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FORS implements large-scale national and international surveys, offers data and research information services to researchers and academic institutions, and conducts methodological and thematic research.
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What pressing social or political issue should be explored in Switzerland? Your chance to shape the MOSAiCH Survey 2026. We are inviting researchers to propose survey questions that will complement the ISSP 2026 Role of Government VI module. Submit your proposal by April 21, 2025. ⬇️

The data from the fourth wave of the Selects Panel 2023 is now available for download ▶️ ▶️Our Swiss Election Study Selects has been investigating turnout and electoral behaviour in federal elections since 1995.

Vi siete mai chiesti come vengono trattati i vostri dati quando partecipate a una delle nostre indagini FORS? Per garantire una totale trasparenza, abbiamo creato un breve video che vi porta dietro le quinte dei nostri processi di sicurezza dei dati.

Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, wie Ihre Daten verarbeitet werden, wenn Sie an einer unserer FORS-Erhebungen teilnehmen? Um volle Transparenz zu gewährleisten, haben wir ein kurzes Video erstellt, das Ihnen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen unserer Datenschutzprozesse gibt.

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment vos données sont traitées lorsque vous participez à l’une de nos enquêtes FORS ? Afin de garantir une transparence totale, nous avons créé une courte vidéo qui vous emmène dans les coulisses de nos processus de sécurité des données.

📢 FORS supports the 29th Summer School in Social Sciences Methods in Lugano. 🗓 August 7–22, 2025 📍 Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Lugano 🇨🇭 ➡️Enhance your methodological skills in a structured & collaborative environment! REGISTER NOW ➡️

You can still register for this free online workshop. ⬇️

Enhancing Open Research Data (ORD) in Switzerland The Sounding Board of Service Providers has released a key report packed with insights & recommendations to strengthen Switzerland’s ORD ecosystem 🇨🇭, while fostering global research collaboration 🌍. ▶️

‪ FORS-DaSCH Online Webinar Series: Data Management for Humanities & Social Sciences! 📅 Next webinar: Applying FAIR & CARE Principles 🗓️ February 5, 2025 | 2:00–3:30 PM 👩‍🏫 Hosts: Noémi Villars-Amberg (DaSCH) & Meret Hildebrandt (FORS) 👉 Register now:

Submit your proposal NOW to celebrate 25 years of longitudinal research in Switzerland. The conference will take place on June 4-5, 2025. The call:

Love Data Week 2025: Celebrate Research Data and Data Management. FORS is contributing to this year’s Love Data Week with three free online presentations, focusing on open science, data sharing, and practical guidance for using SWISSUbase.

OEP comes to the JRC! A, & collaboration, in which we introduce a new linear scale that measures the median earnings of ISCO occupations and expresses them as percentiles of the overall earnings distribution

📢 MOSAiCH Call 2026 now out, with a thematic focus on "Role of Government". We invite researchers to propose questions for the 2nd part of the MOSAiCH Survey 2026, which will thematically complement the ISSP 2026 Role of Government VI module. Deadline: 21.04.25 ▶️

🚀 We’re Hiring: Head of IT Group (80-100%) Lead IT strategy, manage projects, and oversee operations at FORS, the Swiss Centre of Expertise in Social Sciences. 📍 Géopolis, UNIL | 📅 Start: 01.03.25 | Apply by: 21.01.25 👉 Details:

If you’re interested in the comparative study of elections, this new ressource is for you. Check it out!

FORS-DaSCH Online Webinar Series: Data Management for Humanities & Social Sciences! 📅 Next webinar: Applying FAIR & CARE Principles 🗓️ February 5, 2025 | 2:00–3:30 PM 👩‍🏫 Hosts: Noémi Villars-Amberg (DaSCH) & Meret Hildebrandt (FORS) 👉 Register now:

FORS met à disposition sur SWISSUbase les données de l’Observatoire des Élites Suisses (OBELIS): 15 ans de recherche sur les élites politiques, économiques, académiques et administratives helvétiques. Découvrez-les ici

We invite submissions for individual presentations or session proposals. Submissions should include longitudinal data and may stem from projects like SHP, TREE, SHARE, COCON, or other international datasets. Submission deadline: 17.01.2025

A lire dans le dernier numéro de la revue Social Change in Switzerland, publié par l'UNIL, le centre LIVES et FORS.

Jörg Stolz (UNIL) et al zeigen in der neuen Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Social Change in Switzerland (, dass Gruppen umso eher verschwinden, je kleiner sie sind und je jünger ihre Mitglieder sind.“#srfnews

It is not too late to register. ⬇️

Submit your abstract! The SHP and TREE organise a conference to celebrate 25 years of longitudinal surveys in 🇨🇭 at UNIL on June 4-5, 2025. Explore key themes like education, health, inequality, and more with top experts. Submit your abstract by Jan 17, 2025!

Die neuste Ausgabe der Schweizer Wahlstudie Selects von zeigt, dass das rechte Lager seine Basis bei den Wahlen 2023 besser zur Wahlteilnahme bewegen konnte als 2019. Neben dem Wahlverhalten wurden auch die Kampagnenausgaben untersucht.

Register now for our free online FORS + DaSCH online webinar series on Data Management for Social Sciences & Humanities. 📅 First session: Planning Data Management 🗓️ 🎙️ Led by Rita Gautschy (DaSCH) & Auriane Marmier (FORS)

Are you working with social science data? Don’t miss the chance to submit your paper for the FORS Data Re-use Award and win up to 1,000 CHF! 💸 Apply now and showcase your work! 🔗 Info & criteria:

🤩 Excited to introduce our enhanced search tool! Explore the Swiss Household Panel (SHP) questions with ease. Search by domain for relevant questions or customize searches by variable names, labels, or waves.

➡️An analysis of Open Research Data #ORD practices in Swiss Higher Education institutions. This second recORD report, funded by swissuniversities & written by FORS researchers, shows how ORD is integrated into recruitment, research proposals, and unit assessments.

👉 Volume 2, Issue 2 is here! Check out the latest research: 🖍️Operationalization's impact on socioeconomic status correlations 🖍️Gender gaps in students’ political knowledge 🖍️QR codes & survey response rates 🖍️Facebook ads & sample quality in Polish migrant surveys ➡️Open access:

Learn from experts at USI & FORS! Join our intensive Data Management program covering the research data lifecycle, FAIR principles, data management planning, ethics & more. -Online: Aug 26-30 + assessment-only on Sept 9 -In-person: Nov 25-29, Lugano campus

Call for Papers: Special Issue in Survey Methods: Insights from the Field➡️Advancing Comparative Research: Exploring Errors and Quality Indicators in Social Research. ➡️ ➡️Deadline: 30.09.2024

📣 New scientific-use-files containing the first 11 waves of the DAB panel study have been published at

The Swiss Summer School in Social Sciences Methods at USI introduces "Advanced Skills for Research Data Management & Open Science". Get a robust understanding of RDM and OS practices. Register now: 🗓️ Online: Aug 26-30 📍 In-person: Nov 25-29 in Lugano

The Swiss Political Science Review invites submissions for a Special Issue on the 2023 Swiss National Elections. Contributions are sought that explore new theoretical, methodological, or empirical aspects of election campaigns and voting behavior in Switzerland.

Analyse des élections fédérales 2023 par Selects : L'UDC focalise sur l'immigration, le PS séduit les électeurs verts. Le centre attire des soutiens de tous bords, tandis que la droite montre une participation accrue.

Neue Selects-Studie zu den Eidgenössischen Wahlen 2023 zeigt: SVP mobilisiert mit Zuwanderungsthema, SP gewinnt Grünen-Wählende zurück. Mitte-Partei zieht von links und rechts an. Rechtes Lager mit höherer Wahlbeteiligung. Zum Bericht:

📌 New R package for the Swiss Household Panel 📌 By using “seqSHP” 👍 developed by Prof. emer. Gilbert Ritschard 🎓, you simplify your life 😁 when building SHP files #swisshouseholdpanel #FORS

Thrilled to be at the 1st 🇨🇭 #Reproducibility Conference in Zürich with researcher Michael Ochnser, delving into the role of reproducibility across disciplines. We also introduce our FORS Replication Service, a free solution for the sharing of replication materials

Attending the "Science Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Conference". Exciting range of topics discussed #SciComm #AIConference2024 #chatgpt

📢 Calling all young researchers! Submit your paper using FORS social science data and win up to 1,000 CHF in the FORS Data Re-use Award! 🏆   Deadline: October 1, 2024 Submit to: [email protected] #FORS #DataReUseAward #Research #AcademicOpportunity

Call for contributions on “Exploring Social Stratification Dynamics: Insights from Longitudinal Survey Data”, edited by members of the SHP team. In view of the upcoming 25th anniversary of the SHP, this collection aims to showcase research using panel data.

Switzerland launches the SSHOC-CH open cluster, reshaping collaboration for SSH scholars! Discover synergies, coordinate resources & support research with #OpenScience & #FAIRprinciples. Join us #ResearchInnovation 🌐🇨🇭

📢Schweizer Methodenfestival für Qualitative Forschungsmethoden: 👉4./5. September 2024 in St. Gallen mit 15 Forschungsateliers. 👉Besonderer Fokus: Künstliche Intelligenz in der qualitativen Sozialforschung. Anmeldefirst: 26.05.24

Hurry up to register❗️ You can sign up until this Sunday May 5th to attend this exciting #CNESSeminar event on incentive use: ⬇️

This year's Infrastructure Prize for Sociology goes to the European Social Survey ESS. Proud to be Switzerland's representative of this survey.

The SHP team has published a call for contributions for the Research Topic “Exploring Social Stratification Dynamics: Insights from Longitudinal Survey Data”. Submit your abstract until July 31, 2024. Please find all the information here:

To all researchers who are interested in candidate data: The Comparative Candidates Survey(CCS) is gearing up for Round IV (2025–2030). Submit your questions/modules for the CCS questionnaire by June 10, 2024. All info

The ISSP is pleased to announce the publication of the first partial data release of the ISSP 2021 Health and Health Care II. Data and documentation on this release can be found here:

Register now for the Swiss Household Panel workshop June 4-7, 2024. On June 4: SHP study & data management with SPSS. June 5-7, Matthias Studer, Gilbert Ritschard & Kevin Emery give a course on sequence data analysis. The application deadline is May 27, 2024.

Our Annual Report 2023 is out now! Explore our achievements, collaborations, and insights as we advance research globally.