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Microbiologist investigating all aspects of AMR and searching for new antimicrobials produced by any old bugs - swabandsend
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Pleased to share our new preprint... We took a look into freshwater snail faecal metagenomes in four countries and found environmental #AMR reservoirs

Happy to share our latest preprint on environmental reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance #AMR

🚨 Job alert 🚨 — are you interested in understanding how mobile genetic elements and defence systems shape bacterial genome evolution? 🧬 🧪 🧫 🦠 2x 5-year research positions available in experimental evolution Join us! #microsky

This point prevalence survey conducted at the CHUZ/AS in Benin found high antibiotic use in hospitalized patients, indicating the need for more PPS and antibiotic use monitoring as well as instigation of AMS programmes in hospitals in Benin: #JACAMRNews #IDSky

New pre-print!!! What types of genes end up on plasmids and why? The take home message of this paper is that beneficial genes move from plasmids to chromosome, causing the ecological value of plasmids to decay over time.

Opening night tonight!!!!! 😱🙀🦇✍️🧬🔬🥼🧪

15/16 Jan: first big 2015 #AMR event! 10 years after #WHO 's 2015 Global Action Plan on #AMR, we are organising a major stocktake of (un)intended consequences of #antimicrobial governance at the British Academy in London. #antibiotics #socsci Join virtually:

I have a second PhD studentship opportunity available, this one to investigate barriers to AMR gene transfer in MRSA, with and Alex McCarthy at Imperial -

The JAC and JAC-AMR supported session is starting now at the Winter Conference #Infection2024 –with Dr Emily Brown,, Dr Karla Berry and Check out the programme and details of joining online at

Three potential PhD positions are now open for applications! - MRCLID: (1) integrated with my fship - AMR prevalence by age&sex (2) long term collab. - AMR gene transfer - Nagasaki: new collaboration comparing UK&Japan AMR rates

Experimental evolution reveals evolutionary bias and its causes #jcampubs

In case you missed it: surveyed the clinical literature to reveal how #AMR evolves within patients, why eco/evo mechanisms vary among infections, & what we can do better to improve treatments #MicroSky

Very happy to be leading on the evolutionary biology within the NIHR funded Opt-AMR project we have just started. Will be looking for a postdoctoral scientist in approximately 2 years time...

New research article in The Lancet Microbe Effects of health system limitations on the use of blood culture and sensitivity testing in Kenyan county hospitals: an interview-based qualitative study using causal loop diagrams #IDSky #MicroSky #AMR #OpenAccess #OA

SCC mobile genomic islands are known to spread #AntibioticResistance among staphylococci This work shows that phage infection stimulates SCC mobilization & this facilitates the spread of #antiphage defenses #microNatComms #microbiology #bacteria Read the paper:

Delighted to have been co-opted as a Trustee of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and look forward to working with the Society for years to come.

🆕New in we show compensatory mutations make plasmids play Rock-Paper-Scissors and turn conjugation into a weapon🛡️💫✂️🦠 w/Rosanna Wright, Jamie Wood,,,, Ellie Harrison & #MicroSky

Not sure if our recent manuscript made it onto this platform, if not here it is. Re-emerging chloramphenicol susceptibility in ESBL Enterobacterales from Malawi. A good news # AMR story

Happy to have contributed in a small way to this analysis od dutch #AMR data from the agricultural sector

Exciting times! Our latest preprint is now live 🤩! After nearly 16 yrs of running my lab, I truly believe this is one of the most significant contributions we've made. It offers fresh hypotheses about how pandemic Vibrio cholerae spreads globally. Let’s dive in!🧵..1/n

New paper; Changing taxonomy and antibiotic resistance of bacterial isolates in a new hospital ward pre and post patient admittance