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#MosaicMonday - Kicking off the new week with a burst of colour, courtesy of this showy little star! Central emblem of the eponymous mosaic of 'Villa du Paon', Vaison-la-Romaine: ca. Mid-2nd Century AD. #Archaeology #Art 🏺 Image: Musée Theo Desplan. Link -

Roman mosaic of a walled town from the House of Cantaber in Conimbriga, Portugal, 2nd century. Original & models I drew. I'll build your mosaic table based on this design (or on another one of your choice) #romanmosaics, #mosaictable, #portugal, #romanart, #mosaicartist, #mosaiqueromaine,

on #mosaicmonday original #romanmosaics of a Thrush from Avenches, Switzerland. A model I made of it and the real bird. Some of those painter-mosaicists were really good at observing nature ! I'll build this mosaic for you ! #birdwatching #grive #romanbirds

I think it’s important to draw attention to small acts of courage and dissent (like this NYT ad and the message from the VT ski resort social media manager) that remind people of the range of possibilities for standing up, speaking out, and fighting back.

The early medieval burial from Gammertingen, 6th c. AD. The high-ranking warrior died in his early 30s and was buried with a Byzantine helmet (a so-called Spangenhelm), his weapons, and his mail armour – which consisted of about 45,000 iron rings! 📷Landesmuseum Württemberg 🏺 #archaeology

"Asian Face mosaic". Black and white model & 3 of several variation colors. #mosaicportrait #modernmosaics

This is one of the way #karma operates.

on #mosaicmonday, 3 roman mosaics of #pancration boxers from Thuburbo Maius, Tunisia, Villelaure, France, & Salzburg, Austria. #romanmosaic #romanmosaics #boxing #martialarts

Variations on a mosaic portrait. Opus Pixellatum #mosaic. Same eyes, different treatments, same technique. #mosaicportrait #modernmosaic

A #maze may or not have a solution. A #labyrinth has one only solution. I just designed this maze I'll use as model for a #mosaictable this summer. The final piece will likely look like the last one. #mosaic #modernmosaic #mosaicmonday

For #MosaicMonday a #Roman mosaic with a mesmerizing 3D effect. Domus Romana, near Rabat and Mdina, #Malta , dating 100 BC. 📷 🏺 AncientBluesky

The discovery of an Early-Medieval Cult Site at Hezingen in Eastern Netherlands was prompted by metal-detected finds. In such sites Diobolgeldae (Devil's money) was offered to pre-christian gods, likely to placate & thank them for good harvests. Full article :

Greetings from Halicarnassus, Turkey. Original 4th cent mosaic & models I made from it. I'll build this mosaic for you. ΥΓΕΊΑ, ΖΩΉ, ΧΑΡΆ, ΕΙΡΉΝΗ, ΕΓΘΓϺΊΑ, ΕΛΠΊΔΑ. υγεία, ζωή, χαρά, ειρήνη, εγθγϺία, ελπίδα. HEALTH, LIFE, JOY, PEACE, EFFECT, HOPE. Health, Longevity, happiness, peace, success, hope

A few pictures from a short well written article about early floor mosaics of Istanbul. The geometric parts are quite intricate and richly realized by great craftsmen. #romanmosaics, #turkey #turkiye #istanbul #constantinople

I’d be playing this record now if there wasn’t a power cut. RIP Marianne Faithfull.

Artist’s painting of a hippo on a flake of limestone, c. 1479–1425 BC 🦛❤️ Perhaps a practice sketch or a template from 3,500 years ago! MMA excavations 1922-23, Deir el-Bahri, Thebes, Egypt. 📷 The Met #FindsFriday #Archaeology

This marvellous life-sized #horse head made of gilded bronze belonged to a figural group of a #Roman emperor in a quadriga or a biga (a chariot drawn by four or two horses). Found in Augsburg, dating 1st/2nd century AD Photo: Römisches Museum/Andreas Brücklmair 🏺 AncientBluesky #archaeology

Eritreia, Greece. 4th or 5t century BC pebble mosaic of 2 satyrs. One plays the Aulos double flute, the other one is dancing. Original, and my own 21st century rendition of them. #pebblemosaics #satyrs, #fauns #faun #greekmythology, #aulos

I look at myself in the mirror. I look young, handsome, friendly and in great shape, as if I were 20 years old. Tomorrow, I'll buy the same bottle of wine.

Can you figure out what this Roman mosaic is about ? What it represents ? And where is it displayed ? Hint : As a result of the scene depicting here, all hell broke loose, and many brave (and not so brave) men perished... #romanmosaics #bronzeage #mysterymosaic

For those interested in what actually cuneiform is and how it developed from a bunch of logograms in a single language (Sumerian) to a multilayered script used to write many languages, I dedicate a chapter to this in my book. I may or may not use emojis to explain this

La mosaique des Canards au musee d'Autun, Original, et dessins des canards, elements de bordure et modele de petite mosaique que j'en ai fait.

Stone molds from Southern #Ukraine bronze age. Out of «Археологическая карта Причерноморья» "Archaeological map of the Black Sea region" #bronzeage #foundry #bronzecasting

2,100-year-old Alexander the Great mosaic analyzed for restoration

4 mosaiques romaines sont exposees au Musee de Sens. La mosaique aux cerfs, datee du 5eme siecle, est d'inspiration chretienne. #mosaiqueromaine #romanmosaics #mosaiquechretienne

on #mosaicmonday...

Il y a 5 ans, je fabriquais cette mosaique pour un eleveur de chevres d'Alabama... #mosaicmonday #mosaiquemoderne #chevres #elevagecaprin #boergoats

Ephrem the Syrian

Damn, I didn't receive my invite!

Bel exemple d'excellence des bronziers gaulois.

Geometric Mosaic floor Late 2nd/early 3rd cent. CE . Nea Paphos Archaeological Site. #MosaicMonday

Where is the muskie guy? He beats them all...

3 Roman mosaics from 3rd century Britain. Roman mosaic it's (&earlier painters) tended to use colors in that order : black and white, red, yellow. #romanmosaics #romanBritain #Europa #greekmythology

Revisiting ancient finds with the new tools available today reveal interesting details. Imagine what we'll be able to do 50 years down the road!

I saw this one 😁. Quite impressive. No offshore accounts to hide your cash in the 2nd century...

A reconstruction of the site of Colletières in France, built around 1007.

The Long Neolithic has gifted us hundreds of places that were once houses of of the dead and now offer shelter for the living current of folklore as well as cattle or hikers caught in downpour. Absence of their builders has not meant any absence of utility. – Dr. K. Brophy #StandinggStoneSunday

Sure you've seen the famous #BayeuxTapestry, but have you seen it in all its sensational high-res thread-glory? Breathtaking online resource, a joint effort of the City of Bayeux, DRAC Normandie, Fabrique de patrimoines en Normandie, University of Caen, & CNRS:

This beautiful little cobalt blue fellow is a glass Roman mouse with snake thread decoration on his body. It dates to the 3rd century AD. 🏛️📷 NY Met


Mosaic high chairs. A mallard duck from Spello, Italy, and an Egyptian goose from Ussetia (modern Uzes), France. 450 euros each. 700 for both.