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Official Bluesky account for the Forgotten Realms Wiki, an encyclopedia with over 57,000 fan-authored #dnd articles. Posts D&D lore 3x daily. Mastodon:
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🗓️ Category of the Week: Two-handed weapons 📜 Articles: 234 A list of two-handed weapons, such as greatswords, halberds, flails and polearms. #dnd forgottenrealms.fand...

Crosswinds Keep was a fortified town on the Astral Plane built into the skull of a dead god by a retired party of adventurers from Faerûn after one of them, Moala Addrell, received a divine prompt from Chauntea herself. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

The women of #dnd are warriors, mages, rogues, rulers & adventurers. They’re also the game designers, writers, artists, & players who bring the game to life. Women have been part of #ttrpg from the very beginning Today, we celebrate them all. #IWD2025 #InternationalWomensDay

The Dancing Ring was an ancient cult who believed their monthly ritual dances kept the realm of Turmish strong. Their influence waned over time as folk came to question the motives of the cult's mysterious masked leaders. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

A helm of darkness appeared much like a regular, well-worn helm—until it was equipped, at which point its clearly shadow magical appearance became visible. Such helms were imbued with a plethora of shadow-themed defenses. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Waterwalkers were specialty priests of Istishia, the Water Lord. They tended to be folks of an aquatic persuasion, such as tritons and merfolk. Being highly attuned to elemental water, they were prohibited from using any fire-related magic. #dnd forgottenrealms.fand...

Seltarir was the King of Estagund in the Shining South during the 11th century DR, who inherited a broke country and sold his crown for diamonds for one million gold coins to finance and rebuild the nation. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Shimmersky Valley was a beautiful and peaceful area in the Frozenfar, and a cherished stopover for travelers in the region. The Valley was filled with ice mephits and bheur hags who were drawn there by its pure elemental cold. #dnd #forgottenrealms forgottenrealms.fand...

21 Years Ago: Player's Guide to Faerûn was released. This 3.5e resource updates many rules from 3e provides additional spells, magic items, & prestige classes; expanded cosmology; psionics lore; & more. #dnd #TBThursday #tbt forgottenrealms.fand...

The spell daydream allowed clerics of Brandobaris, the Master of Stealth, to very mildly distract someone from afar, just enough that they could sneak past them (or plant a dagger in their back). #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

The Unclaimed was the memoir of a Sharran priestess who had surrendered all her memories to the Lady of Loss before entering into the afterlife, then was abandoned by Shar, her soul left to wander the City of Judgment for eternity #dnd #BaldursGate3 #BG3 forgottenrealms.fand...

Auvrarn Labraster was a Waterdhavian fur merchant who became embroiled in an obscure cabal led by Halaster Blackcloak. This eventually brought him the ire of the Seven Sisters of Mystra. #dnd #forgottenrealms #WaterdeepWednesday forgottenrealms.fand...

The owner of the carpentry business Bloodyknuckles in Skullport was rumored to be secretly hiring troublemakers to incite bar brawls, thereby increasing demand for replacement chairs and tables. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

The divine spell telepathy created a telepathic link between its caster and another creature, allowing them to mentally communicate at four times the speed of verbal communication. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Tourmaline golems were constructs fashioned using tourmaline gems from the mines of Termalaine in Icewind Dale. They were created by the disgraced Red Wizard Marcos Flass. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

The Church of Gorm Gulthyn was the primary religious organization dedicated to the worship and service of the god Gorm Gulthyn, the Lord of the Bronze Mask. Members of the church were known as "Gormites". #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

The palm sign amulets were gifted to the Sheikh of the Oasis of the White Palm by the legendary wizard Martek. If the efreeti lord Khalitharius ever broke free from his imprisonment, the amulets could summon the djinni Aeraldoth to combat him. #dnd forgottenrealms.fand...

Watching Honor Among Thieves? Looking for every creature cameo, Easter egg, and behind-the-scenes detail? Our wiki’s got you covered with a massive index of everything in the film—plus all the real-world production lore. #dnd #forgottenrealms forgottenrealms.fand...

Although initially annoyed being summoned to scout the aboleth city of Xxiphu, the angel of exploration Mapathious soon grew curious and committed to the task—at least until he was murdered by a kraken. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

The Cult of the Sacred Skull was a strange, fanatical cult in the Anauroch desert whose mind flayer leader was actually controlled by phaerimm. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

🗓️ Category of the Week: Locations in Northwest Faerûn 📜 Articles: 1,970 A list of locations found in NW Faerûn, generally referred to as the North or even the Savage North #dnd forgottenrealms.fand...

Reavers were aquatic creatures from the Domains of Dread who on rare occasions intruded into Torils waters to plague fishermen and others living near the shore. #dnd #forgottenrealms #ravenloft 📖: MC Ravenloft Appendix 🎨: Tom Baxa forgottenrealms.fand...

Athtar Nlossae, an elf of Cormanthor, anticipated great chaos and great opportunity arising in the wake of Elminster being named armathor—an unheard-of honor for a human. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Stop by Beauty and the Beholder with Kikiromi for some saucy gossip about the deities of the #forgottenrealms and #BaldursGate3. And, of course, thematic make-up and cosplay for each of the gods discussed.

Owlhold was a wild and uncharted territory in the Border Kingdoms, once home to the gnomish kingdom of Oelerhode. What few people lived there tended to be outlaws, adventurers, and the hardy Owlen folk. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

The South Cemetery of Zhentil Keep was originally warded against undead, but the magic wasn't properly maintained and so waned over time. Consequently, the place was absolutely filled with roaming undead. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

The group of guardinal paragons known as Talisid and the Five Companions protected the House of Nature, a plane on which many Faerûnian deities resided, from all forms of evil, smashing it wherever it popped up. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

25 Years Ago: Secrets of the Magister was released. This accessory was one of the last books released for 2e #dnd. It focuses on the Magister of Mystra, including the powers they wield, the challenges they face, & the secrets they guard #TBThursday #tbt forgottenrealms.fand...

Specialty priests of the Church of Yondalla were known as horn guards. The most powerful such priests could assume the form of a mammalian animal—reptiles and birds were off-limits. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Warduke was an infamous member of the League of Malevolence from the world of #Greyhawk who became a servant of the Hourglass Coven and guarded the imprisoned Iggwilv in the Feywild. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Aurora's Realms Shop, Street of the Tusks Catalogue Counter was a branch of the Aurora's Emporium chain in the Trades Ward of Waterdeep. It was run by the matronly clerk Orgula Samshroon and the shy service-mage Dhaunryl Zalimbar #dnd #WaterdeepWednesday forgottenrealms.fand...

Miltiades was a legendary paladin who was punished by his deity, Tyr, into becoming a death knight. Centuries later, he redeemed himself by helping to recover the Hammer of Tyr and was returned to life. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

The Rockfire cataclysm destroyed large portions of the Underdark, permanently closing passages that had linked Faerûn and Maztica. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Highhome was a dwarven fastness on Gwynneth in the Moonshae Isles whose finest smiths crafted the Sword of Cymrych Hugh which was used to defeat the beast known as Kazgaroth. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Crennon Centime was an Amnian jeweler-turned-wizard who developed what he referred to as "money magic"; the only sort of magic he found worthwhile. His life goal was to create a money-fireball that would explode in a shower of coins. #dnd forgottenrealms.fand...

Shadowcrawlers were subterranean predators that resembled an uncanny mixture of cat and spider. They were solitary beings that harbored hatred towards all other things, quite unlike cats who were merely indifferent. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

A pair of Sarifal feywardens from the Moonshae Isles. They were highly respected guardians and were renowned as champions of the natural world. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore 📖: Dragon 405 🎨: Beth Trott forgottenrealms.fand...

The Isle of the Long Legged and Long Armed was a tiny island in Wa, Kara-Tur, inhabited by a strange species of inch-tall people with relatively long legs and arms, known for their artistry. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Lethias Enaril, the Bladesinger of the Seldarine, was the protector of the Hand of the Seldarine citadel in the Spine of the World until his death during its fall, and after, as a ghostly defender of the ruins. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

🗓️ Category of the Week: Magic clothing 📜 Articles: 317 A list of magic clothing found in the #forgottenrealms #dnd forgottenrealms.fand...

Stonebirds was a spell used by clerics of Ilmater that summoned a flock of birds that were immediately transformed into living stone. The caster could then order these stone birds about. Truly, a spell for the birds. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Klavikus, a balor in the service of Zhengyi the Witch-King, with his books inside Castle Perilous. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore 📖: The Throne of Bloodstone 🎨: Graham Nolan forgottenrealms.fand...

Songbird was a talented Turmishan half-elven songstress and actress impervious to divination magics. She was famed for performing a ballad cycle revolving around the mythical Princess Arissaea. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Spell-web was the practice of intertwining several spells together so that they could be unleashed upon activation of certain triggers. Their functionality varied greatly, & their usage was spread from Cormanthyr to Lantan #dnd #forgottenrealms forgottenrealms.fand...

The city of Oeble was a dangerous crime-ridden place inhabited by humans and monstrous humanoids alike, nestled between several tumultuous nations in the Border Kingdoms. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

Burrowville was a halfling town and vacation destination for adventurers in Amn, famous for its local tobacco which was said to have invigorating properties when inhaled. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

The Edu'sascar were a set of enchanted placards created by the monks of S'tung Monastery in T'u Lung, each of which had a unique power ranging from speaking with plants to mass healing. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

33 Years Ago: Treasures of the Savage Frontier was released. This gold-box game had the players embark on a seemingly impossible mission: protect the ambassadors of the Lords' Alliance. #dnd #TBThursday #tbt forgottenrealms.fand...

Hallucinations were perceived aspects of reality that did not actually exist. These delusions could take any form and have any level of detail, and were able to be induced with illusion magic. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...

The epic necromancy spell mummy dust let a caster summon evil mummies. One variant of the spell summoned only a single mummy, but in return it was a more powerful, katana-wielding sort. #dnd #forgottenrealms #Realmslore forgottenrealms.fand...