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Retired HS teacher,(urban areas), now loving my daily rural whirl in the creative life of writing - mainly haiku and tanka. I'm also developing a love of sketching and painting plus being involved in community creative projects. Life's great for the soul.
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trampoline minstrel the mimed song of leaping shapes youth's budding talent #haiku

#emporium archive where lost souls barter secrets where coins of time are spent where night hums all day and mirrors whisper back #vss365 #tanka #souls #night #mirrors

Sometimes, it is rather like a playful distraction to complete a word puzzle once in a while... Word Hurdle 5-letter 2280 3/6 #wordhurdle πŸ’›πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ πŸ€πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ€ πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

I am an #outlier tree no map knows me I reach for unseen suns and drink the secrets of storms I share dreams with the cosmos #vss365 #tanka #tree #secrets #storms #dreams #cosmos

restless summer dream summer beach setting your half-forgotten footprints softly mark a shoreline #contour till the tide sings them home #vss365 #tanka #footprints #beach #summer

movie rendezvous I've forgotten what movie but recall while waiting the #interim view #vss365 #tanka #window #street #countrytown

caves of yesterday minds, eyes, ears and old voices need identity #identity #haiku #history

summer morning glare three backpackers in sunhats children trudging to school still crunching on toasty breakfast are mere silhouettes #tanka #summer #children #school #silhouettes

town crier costume leading local street parade #fringe glimpse of the past #vss365 #haiku #parade #community #street

#sonic rush of winds in hazy dusk's silent dream ghostly songlines hum #vss365 #songlines #haiku #dream #wind

carnival colours early morning #flurry of curiosity #dailyhaikuprompt #haiku #summer #carnival

complex world disturbing my simple cup of coffee #vss365 #complex

an #odorous prompt tends to send me scuttling for some kind of nosegay #vss365 #haiku

triumphant seagull the #petulant loser is beyond lens focus #vss365 #haiku

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. β€”Pablo Neruda

painterly feathers #unbridled flash mob of life wings a twig affair #vss365 #haiku

that courtroom minefield my tomorrow's #reservoir looms dry and lifeless #vss365 #haiku


empty shop window his #onslaught of memories now lived in the space #vss365 #haiku

a bleary window protects time's masked stories till raindrops #displace dust #vss365 #haiku

#poem #poet #poetry #writingcommunity

#poem #poet #poetry #writingcommunity

a #slipstream dance mini pools of rain challenge the power of sunlight #vss365 #haiku

a surprise cold snap February's summer loves crazy party games #haiku

his intense blue gaze determinedly channels as his intense songline #haiku

undercover signs chains of fate and destiny in #bloodline programmes #vss365 #haiku

my Saturday night one last glance through the window do my weeds seem less #haiku

beyond survival may the peace of poetry bring you healthy Zen #haiku

my haiku soulmate respect the banana tree means respect Basho #haiku

my mesmerised joy the poetry of scuffed clouds one windy morning #haiku

Valentine's Day has just passed in my world and your birthday could have been Monday in my world I seem to fall for fractured love tarnished minds hearts that have lost a regular rhythm and blind souls... More on my Temora Lifestyle blog: #poetry

some days I wish to be a writer floating in the stream of consciousness some days I wish to be an analyst plumbing the depths of ocean some days I wish to be an artist expressing the kaleidoscope of emotion what is the composition of this life? it’s a quarter to midnight #micropoetry #poetry

fires, floods, hail, winds #complex weathers clash and breed tense summer questions #vss365 #haiku

my old dragon cast in time's plaster unconditionally offers a nomadic neighbour's furball a plein air #safehaven and a taste of love #vss365 #micropoetry

a seed is a book written in the rain & read by the sun #dailyhaikuprompt #haiku

restless silver fumes a #mercury stream becomes toxic stolen time #vss365 #haiku

Respect to everyone still out here doing Wordle every day, don't ever let them take your joy

my morning's record the usual #chase matching ideas and words is sadly null and void #vss365 #tanka

humanity's deadly battlegrounds war crimes on Nature's living browns and greens #tanka

dusk in the woods we're fairytale orphans guided by crows #DailyHaikuPrompt (dusk) #prompt

So adored 'Les Miserables' ... still do... esp this song...

Writing on Bsky s/b referred to as β€œSkyte” or β€œSkytes.” Skyte is short for Skywriting. #Skyte #Skyte #Skyte #Skyte #Skyte #Skyte Please Reskyte this comment to spread the word. βœŒοΈπŸ’™πŸ˜

Love the image here! Congratulations to Joanna Ashwell for being included in issue 44!

In this #skyte, I am proposing a special word for posts on Blue Sky. A #skyte sounds snappy. A #skyte sounds important...and is... The word #skyte links closely with this platform - #BlueSky The word #skyte avoids sounding remotely like "tweet' but has the same suggestion PLUS maybe a little more.