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Human, writer, critic, social researcher, professor, critical communication & social theory, Editor:
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Wir haben vor der #Bundestagswahl wirklich alles probiert, um #Tiktok klarzumachen, wie viel Desinformation auf der Plattform kursiert. Aber so richtig interessiert hat es den Tech-Giganten nicht:

Das erste Ergebnis zur #Bundestagswahl ist da:

New tripleC article by Andrew du Rocher: Is Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid the Antidote to the Predatory Journal Problem?

#Geel is leading the way in digital democracy! 🗳️ As one of the two pilot cities for INNOVADE, Geel will test the Digital Democracy App for secure and inclusive online participation. Learn more🔗 #CivicEngagement #GovTech

🤝 The future of #DigitalDemocracy is built together! 🤝 Are you working on digital governance, civic technologies, or #AI for democracy? We want to hear from you! Join our community to help us shape the future of online participation. Join us today➡️

The INNOVADE project is now fully under way, with our first press release just published! Read it here to learn about how we can contribute to understanding and supporting Digital Democracies➡️

Hello BlueSky, welcome to INNOVADE! This European-funded project will advance #digitaldemocracy by developing practical tools and solutions for policymakers, researchers, and citizens. We recently had our kickoff in Brussels and are now hard at work! Check it out here➡️

The late great Vincent Mosco’s memoir is now available open access and in print Thanks to Dan Schiller for foreword & kind words of endorsers incl & #openaccess #criticalcommunications

Antonio Negri, Spinoza, Marx, and Digital Capitalism By Christian Fuchs. Philosophy and Social Criticism This paper combines Spinoza, Marx, and Antonio Negri in order to analyse digital capitalism.

New tripleC article: Cosmolocalism Against Platform Capitalism: Evidence From Ridesharing By Yosuke Uchiyama

New tripleC article: Cosmolocalism Against Platform Capitalism: Evidence From Ridesharing By Yosuke Uchiyama

Antonio Negri, Spinoza, Marx, and Digital Capitalism By Christian Fuchs. Philosophy and Social Criticism This paper combines Spinoza, Marx, and Antonio Negri in order to analyse digital capitalism.

New tripleC article by Zhongkai Qian & Ngai Pun A Critique of the Chinese Radical Net-Philosophy Community This article analyses the dynamics of the Chinese net-philosophy community, a unique digital and radical subculture that engages with philosophical ideas.

Christian Fuchs. 2024. Social Media: A Critical Introduction. London: Sage. Fourth edition. 448 pages. Now in its 4th edition, this introduction to the critical theory of social media has been adopted in hundreds of courses across the world.

Christian Fuchs. 2024. Soziale Medien und Kritische Theorie. Eine Einführung. 3. Auflage. München: UVK Verlag. 452 Seiten. Diese Einführung in die kritische Theorie sozialer Medien, nun in einer Neuauflage, wird weltweit in hunderten Kursen als Lehrbuch verwendet. Infos:

tripleC: Thomas Klikauer reviews the book "The Men Who Killed the News: The Inside Story of How Media Moguls Abused their Power, Manipulated the Truth and Distorted Democracy" (by Eric Beecher).

Christian Fuchs. 2024. Soziale Medien und Kritische Theorie. Eine Einführung. 3. Auflage. München: UVK Verlag. 452 Seiten. Diese Einführung in die kritische Theorie sozialer Medien, nun in einer Neuauflage, wird weltweit in hunderten Kursen als Lehrbuch verwendet. Infos:

Christian Fuchs. 2024. Social Media: A Critical Introduction. London: Sage. Fourth edition. 448 pages. Now in its 4th edition, this introduction to the critical theory of social media has been adopted in hundreds of courses across the world.

New article in the journal tripleC Nothing is Inevitable but Class Struggle: A Workerist Perspective on AI Regulation, by Alexandros Minotakis & Antonis Faras This paper analyses the qualitative transformations in the workplace driven by AI. #AI #AIAct #automation

New article in the journal tripleC Nothing is Inevitable but Class Struggle: A Workerist Perspective on AI Regulation, by Alexandros Minotakis & Antonis Faras This paper analyses the qualitative transformations in the workplace driven by AI. #AI #AIAct #automation

New tripleC article: Another Scalability is Possible! From Non-Scalability to Cosmolocal Scalability, Vasilis Kostakis, Lucas Lemos, Asimina Kouvara This article addresses Anna Tsing’s critique of capitalist scalability by introducing the concept of “cosmolocal scalability”.

New tripleC article: Manfred Knoche - Alternative Media: Free from State, Market, and Capital(ism)? On the Antagonisms of Alternative Media and the Alternative Economy:

NEU: Christian Fuchs. 2024. Radikaler Digitaler Humanismus. Eine Philosophie für die digitale Gesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts. München: UVK. Infos:

Social Media: A Critical Introduction's 4th edition will be released in late 2024...

New tripleC article by Søren Bøgh Sørensen: Value and Productive Labour in the Era of Digital Technologies: Revisiting the Digital Labour Debate.

Social Media: A Critical Introduction's 4th edition will be released in late 2024...

New tripleC article: Towards a Critique of Mediatisation, by Jernej Prodnik: Mediatisation has established itself as a key approach in media and communication studies. This paper provides a theoretical and empirical critique of this approach.

C. Fuchs: A New Framework for the Analysis of Media Systems & Media Organisations. Communication and the Public This paper builds on a typology introduced by Colin Sparks. It outlines a new political economy model of media organisations & media systems.

Forthcoming new books, bald erscheinende neue Bücher: Soziale Medien, sozialistischer Humanismus, social media, Socialist Humanism...

In its current issue, tripleC remembers #ToniNegri ’s intellectual contributions: Antonio Negri: Christian Fuchs: Ngai Pun:

Remembering #ToniNegri #AntonioNegri: A new tripleC article by Ngai Pun & Antonio Negri: Dialogue with Antonio Negri: A Few Thoughts on the Lecture “Metropolis as a Post-Industrial Factory”: Image from

The fourth edition of "Social Media: A Critical Introduction" is in production at Sage, to be released later in 2024...

Sad news: Vincent Mosco, one of the great scholars of pol eco of communication has passed away.

RIP Vincent Mosco. We owe you so much. And this is an absolutely metal final tweet.

Vincent Mosco was a giant in critical communication studies and a super friendly guy when he was on campus to give a wonderful talk here a few years ago. I didn't know him well but it was a pleasure and honor to meet him that day. Will look forward to this final work's publication. RIP.

Vincent Mosco has died.

One of my PhD committee members, Dr. Vincent Mosco, died suddenly a few days ago. He was a brilliant and gentle mentor and I’m forever grateful for his guidance. He taught me that brilliant people can also be kind people. RIP, Vinny.

New tripleC article: Manfred Knoche - Development of Media Technologies as “New Media” from the Perspective of a Critique of the Political Economy of the Media

ΤΟ ΜΑΝΙΦΕΣΤΟ ΓΙΑ ΤΑ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ ΜΕΣΑ ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΗ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΔΙΑΔΙΚΤΥΟΥ, Greek translation of the Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto: Translated by Vassilis Chryssos #PSMIManifesto. Sign here:

ΤΟ ΜΑΝΙΦΕΣΤΟ ΓΙΑ ΤΑ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ ΜΕΣΑ ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΗ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΔΙΑΔΙΚΤΥΟΥ, Greek translation of the Public Service Media and Public Service Internet Manifesto: Translated by Vassilis Chryssos #PSMIManifesto. Sign here:

New textbook by Christian Fuchs on the foundations of media, economy, and society. It is available in English and German. Info: English: German: #booksky #authors #writingcommunity #Blueskybooks #books #media #communication #economy #society

New tripleC article about the platform cooperative CoopCycle, written by Vangelis Papadimitropoulos and Haris Malamidis: The Transformative Potential of Platform Cooperativism: The Case of CoopCycle

New tripleC article about the platform cooperative CoopCycle, written by Vangelis Papadimitropoulos and Haris Malamidis: The Transformative Potential of Platform Cooperativism: The Case of CoopCycle

Toni Negri Rest in Power #ToniNegri #RIP #RestInPower

Toni Negri Rest in Power #ToniNegri #RIP #RestInPower

It is sad news that Toni Negri died today. Here is a four-part interview with him from 2022: