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I genuinely talk with my shrink about my solution: an Olympic pool and a wood chippers. The lucky one doed before the pool is full.
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A lot people make comparisons with Germany in the 30s. But the situation is the inverse. Democracy was relatively young in Germany and a lot of soldiers were far-right and wanted the old regime back. The U.S.A. have been a democracy for centuries and a lot soldiers and secret agents like the old way
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Vice-signaling. They inverse morality to gain martyrdom and saint status.
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God, he will become worse...
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None of them know how to keep a business alive. The last years have just been CEO and shareholders showing how inept they're and how much they hate their employees. Not just in gaming but in major sectors.
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I sleep in the cloud with all the other games he never touch!
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They could have sell the studio. Even selling it to the team for a fraction of its value will be more money than zero.
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I agree. I feel we will live through a decade of madness. An interregnum of rot where countless of live will be massacred. Trauma after trauma will be inflicted on massive scale for dreaded joy. It won't last. It will fail. Then we're going to rebuild what they burnt for the next twenty years.
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I still feel they're going so far it will return against them. They dream of prison and slavery. Just like the old slavers they forget they're dealing with people. Flesh and minds gifted with their own volition. In such condition, both will rebels against the cruelty.
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Carney also have a better media presence than most others candidate or even PM. He does a lot of podcasts. His team understand they need to use new vectors to communicate with the public. Freeland's team don't use as much those platform and focus more on traditional media.
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Yes. The Liberals want to distance themselves from Trudeau. Freelance was VP making her dead on arrival. Carney have policies/political experience (governor of BoC and BoE, UN envoy, advisors, etc.) without being associate with the political field. What Liberal wants.
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J'adore. En ce moment, l'incarnation même du chef d'entreprise qui dirige son pays comme l'une de ses compagnies est le Président des États-Unis, doublé d'un président fantôme qui est l'homme le plus riche du monde. Pis ce sont des néo-nazis. For fuck sake, can they read the room.
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Carpenter himself will probably agree on this one.
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PKP a juste été plus intelligent et a su se distancier des projecteurs. Il a gardé une vie privée au lieu de la plubiciser. Ça permet de garder un doute sur son point de vue. Mais ses actions, et celles de Québécor, démontre une malfaisance. Le mal a été fait en dépit de toute intention première.
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PKP est un milliardaire qui passe son temps avec d'autres milliardaires. Il partage les mêmes cercles que Musk et tant d'autres. Des pervers narcissiques qui masturbent l'épiderme de la nation pour mieux la tuer. Tout cela en utilisant leur dominance dans le milieu médiatique et communicationelle.
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Voyons, PKP finance MBC et Martineau depuis des années. Il est d'accord avec leur point de vue. C'est pas la première dérape. L'accident est arrivé il y a longtemps. L'appuie a tout le cirque médiatique de Dumont en 2007-2008 est l'exemple même de la malfaisance de Québécor.
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To be clear, this is an illiberal movement led by an authoritarian charismatic leader that glorifies a politics of brutality and uses a rhetoric of violent struggle.
So even if adopting the Nazi salute is *just* to own the libs, it is history repeating itself not as farce, but as irony.
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Samus at the Met Gala
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Because motion smoothing is analog to sanewashing as my future thesis will demonstrate: What is sanewashing if not smooting - reworking the image, polishing it, augmenting what is not there by adding a fake substance - to corrupt/correct (re)presentation and perception. Or Trump 2: Smoorting a turd.