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Author of fantasy and other things imagined.
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Dominique is a rare child born into this world of hardship and suffering. Join her as she struggles to discover more and stay alive - we live till we die. Dying Under an Empty Blue Sky

Powerful groups vie for transhumanism, joining with technology so that we are not outpaced and left on the wayside to perish in an increasingly perishable environment. And so, the future finds us clinging on with committed schisms elevated to the level of religious doctrines.

Some believe we should accept and live with the natural world no matter how precarious it is. Others think we should acknowledge that the processes of evolution are too slow for the conditions we have created, as we have tampered with and transformed the very face of nature

What does the future hold for us? Humanity is racing to limit the possibilities, and most of these timelines are not promising. Still, we will continue striving to survive, for this is hardwired into our DNA. Dying Under an Empty Blue Sky

He was born in 1914 in a little village near Ferrara. Life was much different then, but hard, a different kind of hard than one would find today, more physical, more immediate. If he were not careful, a man could feel its pitiless hand in the emptiness of his stomach.

He had to go down. He could not ignore the summons, but the mountain, as always, had her arms locked tightly around him. He could not pull his thoughts away from her magnificent beauty. Like an enchantress, she held him riveted to the spot. His soul belonged to her.

In every family, there is always a unique character with an iron backbone, willing to face the vagaries of fate with dignity and courage to protect his own. His heart lies buried in the mountains of Abruzzo.

‘You are even a bigger fool than I first thought – all balls and no brain. Oh, don’t look so offended and hurt, my brave man. You lead well from the front. Men admire you, but you lack a certain element, a sophistication of the mind. A common shortfall in most men, I find.’ Snow Queen, The Chosen

An invisible, calm force lay around Morgan, a shimmering heatwave ringing a remote island, unreachable. The source of this power he held controlled within his core, banded in iron bonds of discipline. An observer could sense its presence but not see it with the naked eye. The Chosen

‘Hold the line, boys! We run no further. We are home. This spot is where we were born and where we stand till death finds us!’ There was no need for a lie when the truth was plain for all to see, even those who preferred to remain blind. The Chosen

When Jesus Christ came upon the Earth, you killed Him. The son of your own God. And only after He was dead did you worship Him and start killing those who would not. — Tecumseh, Shawnee #NativeAmericanWisdom

‘He was a black wizard, I tell you. He didn’t have a face, just burning eyes, like a cat’s in the firelight. He called up the poxy storm. For what dark purpose only Father Brine knows.’ The Turning

He leapt to his feet, dropping his stick clattering to the rocks, as he saw looming above him a dripping apparition of doom, a sea bottom crawler for sure, with the sun rising dazzlingly behind its form, hooded and terrible. Crusher launched himself, a growl resonating from his savage throat.

‘Who in tarnation are you?’ croaked the Captain. The figure turned, smooth and oiled. The Captain caught a glimpse of a bearded face under the deep cowl, with eyes that shone with an unholy light, penetrating his very soul and examining it. Gods, he wished he hadn’t asked that question. The Turning

Can someone outrun his destiny? We must all turn at some time and confront our fears, even a gifted elemental such as Morgan. His brother will ensure this. They are one.

“We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist” James Baldwin

Karl never surrendered. Once he breathed, he would fight. He knew and accepted no other way. It was his nature, and he revelled in it. Snarling deep in his mind, he fought the drugs that sought to overwhelm him. The Fallen One

How Intellectuals Shape the Best Fantasy Novels Modern fantasy is redefining the role of scholars, making academic knowledge as powerful as swords and magic. From libraries to research, these stories prove that intelligence drives world-changing events. Discover how scholarship is shaping the best…

The root of bitterness took hold and grew when they were yet still young. This twisting is the path of Destiny.

Releasing both breath and bowstring smoothly, they sent their barbed arrows cutting straight at the strange shadow. With a blur of movement almost too fast to follow, the shadow ducked and twisted right, the shafts meant for it thudding into the rough bark of the tree behind. The Hidden King

He stood firm on an island of calm on that drenched, forsaken hill. The King’s guard captain, general in all but the name of the King’s armies, noted that a determined and wily foe was subtly drawing the right wing under the valiant command of Lord Constable Highwater down the treacherous mud banks

The tale of the Brothers of Destiny. The first three books.

On the hill's highest point, he stood in the slippery, oozing mud, at the centre of a ring of iron disciplined, chain-mailed warriors forming a circle around their King—a ring of grim steel, two-hundred strong, three-layered deep, unbreakable. The Hidden King

Back to you Jim.......

An exceptionally tall, long-limbed youth between eighteen and twenty years lay supine on the iron-caged wagon’s bare wooden floorboards. The lad’s head lay covered with thick, coarse, curling chestnut hair that hung below his broad, powerfully built shoulders. The Fallen One - Krarl

A person knows when he is genuinely empty, for even his tears have deserted him. His centre is a dry place where nothing lives, and there is no memory of emotion. He sees and hears but does not feel. Life has lost all flavour, and there is no joy. A Memory of the Infidel's Dance

But teacher. . . .

We'll Take the Fight in Shifts A poem for anyone feeling alone or overwhelmed at the moment


Culture, pain, music and dance are a mix of lost and found in life's journey. We are one world and one people.

What does the future hold for us? Humanity is racing to limit the possibilities, and most of these timelines are not promising. Still, we will continue striving to survive, for this is hardwired into our DNA.

One thing we can do to challenge systemic barriers in the publishing industry is throw our support behind Black and brown people in publishing. Here’s an author I want you to do that for. Go pre-order this incredible fantasy! When it launches next month, I’ll be hosting a buddyread!

Where do you go when you do not belong?

Still, even with this small number, we have no harmony. The taint of Satan still lies in our failing hearts, Grandfather says. Our souls lie damned to extinction, but we yet pretend to build empires out of dust and ruin. We cannot forget even if we cannot learn. PENANCE

The first sign of what was to come was when the crops failed—shrivelling in dry, baked and cracked mud. What happens when the food runs out? PENANCE

In The Lost World of the Kalahari, Laurens van der Post describes how shocked the bushmen were when they discovered he couldn’t hear the stars. Perhaps he was joking or lying. To them, being unable to hear nature was the most serious affliction a person could have—a sign of profound disconnection.

A great place to hunker down for the winter, gather your thoughts, and write. Fantastic Abruzzo!

The vision of a carbon-free, net-zero society is often framed around the promise of transitioning away from fossil fuels. But what can we learn from past “energy transitions” that might inform how feasible – or unrealistic – this vision actually is?

Is this road of convenience, this path to progress, leading us to possible perdition? We must ask the questions. Can we afford to be nonchalant? Who among us can contemplate or survive such a future, for us or our children? Read and evaluate while there is still time.

Time no longer trickles through your fingers if you listen to a stream's soft music.

In every family, there is always a unique character with an iron backbone, willing to face the vagaries of fate with dignity and courage to protect his own. His heart lies buried in the mountains of Abruzzo.