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We are a video game podcast
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Took me a bit but I sat down with a few friends to talk about the one and only game of the Millenium! A game that changed the Gaming industry. I am of course talking about Vampire Survivors. Come hear what we have to say. #podcast #podcasting #Vampire #gaming

Bring you a episode about a indie game that susprised me in what it brings to the table. It's a puzzle platformer with a lot of meaning. Come hear what we thought about this game. #podcast #indie #gaming #review

Our Newest Game episode is up. This time we take a look at Metal Gear Acid 2 for the Psp. Come hear what we thought about this card battling turn based game. #podcast #metalgearsolid #metalgear #review #gaming

We released our Patreon Voted Episode, Dick Tracy. Come hear what we think about this film from 1990. #podcast #movie #dicktracy

We have a new Power Ranger Episode up. We finally sit down and talk about the first Event Shattered Grid! #podcast #mmpr #comic #review

We recently brought you a forgotten Ps2 game, that we reviewed, Blood Will Tell. A very cool action game that not enough of people played. Come hear how we felt about it. #Podcast #gaming #ps2 #review

We recently did a review of To Wong Foo. Come hear what we thought about this 1995 film. #Podcast

Want to announce what's upcoming on the show. Next game episode will be Blood Will Tell, followed by Metal Gear Acid 2, and newest announcement is Star Wars Rogue Squandron 2 Rogue Leader . #Podcast #podcasting

We take a look at a forgotten classic, Donkey Kong 94. A very good puzzle platformer for the Gameboy. A game that is actually very good. Come listen to what we have to say. #podcast #podcasting #donkeykong

We take a look at the third game in the Legacy of Goku series's that dropped the name. Come hear how we felt about DBZ Buus Fury. #podcast #dbz #gaming

We bring you our Newest TV review and take a look at the short lived Swamp Thing Show from 2019. Come hear what we have to say about this horror Show. #podcast #SwampThing

We take a look at our last Infamous game to cover, infamous First Light. A stand-alone DLC that has us play as Fetch and is a very fun experience. Come see how we feel about this title. #Podcast #podcasting #infamous

Want to announce upcoming Game Episode. Next will be DBZ Buus Fury, followed by Blood Will Tell. Newest announcement is Metal Gear Acid 2! #Podcast #review #gaming

We have a new Tomb Raider episode up for your ears. We take a look at Tomb Raider Legend. Come hear how we felt about this title. #Podcast #podcasting #tombraider

We take a look at a classic film, The Goonies. A film i have never seen before until the week of this recording. Come see how we feel about this 80s classic. #Podcast #podcasting #movie #film #review

Our Newest Comic Book episode is up. This time we take a look at the 2nd volume of Go Go Power Rangers. This is the last power rangers episode before the big event shattered grid. #Podcast #comic #mmpr #reading

We released a Mini about Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry. A stand alone story. Come listen to what we have to say about this game. #Podcast #podcasting #gaming #assassinscreed

Want to Announce what's coming up for game episodes. Next will be Tomb Raider Legend, followed by DBZ Buus Fury. Newest announcement is Blood Will Tell. #podcast #gaming

Our Newest game episode is up. We take a look at X-Men Legends. A action RPG that launched a series becasue of this game. Come listen to how we felt. #podcast #xmen #gaming #review

We recently published an Episode about Celeste. Check out what we had to say. #Podcast #podcasting #Celeste

Want to announce what's upcoming on the show. Next game episode will be X-Men Legends followed by Tomb Raider Legend. Newest announcement is DBZ Buus Fury!

Our Monthly What Are Ya Playing Episode is up. Listen to what we been up to the past month. #Podcast #podcasting ##gaming

We took a look at another Kingdom Hearts game. We bring you part 2 of our Union Cross game coverage. There's a lot more story then you expect. Come listen to what we have to say. #Podcast ##kingdomhearts

Recently got around to publishing an episode where we took a look at Tales of The Jedi/Tales of the Empire. Come hear what we think about this animated show. #Podcast #podcasting #review

Want to announce what's upcoming on the show for Games. Next episode will be Celeste, followed by X-Men Legends and newest announcement is Tomb Raider Legend! #Podcast

We recently published our Episode about Star Wars KOTOR 2. We are also celebrating 6 years of the podcast. Hope you enjoy tall about this beloved star wars game. #podcast #anniversary #starwars #review

Our GOTY 2024 is up and ready for your ears! #podcast #goty #gaming

We bring you a promised Patreon Episode since Sept. This time we take a look at Interview with the Vampire. Come listen to how we feel about this classic film. #Podcast #vanpire #review

We have a new Episode up for your ears. This time we take a look at Prince of Persia The Two Thrones. Come listen to how we felt to the end of this triology. #Podcast #princeofpersia #review #gaming

Want to announce what's upcoming for the show. Next game episode will be Prince of Persia Two Thrones, followed by Star Wars KOTOR 2 for our 6 year anniversary. Newest announcement is Celeste. #Podcast #review

We have a new mini up where we take a look at Alan Wakes 2 DLC, Night Spring and The Lake House. Come listen to what we have to say. #Podcast #alanwake #dlc

We bring you another Power Rangers Comic. This time we take a look at the first Volume of Go Go Power Rangers. Come listen to what we thought. #podcast #comic #MMPR

We have a new film episode up for your ears. We take a look at the first Dragon Ball Super Movie, Broly. A movie that brings Broly into the actual Canon of Dragon Ball. Come listen to how this first Super film holds up and what we thought. #Podcast #dbz

We have a new game episode up for your ears. We take a look at God of War 2. One of the swan songs of the Ps2. Come hear what we have to say. #podcast #review #godofwar

We recently brought you an episode on the short lived Star Wars Acloyte show. One that got a lot of undeserved hate. Come listen to what we thought. #podcast #starwars #review

Want to announce what's coming up on the show. Next game Episode will be God of War 2, followed by Prince of Persia The Two Thrones and newest announcement to celebrate 6 years . #podcast #review

We bring you one last episode of the year. I mark off something I been saying I would do for over 4 months. Come listen to our first Foreign film on the podcast. We take a look at this French horror film High Tension. #podcast #horror

We have a new Zelda Episode up for your ears. Check out what we thought about Wind Waker. #Podcast #review

Want to announce what's upcoming on the show. Next game episode will be LOZ Wind Waker, followed by God of War 2, and newest announcement is Prince of Persia The Two Thrones. #Podcast #review

Merry Christmas from Games My Mom Found. We have two Christmas horror films up for you to listen to. #Podcast #Christmas #review

We recently published our Christmas game, Ebenzer and The Invisible World. Listen to what we had to say about a game where your scrooge. #Podcast #Christmas

Want to announce what's upcoming on the show. Next game episode will be Ebenzer and the Invisible World, followed by Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, and newest announcement is God of War 2. #Podcast #gaming #review

We finish our Nightmare before christmas triology. This time we take a look at the prequel Game. #Podcast #nightmarebeforechristmas #gaming

We bring you this month's What Are ya playing. Come listen to what we been playing and watching this past month. #Podcast #gaming #review

We published our first of our Christmas content this month. For this episode we take a look at Lake Seasons Greetings. A DLC for Lake that takes place near Christmas. Come here how we felt about this.#Podcast #gaming #review #Lake #holidays

We bring you an episode about a game that deserved to be a part of the show. We take a look at the beloved Earthbound. Come listen to what we thought. #Podcast #Earthbound #gaming #review

We have a new Episode up for your ears. This time we take a look at Star Wars Visions Volume 2. #Podcast #starwars #review

We have a new Episode up for you. This time we take a look at the classic Spyro 2. Come listen what we had to say. #Podcast #podcasting #spyro #review

We bring you our last comic episode of Power Ranger week. Come listen to what we thought about Vol 6 of MMPR. #Podcast #podcasting #comics #mmpr

We continue our MMPR week This time we take a look at Volume 5 of the comic series. #Podcast #podcast #mmpr #comic