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Rock Lords Enthusiast
115 posts 18 followers 40 following
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“Another skeleton combiner? Why can’t these hacks make a GOOD combiner?” I say smugly as my superiorly engineered CW Bruticus topples over from being posed by a single ratchet click. #transformers

Tragic and soul crushing to have an interest in Mini 4WD racing but live in Canada. Why must they only race the funny car in Japan? #mini4wd

the only way to settle the confusion between the american and european footballs is to have both the football man teams play against one another in some sort of calvinball nightmare. winning side is sworn in as the one true football.

i feel like an outsider for saying this but i think most of the IDW Transformers OCs look bad. Extends to the Earthspark Terrans too but like where is the alt mode anatomy in your robot form. Stuff like having a front bumper for a chest is iconic for a reason #transformers

Why can’t we all just have world peace and play Bomberman I have the super famicom cartridges come on guys our utopia awaits

Your task is to write a report on all the bones that aren’t required to live. I want in on my desk by Friday at noon.

a new alternative to the dating simulator: a hating simulator learn to despise a dozen unique characters, each with complex and utterly loathable shortcomings

Do you have faith? The Touhou of the day is.. Kanako Yasaka!! #2hu #Touhou #Kanako #MoriyaShrineIsTheBest

sometimes i feel like the only man who respects the conehead seekers i wish i had a serious conelection #transformers

why didn't we make the sides of cars rubber you can't get in a crash if they bounce off each other god why am i the only smart person

walking up to you at the club and asking if you've played Landstalker

Square Enix and the never-ending journey to find new and interesting ways to ruin Final Fantasy 7

now that roosterteeth is "back", i'm excited for them to come up with a brand new, somehow even worse performing animated series

Why are you evading taxes If you had any skill you would parry the taxes

it would be pretty fun to practice medicine without a license

i think i'd like to give non-sentience a try could be an interesting experience

i save money on video games by not buying new games and just playing mega man again

hey you reading the post go play a good video game do it

BREAKING: The United States of America has been renamed to X, The Everything Country

looking for work as an evil henchman I am a professional in general incompetence and am self-taught in conveniently standing next to things for the hero to knock over on me Supervillains please reach out if interested

how is five nights at freddys even scary just dont go into the restaurant boom horror evaded

anyway they should actually remake Mother 3 with voice acting but only for the lines where Kumatora swears

what if they officially translated mother 3 but they screwed it up and it sucked the monkey's paw would not let that one go unscathed

if we ever see another female robot master she should be one of the ones with just eyes instead of a person face maybe even no defined head i think the effect on the internet would be interesting #MegaMan

maybe we should give this whole "metal" thing a rest and have another stone age it would be nice to mix things up once in a while

the main antagonist of squid game is a big machine that produces endless quantities of squid game merchandise

Today I met the saggiest jowl dog I have ever seen. God bless him he was more flap than canine. Do yourself a favour and pet the next jowl dog you see.

it should be socially acceptable to dress like kamen rider

i think we could solve a lot of problems with the world if it was legal to hit someone with a cricket bat when they were factually wrong about something

i have ordered more Rock Lords. Soon i will have Granite, but also those nasty bad guys Magmar and Brimstone. My happiness will increase but so will my need for more rock. #Transformers #GoBots #RockLords #Vintage


I'd like to seal myself away in the ground, I think.

it is difficult to find buyers for unite warriors/gen selects combiner box sets. this makes me sad. #transformers

how the hell did tarzan not know he was adopted is he stupid dude never found the giant treehouse towering above the rest of the jungle for most of his life i think he was just really dumb

Everyone say hello to Boulder, the leader of the good Rock Lords and all around great guy with dynamic shoulders. #RockLords #GoBots #Transformers #Vintage

happy new year guys there i said it i went along with the crowd and have conformed

I got a Rock Lords Boulder down at a shop in town today. Rock Lords are cool and should not be mocked I am serious. I guess this is Gobots continuing to infect my mind. Probably take a pic or two later. #RockLords #GoBots #Transformers

my eyebrow itches

How hard would i have to hit the back of a bullet to make it shoot. If i try hard enough i can make firearms obsolete Just do it yourself

guys i screwed up i wanted to use life sword but i put the long sword before the wide sword chip my life is forfeit #MegaMan #BattleNetwork #MMBN

Honest to god if I can finally get hired in the New Year I might start chasing the Gobots dream. Track down some more of those delightful things.

Congrats to Mega Man Powered Up for making the Yellow Devil fight worse

It kinda sounds like this Counter Strike thing should be illegal or something.

I would be completely fine if I became a GoBots guy on this site. There are worse fates.