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Director of FEANTSA ( Posting on #homelessness, housing & EU social policy
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Bad start of hearing EU Cohesion Commissioner Fitto by EP Housing Committee. He started by stating ALL income groups are affected by affordable housing crisis. NO!! Here 👇 latest Eurostat data. In housing costs overburden: -30% of 1st income quintile -8% of 2nd -4% of 3rd -2% of 4th -1% of 5th

Bad start of hearing EU Cohesion Commissioner Fitto by EP Housing Committee. He started by stating ALL income groups are affected by affordable housing crisis. NO!! Here 👇 latest Eurostat data. In housing costs overburden: -30% of 1st income quintile -8% of 2nd -4% of 3rd -2% of 4th -1% of 5th

No surprise that youth is pitched as key target group for EU Affordable Housing Plan at EP HOUS Committee today. Before jumping to conclusions 👇 the stats. Ppl affected by housing cost overburden in EU: -11% of young btw 20-29 -10% of 65+ -9% of all ages Age = bad predictor of housing exclusion!

My take on hearing of Housing Commissioner Joergensen in EP HOUS Committee today: -careful noncommital Commissioner -subsidiarity elephant in the room -statements rather than questions -ideology trumps evidence/data -high risk to overpromise and underdeliver -pragmatism will be key to success

My take on hearing of Housing Commissioner Joergensen in EP HOUS Committee today: -careful noncommital Commissioner -subsidiarity elephant in the room -statements rather than questions -ideology trumps evidence/data -high risk to overpromise and underdeliver -pragmatism will be key to success

No surprise that youth is pitched as key target group for EU Affordable Housing Plan at EP HOUS Committee today. Before jumping to conclusions 👇 the stats. Ppl affected by housing cost overburden in EU: -11% of young btw 20-29 -10% of 65+ -9% of all ages Age = bad predictor of housing exclusion!

First sunstantive meeting of new EP Housing Committee about to start.

Why can EU officials spend on average 25% more on hotel and food when on mission abroad than everybody else using EU budget resources?!

New publication 📢 ‘A Compendium of Research, Policies and Services on Homelessness among LGBTIQ+ people'...

Not to miss!

Registrations are now open for the FEANTSA Forum2025 in Athens! 🏛️ Join us on May 13-14 for the largest event on homelessness in Europe. Connect with experts, service providers, policymakers, and more. 🎫 Register & see the full programme:

Why this practice to restrict field visit of high-level Commission officials and Commissioners working on social policy to projects funded by ESF+?! Can lead to a quite distorted picture of the social reality and probably also an overestimation of the impact of EU funds...

First real meeting of the EP Housing Committee on 3 March. On the agenda a debate with Commissioners Joergensen and Fitto. DYK - 23 of the 33 members of the Committee are women.

A wish or a statement of fact?!

Only one small sentence in the programme of the new Austrian government, but important! The government commits to advancing the Housing First approach to #homelessness. Must be a first. Something to build on.

New Austrian government programme includes a rent cap. Rents will be decoupled from the consumer price index. Maximum increases will be set each year. Zero increase allowed in first year.

So weak, so sad... Until recently was an influential voice in EU, an effective convener of (public) health actors in Europe. Now, members are running away. Once an NGO with close to 100 members, now 42 are left. How can silencing people be the way forward?!

⬇️ #Trumpian: Silencing critical voices doesn’t mean inconvenient viewpoints vanish from needed conversations at European Public Health Alliance ⬇️ Lessons still not learned after last year’s chaos - - now with half its membership and most advisors/board members gone

📃The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) has found that Spain has violated several provisions of the revised European Social Charter in relation to the prolonged power cuts affecting residents of Sectors 5 and 6 of Cañada Real, Madrid...

More than a decade active membership in, 10 years on the board, 2 years as vice-president, and more than 1 year as president. And this is what I get?! An unsollicited block?! Thank you. Echo chambers are dangerous...

Finally! Data on #homelessness from the 2021 population census in France are available. Almost 170.000 sheltered and unsheltered homeless + people living in places not intented for permanent habitation such as garages, huts or caravans. Huge underestimate...

Finally! Data on #homelessness from the 2021 population census in France are available. Almost 170.000 sheltered and unsheltered homeless + people living in places not intented for permanent habitation such as garages, huts or caravans. Huge underestimate...

EU Energy and Housing Commissioners Dan Joergensen will include #homelessness in the EU Affordable Housing Plan (launch in Q4 of 2025). Good to see it confirmed in writing...

Next meetings of European Parliament's new Housing Commitee.

If evidence-based interventions are so important for DG Employment of the EU Commission, why is there so much support (seems almost unconditional) to continue financing food aid with ESF+ resources?! What is the evidence it works to reduce (extreme) poverty?

🔜 Registration is still open! Join us tomorrow at 11 AM CET for a webinar on Hospital Discharge and Homelessness in Europe. Follow this link to register on Zoom: See you there!

At European Employment Committee presentation by Commissioner - delighted again to hear her state her commitment to tackle homelessness as part of her priority list. #HousingHousingHousing #ForTheLoveOfDublin

Classic example of how extreme right uses #homelessness to fuel its anti-immigration ideas. We are going to see more of this in the coming years in the European Parliament.

Many of the big problems in the world are caused by or related to high levels of inequality, and we count increasingly on billionaires and oligarchs to solve them. What could possibly go wrong?!

Another important piece of research financed by DG EMPL of EU Commission going to a commercial consultancy. This time on non take-up of social benefits. As if valuable expertise of (European) NGOs on the matter does not count. Lucky one this time: Verian (formerly Kantar). Value of contract 450k€.

Go to Google Search "Gulf of Mexico" Click the 3 little dots next to "Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)" Choose "Send feedback" Click "Gulf of America" Click "Inaccurate content" Click "Incorrect" Tell Google the correct name

Almost 3 months into the mandate of the new Commission College and still no list of members of the cabinets of the 27 EU Commissioners. Why?!

Is this serious Google??

Why do EU policy makers think it is good idea to target limited EU housing resources to families & youth? As if that is effective way to tackle housing need?! Only minority families & young are in housing difficulties + most homeless ppl are single adults… Cater for need, don’t just fuel demand!

Dit is onzin. In 2024 bedraagt het gewaarborgd minimumloon €2.070,48 bruto/maand. Het leefloon voor een alleenstaande bedraagt €1.288,46/maand. Het leefloon voor iemand met kinderen bedraagt €1.741,29/maand. De leeflonen zijn niet te hoog, wel integendeel: ze dwingen ontvangers in de armoede. 🧵

Pure evil!