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Hi, I'm Gavin, mostly here for the books...
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They can’t all be Sci-Fi and Fantasy, occasionally I do get a bit of cultcha! A slim collection of Woolf essays, and very evocative.. #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge 72/100

Post-apocalyptic fantasy and a new apocalypse incoming. The first volume in the Viriconium series- “The Pastel City” from M John Harrison with a Bruce Pennington cover. #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge 71/100

The (Love) Craft beer back on sale in LIDL…

More fantasy: 1970, Lancer Books. A great anthology! #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge 70/100

Fantasy in February (still)! More Sword and Sorcery courtesy of Fritz Leiber, L Sprague de Camp, Lin Carter, Poul Anderson, John Jakes, Michael Moorcock, Andre Norton and Jack Vance! #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge 68/100 & 69/100

A February of “thin fantasy” continues with this collection of short Sword & Sorcery offerings from CL Moore, Henry Kuttner, Robert E Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, Ramsey Campbell, Karl Edward Wagner, and others. Anthology from 1977. #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge 67/100

“Thief of Llarn” by Gardner F Fox, a Burroughsian sequel, with our swashbuckling hero, er, Alan! Great fun. #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge 66/100…

Sword & Sorcery shenanigans from Lin Carter. Heavily “inspired” by Burroughs and Howard! “The Wizard of Lemuria” and “Thongor of Lemuria” #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge 55/100 & 56/100

Myth-laden fantasy set in Etruscan times. Sprites, fauns, centaurs, and a sludge of sexy-time too… Thomas Burnett Swann “The Weirwoods” #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge 54/100

1980s Sci Fi Fantasy. These were just lovely. Patricia A McKillip, “Moon-Flash” and “The Moon and the Face”. #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge 51/100 & 52/100

“The Last Trail” by Zane Grey. Final book in his Ohio River Trilogy, a tale of kidnap and bloody vengeance. #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge 49/100

“Web” by John Wyndham. A curious little volume. I’m unsure whether it was finished or not. The writing’s as good as ever, but it feels a little thin. #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge #readathon 47/100

“No Highway” by Neville Shute. If you are going to read one novel about metal fatigue this year, here it is. If you are going to read two novels about metal fatigue this year, I’m frankly puzzled as to why. #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouownchallenge 46/100

Read What You Own Challenge - Week 11 - and a TBR of "Thin" Fantasy for February

“The Dark Design” by Philip José Farmer, chunky Bangsian Science Fiction Fantasy featuring everyone who ever lived! Read What You Own 45/100 #booksky #booktube #readwhatyouown #readwhatyouownchallenge

Two parts ‘hard sf’ to one part ‘new wave’; this, from Ace books in 1970, is the first novel From Gregory Benford. #booksky #booktube #readwhatyouown 35/100

Science fiction that was more fun than I thought it would be! “Tower of Zanid” by L Spague de Camp #booksky #booktube #readwhatyouown 30/100

Victorian Christmas Magazine BookTube Festive Special: Stories! Turkeys! Drink! Flames!

“The Fabulous Riverboat” by Philip José Farmer - Sci-fi afterlife shenanigans with Mark Twain and King John, amongst others, in this sequel #booksky #booktube #readwhatyouown 27/100

“The Little City of Hope” by F.Marion Crawford. Sentimental, heartwarming, not usually my kind of thing at all. But it’s coming up to Christmas, and this gave me the first “fuzzies” of the season. #readwhatyouown #booktube #booksky 22/100

I’m imposing martial law. For an hour.

Let’s do this

John Russel Fearn : “The G-Bomb”, originally published in 1941 under the name Vargo Statten. Pulpy fun.. #booktube #booksky #readwhatyouown 📚17/100

Read What You Own Update 3: Spies! Radio-Waves! Absent Moustaches! Little Green Men! #booksky #booktube

No books for men? Nah, mate

Any fans of the Gentleman Bastard Sequence? We are giving away a T2 set to one lucky winner! 👀 Follow us and repost this in order to enter 💚