieben habe, veröffentlicht werden. Ich habe mich entschieden, das Ganze transparent zu machen. Denn ich kenne die Vorwürfe – und konnte sie vorab prüfen lassen.

breathtaking St. Paulin church @ Trier

Picture-perfect "onion-skinning" in a case of primary sclerosing cholangitis 🧅 🧅 #pathsky #pathology #liverpath

Actually Reading pathology books is so much fun! See bellow.... #science #pathsky #medicine #GIpath #hepathology

Abdominal mass in a 1 year old male. This is a pretty classic example of Wilms tumor aka nephroblastoma. #GUpath #pedipath #pathsky

Wir wollen ein Land, das funktioniert, in dem das Leben bezahlbar ist und Klima & Natur geschützt werden. Wir investieren in unsere Zukunft, eine innovative Wirtschaft, ein stabiles Klima, mehr Gerechtigkeit und Frieden in Freiheit in 🇪🇺. Dafür stehen wir.

A nice example of #CutaneousAmyloidosis which read the 📖. Amorphous deposits of eosinophilic, congo 🔴 + material in dermis & vessels, showing 🍏 green birefringence under polarised 💡. #pathology #dermatology #PathSky 😉

An impressive symposium last night. Over 190 attendees for 3 hours of rare cystic lung disease talks by international experts. Recorded version will soon be available on the Royal Brompton website

#Blackmedsky #medsky

The wording of this diagnosis caught my eye in an old ppt. 32M h/o abd pain and diarrhea after ending steroid therapy for lupus. Histology shows suppurative inflammation limited to the submucosal layer. Phlegmonous enteritis is the given dx, though that seems to be an outdated term. #gipath #pathsky

#PathSky 37M with a large retroperitoneal mass. Big, fatty thing. The outside quite rightly worried about well-differentiated LPS and a lipomatous angiomyolipoma, but MDM2, SMA and melanocytic markers were negative. Some WDL are MDM2-neg/MDM4-pos. Should we do more molecular ? Or something else?

New year, new beginnings 🎉 Online: welcome 👋 And in the real world: 📸 a shiny new banner in front of our institute 😊 Happy 2025 everyone!

50 year old M with large polyp inside a main bronchus. #science #medsky #pathsky #lungpath

I think its trying to escape… #PathSky

The study results are likely not applicable to Germany, helios would argue for sure.

Patient with acute kidney injury following vancomycin treatment for pyelonephritis. Numerous unusual casts (no LC restriction, myo/hemoglobin and chromo negative). EM shows mixture of uromodulin protein and precipitate. C/W vancomycin cast nephropathy. #renalpath #pathsky #nephsky

40 + year old female. Cervical brush. Diagnosis: LSIL (Munich III calssific.: PAP III D1). Look at the cells... unhappy cells! #science #medsky #pathsky #cytosky #cervicalcytology

In a world of many many wtf, may I add this WTAF

Fun, incidental findings. Liver hemangioma with extramedullary hematopoiesis (yellow polygon) - mostly megas and erythroids, not a lot of grans in this case. Double bonus finding - erythrophagocytosis (yellow arrows). #PathSky #HemePath

50 + Female aith a lung tumor. Te biopsy of the lung showed a TTF-1 + Adenocarcinoma. PDL1 showed a tumor proportion score (TPS) of 100 %. #science #medsky #pathsky #lungpath #oncology #oncosky

50 + year old male. Large lung tumor. #science #medsky #pathsky #lungpath #lungsky

Euch allen ein glückliches, gesundes, erfülltes und friedliches neues Jahr

If you're ever uncertain whether there is "invasive" carcinoma on a biopsy or resection, look for stromal desmoplasia. Typically it's blue, especially if early. But don't be fooled; longstanding reactions can become sclerotic and appear more pink. Happy New Year! #Bluesky #PathSky #NYE2024

Is it a meloma or is it a dysplastic nevus? Some days ago my fellow collegues and I had a case of dysplastic nevus vs. melanoma. Maybe this quite nice paper will be helpful to you. #science #medsky #pathsky #dermsky #melanoma #nevus

Apoptotic cells in a colon crypt as sign of graft vs. host disease (GvHD) in a bone marrow transplanted patient. #PathSky