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GSS|WRP|STW Punk Rock Horror Gaming 🟥🟪🟦
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My GeNeRaTiOn Is So MuCh BeTtEr ThAn YoUrS They still meet under bridges with shitty BT Speakers, they still fucking do. It doesn't matter though, they are allowed to be mad about being priced out of something that's literally surviving on THEIR money.

What a year man

Honestly the Tw*tter Account I miss the most is eternalscreaming

"forever in your heart" <3 cute when it's your valentine :-) not cute when it's microplastics :-/

Never thought I'd say this but I can't wait for work to end so I can play League

I'm feeling like some MMA fighter before he gets to the stage, all hyped up and ready for violence

I love Bluesky so much Whenever I come across something I don't know via Discover I can just look it up or *ask* and learn something new Back in the cesspit the only posts I got "recommended" were people hating on something and then getting mad when you had a question about it

Finally deleted Facebook

The last game of my rotation is downloading on my new system Soon I'll play the first game of Skyrim on my new PC!

"Während wir 4 Mrd. Euro mehr für den Ausbau der Kinderbetreuung verhandelt haben, verhandeln Sie eine Herdprämie. Damit Frauen zu Hause bleiben und finanziell vom Partner abhängig bleiben. Was kommt als nächstes? Geburtenprämien? Rütteln an der Fristenlösung?" 🗨 #OeNR

My PC is almost done just need to let it finish installing windows I would've NEVER managed to do this right without my friends, love them to bits

Tried to build my PC yesterday.. save to say I'm completely lost, so is my boyfriend and so is our cable management

The only thing that hasn't arrived yet is my new mainboard I'm SO hyped

There is a persistent myth that if you work in entertainment - if you've done something people have absolutely heard of or enjoyed - that you must be rich. Actors, writers, producers: rich. The sad truth is most of Hollywood is working class. So when you see a Go Fund Me, there's a reason it exists

I'm mad society branded girls they told being girly is bad & girls can't be friends as the problem & "pick me"s How about we are just as kind to them as our feminist sisters? Actually try to befriend them instead of proving their point? "Pick me" is misogynistic & furthers hatred against women

Rewatching Lilo & Stitch The Series rn and god damn is the style of animation beautiful

"Hallo, ich bin Pro7 und kann (will) nicht lesen!"

I bought a new setup.. I'm going to build a *monster*

Es wäre wirklich schön in dem Österreich zu leben, das sich Alexander Van der Bellen wünscht.

zu weihnachten wünsche ich mir eigentlich wie jedes jahr einfach nur dass der einzelhandel zufrieden mit seinen umsätzen ist

Ihr habt ja so schön alle gepostet, dass die Scham die Seite wechseln muss. Hoffe Ihr schämt Euch jetzt ordentlich für die Förderung von Rape-Culture, für Euer Unvermögen, eine Gesellschaft ohne geschlechtsbezogene Gewalt zu fördern. Wäre ja ein Anfang.

I don’t want to be smart any more I’m going to start huffing paint

Visiting my mother rn, need to leave tomorrow tho because I have to work christmas day At least she'll send me off with cookies 🍪🍪

What if—instead of cars—we filled our streets with people, bikes, trees, and life?


Wir leben längst unter einem allumfassenden Oligopol. Jüngstes Beispiel: Die US-Filmverleiher weigern sich, den Amazon-kritischen Film "Union" herauszubringen, weil man Jeff Bezos Rache fürchtet. Die gute Nachricht in der schlechten ist: Die Filmemacher bringen den Film nun selbst in die Kinos.

I yearn for the urn

"Es ist massiv zynisch und schäbig, wenn Geflüchteten unterstellt wird, sie würden es sich in der sozialen Hängematte bequem machen. Aber man gleichzeitig alles tut, um ihnen den Zugang zu Arbeit zu erschweren. Das ist auch ökonomisch dumm." 🗨️ #OeNR

The way a government treats refugees is very instructive because it shows you how they would treat the rest of us if they thought they could get away with it. (Tony Benn)(Photo Credit: Ben Mack/Pexels) Happy Tuesday.

What a weird day

Seems about right I'm just a bit confused about Naethan Apollo I guess? Don't get me wrong he has some absolute bangers but I haven't been actively listen to him for some time now. You can't tell me I listened to him so much in April nothing could top that???

Excuse me?

đź’‰A twice-yearly injection was 96% effective in preventing HIV infections in men, according to a new study about a drug that's been called the closest the world has ever come to an HIV vaccine.

Ein Obdachloser wird auf einer Liege vor die Notaufnahme geschoben. Große Empörung, weil der Fall ja so klar zu sein scheint. Wie kann man nur so böse und verwahrlost sein usw. Kolleg:innen, die IN einer Notaufnahme arbeiten und nicht nur eine Meinung haben, schildern, was hinter den Türen abgeht.