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Economic history / Historical demography. Norwegian University of Science and Technology Missing girls in historical Europe:
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"It is not that I take exception to the general points made by you but that every ounce of my energy has been devoted to an active opposition to…the philosophy and practice of fascism." Bertrand Russell to Oswald Mosley, 22 January 1962

Re-upping this with a link to the open-access version of the article (at least temporarily):

When Queen Victoria’s mourning disrupted the "London Season" (elite marriage market), peer-commoner intermarriage rose by 40%, marital wealth sorting fell by 30%, and peers' political power declined as a result.

Volvemos a pedir vuestra contribución para que el blog pueda seguir activo. El blog es independiente y gestionado por la asociación NeG, que no acepta patrocinios y se financia exclusivamente con las cuotas de los socios y las donaciones de los lectores

Las tasas de masculinidad al nacer en España (sex ratio at birth) alcanzaron valores muy altos a principios de los 80s (108-109 niños por cada 100 niñas). ¿Qué estaba pasando?


Las tasas de masculinidad al nacer en España (sex ratio at birth) alcanzaron valores muy altos a principios de los 80s (108-109 niños por cada 100 niñas). ¿Qué estaba pasando?

Cuidados prenatales, preferencia por el varón y tasa de masculinidad al nacer Vía #Economía

it’s only taken me [forever] but i finally did my map of witchcraft cases in France 1790-1940 by department *adjusted for average department population in 1881* (the numbers are the department codes) 🗃️ #HexTag

Sex ratio map of the day.

Sharing a dataset with the number of boys and girls in Europe between 1841 and 1911: 21 countries, 1080 regions, 10 age-groups (23,260 observations in total):

Sharing a dataset with the number of boys and girls in Europe between 1841 and 1911: 21 countries, 1080 regions, 10 age-groups (23,260 observations in total):

The sex ratio at birth in Spain reached very high values (above 108-109 boys per hundred girls) in the early 1980s before returning to normal values at the end of the decade. Why?

Si eres lector de Nada es Gratis, el blog necesita tu aportación económica para no desaparecer por falta de recursos.

The sex ratio at birth in Spain reached very high values (above 108-109 boys per hundred girls) in the early 1980s before returning to normal values at the end of the decade. Why?

New article with Rebeca Echavarri in where we study what is behind the abnormal SRB in Spain during the early 1980s

“Prenatal Care, Son Preference & Sex Ratio at Birth”: Echavarri & find “healthcare system expansion ↑ the likelihood of male births in Spain btw 1975 & 1995,” w/ son preference vanishing after Franco's death.

“Desde la asociación “Nada es Gratis” queremos darte las gracias por leer nuestro blog. Un año más apelamos a tu generosidad para poder desarrollar esta labor… A lo largo de todos estos años, NeG ha ido analizando los problemas económicos de nuestro tiempo con el rigor científico”

Final reminder about this workshop. We are also grateful to have received funding from the economic history society that will help cover accommodation costs for a couple of PhD students. Please apply now!

Post omnibus: SAE, VII Premio TFG: “destacaron tanto por su calidad como por la variedad de temas tratados (igualdad de género, inteligencia artificial, medio ambiente…) y de metodologías utilizadas (teoría, análisis econométrico, experimentos de laboratorio y de campo).”

Session on Big data in Spanish history in the Congress of the Spanish Economic History Association.

Big day for Eftychia Kalaitzidou! Defending her wonderful thesis “The missing girls of Greece: Discriminatory practices against girls in Greece from late-19th- to early-20th-century”

Incredible project digitising 1.8 million aerial photographs taken over 60 countries in the mid-20th century. And look at the robotic arms that did the scanning!

There is just one more week until the deadline to apply for the Postdoc position in Economic History! #EconSky

Three **salaried** PhD positions available in History at the University of Oslo, projects should relate to one of these themes: Democracy / Knowledge / Rights / Migration. Anyone interested in working on something medieval with me is welcome to email me

Join us in Oslo. My department at has announced three openings for ph.d positions in history. Applicants should address at least one the following research Fields: • Democracy • Knowledge • Migration • Rights Please share generously!

No haga caso, los científicos (económicos) estamos sesgados, lo dice la ciencia (económica) Vía #Economía

Ready for a treat!

Hoy Antonio Cabrales en sobre la financiación de las universidades públicas. Spoiler:incentivos, incentivos, incentivos…

Who has precedence over children’s education? Parents or the state? And what should they be taught? That question matters to authoritarians, conservatives & liberals. It has shaped the history of primary education. My podcast with 🚌✏️

Teaching a PhD course on "Quantifying history" for the Norwegian Research School in History, together with Gregory Ferguson-Cradler (Trondheim, February 3-7): Deadline for applying closing soon (Dec 1st).