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Research, Release, Fork, Update, Repeat. Winner of the 2022 ALPSP Innovation in Publishing Award.
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Prolific Poster

CitSciAsia Talk Presents... Innovative #CitizenScience Tools & Apps: Kapta & Aurora. Join our webinar on 25th Feb (5.30pm HK UTC+8) covering platforms for mapping and energy consumption with Fabien Moustard and Martin Brocklehurst Zoom ID: 96562859376 PW: 141303

SqueezeCall: nanopore basecalling using a Squeezeformer network. #Nanopore #Basecalling #LongRead #Sequencing #Bioinformatics

Biodepot Launcher: an app to install, manage and launch bioinformatics workflows. #Bioinformatics #Workflows 🧬 🖥️

Great to visit Kasetsart Uni Dept of Entomology today and see a talk from Prof Ju Hyeon Kim (SNU) about Medical Entomology and Vector Research in Korea. Giving a shoutout to TDR, was a very topical talk in light of our vectors of human disease series call

A new #opensource basecaller using Temporal U-Net structures. SqueezeCall: nanopore basecalling using a Squeezeformer network

Presenting our first examples of publishing peer-reviewed protocol papers with See our first protocol with a peer-reviewed method badge And the paper embedding the protocol here

Happy New Year of the Snake Genomes

Do you have data on vectors of human disease, as we currently have WHO-sponsored call in our sister The deadline is 4th April, and you can see more in this video

A new desktop application that facilitates installation, management and deployment of #bioinformatics workflows using the Biodepot-workflow-builder (Bwb) Biodepot Launcher: an app to install, manage and launch bioinformatics workflows

See also the series of student community annotation papers in GigaByte that helped support some of these efforts

Assembling the fully-phased chromosome scale genome of an octoploid amphicarpic (developing two fruit types, one above and another below ground) plant using HiFi long-reads and Omni-C technology. The polyploid genome assembly of Cardamine chenopodiifolia

💬 New preprint evaluation by of Polyploid genome assembly ofCardamine chenopodiifolia #PreprintEvaluation

💬 New preprint evaluation by of The genome of the sapphire damselfishChrysiptera cyanea: a new resource to support further investigation of the evolution of Pomacentrids

New reference helping comparisons to study specific adaptations linked to the symbiotic life of closely related anemonefish. The genome of the sapphire damselfish Chrysiptera cyanea: a new resource to support further investigation of the evolution of Pomacentrids

Great to see one of our papers showcased in this collaboration. Crossing the Open Science Streams: Cassyni X Sciety (and GigaByte) FTW

For more see this video on how to publish vectors of human disease data with GigaByte

Our first published output from an African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ASBCB) Omics codeathon. NeuroVar: an open-source tool for the visualization of gene expression and variation data for biomarkers of neurological diseases

✨ 👀 New feature sneak peak. Sciety now includes video Seminars published to Cassyni as part of the paper evaluation activity. Check out this one from at If you like the video idea, 🧡 this post

New strategies for accelerating sequence alignment using multithreading and SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) techniques. TSTA: thread and SIMD-based trapezoidal pairwise/multiple sequence-alignment method

More examples of our interactive figures functionality, see Figure 9 of "CannSeek? Yes we Can! An open-source single nucleotide polymorphism database and analysis portal for Cannabis sativa"

A genomic tale of non-regenerative geckos. Chromosome-level genome assembly and annotation of the crested gecko, Correlophus ciliatus, a lizard incapable of tail regeneration

Data Release bringing together genotypes for 12,000 sheep and 6,000 goats, alongside phenotypic and geographic information. SMARTER-(SMAll RuminanTs breeding for Efficiency and Resilience) database: a tool to integrate SNP array datasets for sheep and goat breeds

#Whole genome sequencing in less than a week - fast as a #whippet 🐕. Great project by #Bioscientia & #LOEWE-TBG. New benchmark for #biodiversity and conservation research🌍. Publication in Press release in

New Technical Release presenting a R-pipeline and Shiny app designed for the optimal selection of barcode sequences for sample multiplexing in sequencing. NucBalancer: streamlining barcode sequence selection for optimal sample pooling for sequencing

Just out are new papers presenting resources from the International Cannabis Genome Research Consortium. The first on their new database: CannSeek? Yes we Can! An open-source single nucleotide polymorphism database and analysis portal for Cannabis sativa

Rapid genome analysis of a Whippet sighthound sets new standard for biodiversity research The continuing global loss of biodiversity is making it increasingly necessary to rapidly collect and analyse genetic information on endangered species. In... weiterlesen

💬 New preprint evaluation by of Building a community-driven bioinformatics platform to facilitateCannabis sativamulti-omics research #Prepr

💬 New preprint evaluation by of PhysiMeSS - A New PhysiCell Addon for Extracellular Matrix Modelling #PreprintEvaluation

Congratulations to Cicely Macnamara, Robyn Shuttleworth,, and Marco Ruscone for publishing PhysiMeSS in! A beautiful community contribution to the ecosystem! Tremendous work!! 🧪

Filling the Biodiversity Dark Spots: Announcing the #AsiaNatureChallenge We are helping CitizenScience.Asia mobilise #CitizenScientists Across Asia for a groundbreaking biodiversity initiative from Oct 18-27 #ANC2024

💬 New preprint evaluation by of High-speed whole-genome sequencing of a Whippet: Rapid chromosome-level assembly and annotation of an extremely fast dog's genome

The fastest genome project in the west? From 0-39 chromosome-length scaffolds in less than a week. High-speed whole-genome sequencing of a Whippet: Rapid chromosome-level assembly and annotation of an extremely fast dog’s genome

Technical Release paper presenting Bash scripts to automate the management of AWS instances for use in genomics and metagenomics training workshops. Automated management of AWS instances for training

Combining #Snakemake + QIIME2 with in vitro validated settings to open up #microbiome analysis to new users. RiboSnake – a user-friendly, robust, reproducible, multipurpose and documentation-extensive pipeline for 16S rRNA gene microbiome analysis

New Data Release presenting a SNP panel from 975 cattle, including 923 offspring with 24 known sires and 28 known dams. Able to distinguish F1 from F2 generations with 90% accuracy. Kinship analysis and pedigree reconstruction by RAD sequencing in cattle

New paper from the Hong Kong Biodiversity Genomics Consortium presenting the genome of an iconic, endangered, East Asian bird species. Chromosomal-level genome assembly and single-nucleotide polymorphism sites of black-faced spoonbill Platalea minor

More on Victoire Nsabatien winning an award for his two preprints publicly reviewed and published by GigaByte. GigaByte Author Wins A Ben Barres Spotlight Award for Publicly Reviewed Preprints

Useful direct RNA sequencing control datasets published by Rouhanifard and Jain labs. Multicellular, IVT-derived, unmodified human transcriptome for nanopore-direct RNA analysis

New in our PhysiCell Ecosystem series is a GUI for building, simulating, and visualizing PhysiCell models. PhysiCell Studio: a graphical tool to make agent-based modeling more accessible See also the introductory video:

Low-coverage whole genome sequencing for a highly selective cohort of severe COVID-19 patients See the video explainer from Manuel Corpas on the viability of using low-coverage WGS imputation to generate data

An important milestone in the discoverability and visibility of a new journal has been passed. We are please to announce all GigaByte content is now indexed in Scopus

Transparency FTW! Our latest GigaBlog Q&A with Kuan-lin Huang covers declaring LLMs in publishing, OpenBoxScience, and his GetFreeCopy #OA paper finder we've just published Read the GetFreeCopy paper here

New Data Release - Jellyfish in Hong Kong: a citizen science dataset With an accompanying Q&A with John from the Hong Kong Jellyfish Project on how we helped them to publish #CitizenScience data in GBIF

Want to get a digest of every preprint endorsed by the Editors at GigaByte? Subscribe to updates from us on , the home of preprint review and curation

A large and beautiful swallowtail butterfly genome flying free from the Hong Kong Biodiversity Genomics Consortium. Chromosomal-level genome assembly of golden birdwing Troides aeacus (Felder & Felder, 1860)

Another marine invertebrate genome from the Hong Kong Biodiversity Genomics Consortium. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the common chiton, Liolophura japonica (Lischke, 1873)

Third in our Hong Kong Biodiversity Genomics Consortium series is of a spiny echinoderm algal and coral feeder widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific. Chromosomal-level genome assembly of the long-spined sea urchin Diadema setosum (Leske, 1778)