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Silly guy that likes playing games and learning stuff | 🗣️ EN/ES/JP Ok | 💕: 🎮🎻🍝🐈
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ご視聴感謝です!チルな時でして面白い会話もでした~ Thanks for watching! It was a chill time, and we had an interesting conversation~

のんびり釣り時間しよう~ Let's have a nice chill fishing time~ #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

見にきてくれてありがとう!お金をよく稼いで難しいチャレンジやった!もひもひ~👻 Thanks for watching! We made some good money and did a difficult challenge! Mohi mohi~👻

幽霊遊びに行こう! Let's visit some ghosts! #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

今週の予定はちょっと変わってくる、でも成功のために頑張ります!😇 This week's schedule is a little bit shifted, but I'll do my best to make it work!😇

遊びにきてくれて感謝です!配信はちょっと短くてみんなと読んだり勉強したり話り楽しかった🫰 Thanks for coming! Stream was a bit short, but I had fun reading and studying and chatting with all of you 🫰

不思議な島を探ろう~ Let's explore a mysterious island~ #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

見にきてくれてありがとう!楽しかった、今ちょっと寝ていかなきゃ。7時間ぐらいに普通な日曜日の配信でまた会おうね!🙌 Thanks for watching! It was fun, now I need to sleep a bit. See you in around 7 hours for the regular weekend stream! 🙌

一緒にレースをしよう! Let's race together! 🔴Live

ご視聴ありがとう!伝説任務が面白いでした、今新しいアイテム買うことができますよ~ Thanks for watching! The story mission was interesting, and now we can buy new items~

ヘックスに初めて出会おう! Let's meet The Hex for the first time! #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

遊びにきてくれてありがとう!幽霊の掃除って思ったんだけど普通なお家だったんだ😌 Thanks for coming! I thought I had to clean up a ghost, but it turned out to be a normal house 😌

ちょっと掃除しよう~ Let's clean up a little bit~ #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

今週日本の友達とレースをやるぞ!そしてチルな時ながらゲームの物語を進めるよ~ This week we'll be racing with our Japanese friends! Also chill time while we advance on story games~

遊びにきてくれてありがとう!今日ランク初めてやってシルバーになった、みんなお疲れさまでした! Thanks for coming! I reached silver after playing ranked for the first time, good job everyone! 💜Subs sukinyaa

ヒーローになるために練習をしよう! Let's practice to become heroes! #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

遊びにきてくれてありがとう!楽しかった、またやってるの楽しみです😁 Thanks for coming! It was a fun time, I look forward to play again 😁

フォートナイトを試してみよう! Let's check out Fortnite! #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

I can stay still…. physically 😳

ご視聴感謝です!良いレースしたしのんびり時過ごせた😇 Thanks for watching! We had some good races, and a very chill time😇 💜Subs Agedashi_Tofuu

一緒に競争しよう! Let's race together! #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

ハッピーバレンタイン!今週はマルチプレイですので一緒に遊びたいならぜひ来てね🫰 Happy Valentine's Day! This week we'll be doing multiplayer games, so come by if you want to play together 🫰

Ghost Hunters, we have some news for you. We're excited to reveal our 2025 and Beyond Roadmap for #Phasmophobia. Read our latest blog to get the details on what's to come throughout this year and next. Blog:

ご視聴ありがとうございます!以前のクエストをすべて終了したので1999年へ続けましょう🍾 Thanks for watching! Now that we completed all previous quests we can finally go on with 1999 🍾 💚Cheers 💜Subs arminds 🧡Raids daddy_rvy

デュヴィリへ行くぞ! Let's go into Duviri! #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

遊びにきてくれてありがとう!まだ少し疲れが残っているけど、この数週間で元に戻れるといいんだけど🙏 Thanks for coming! I'm still a bit tired, but I hope we can go back to normal in this coming weeks 🙏

隣人に話しよう~ Let's talk with our neighbors~ #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

こんにちは!今日は配信がない、それじゃまた金曜日ね!😇 Hiii! No stream today, see you all on Thursday! 😇

今は元気になってるけど水曜日も休みするかもしれない。あの後で今週も楽しみです!🙌 I'm feeling a lot better now, but may end up resting on Tuesday as well. Looking forward for the rest of the week! 🙌

It seems like the ritual had long lasting effects. This is what I got with Ereshkigal’s gift 😎

スーパーヒーローになろう! Let's be super heroes! #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

一ヵ月にこのパズルを見つけた試してみたい。このパズルのこと、誰か知ってるのかな。。。 Last month I found this puzzle and want to try it. I wonder if anyone knows about it…

ご視聴感謝です!二つのクエスト完了して1999年に一歩近づいた! Thanks for watching! We finished a couple quests and are a step closer to reach 1999! 🧡Raids Pochitaro_JP

我々の道を選ぼう~ Let's choose our path~ #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

In this day and age, having basic human decency and an open heart is the biggest act of rebellion.

休み後でただいまもどりました!🙌今週の予定表がこちらです。🙇‍♂️ I'm back from my break!🙌 Here is this weeks schedule.🙇‍♂️

When you have so little Saint Quartz left that visiting Tlaloc in person is the only reasonable way to get at least one copy… #FGO

届いた!これでSwitchのキャプチャの問題が解決することを願ってる🙏 Finally got it! I hope this one solves my problem capturing Switch games 🙏

皆さん、今週は外出のため配信ありません。気を付けて、また後でね😇 Hi everyone, this week I'll be out of town so there is no schedule. Take care, I'll see you later 😇

ご視聴ありがとうございます!ちょっと長い配信だったけど経験が楽しかった。おすすめよ!🙌 Thanks for watching! It was a bit of a long stream, but also a very fun experience. Highly recommended! 🙌 💜Subs sukinyaa repentyx xManami 🧡Raid TAGJake

人気のゲームを試してみよう! Let's try out this popular game! #ちるふぃ 🔴Live

来てくれてありがとう!任務が長くてご褒美切れる前では後自分で終了します。ガチャの成功あれば皆さんご連絡します! Thanks for coming! The quest was very long, so I'll have to finish it on my own before the rewards expire. I'll let you guys know if I win the gacha!

石を集めよう! Let's gather some gems! 🔴Live #ちるふぃ

ご視聴ありがとうございます!任務を終了した、次の任務は準備の時ですよ! Thank you for watching! We finished the quest, now it's time to prepare for the next one! 🧡Raids 猫神おでん

新たな大戦を続けよう! Let's continue with the New War! 🔴Live

今週の予定表はこちらです。物語任務をいっぱいするのでリラックスして見るにはいい時間だよね😎 Here is this weeks schedule. We'll be doing story missions, so it's a nice time to watch and relax 😎

ご視聴、応援、本当にありがとうございます!もう一度やることがたくさんあってたけどよく成長した感じするよ~🙏 Thank you so much for your viewership and support! There were a lot of things we had to do again, but I feel I've grown as well~🙏 💜Subs & 💚Cheers arminds itsminggu