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I’m just a gal who loves cats, reading, German Shepherd dogs, and my little house and everyone in it. Still covid conscious. Oh, and Justice for Johnny Depp 💖
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Mark Carney’s impressive credentials make him far more trustworthy than a career politician like Pierre Poilievre.

That Oval Office debacle today solidified two things: 1. The US is not a trusted ally 2. Zelensky is a hero

I love that Zelensky didn’t back down an inch when he was insulted and talked down to by Trump and Vance. The man has balls of steel!

Parents who are choosing not to vaccinate their children need to realize that the kids may have some tough questions when they grow up Many of these previously eradicated illnesses can cause lifelong chronic illness & disabilities Kids can’t choose to be vaccinated. The adults need to protect them

I like to try to learn something new every day and today i learned that in the US the word “peace” is spelled u-n-c-o-n-d-i-t-i-o-n-a-l s-u-r-r-e-n-d-e-r.

Canada represents everything the United States will never be, and the United States represents everything Canada will never become.

I feel like you might need this, Alberta, to make your Friday a bit better.

Bird flu is now spreading from birds to pets to people, but Donald doesn't want you to know that because it might make him look bad.

The bottom line is this: whenever Canada faces an existential threat, we always unite behind the Liberal Party as it’s the true Team Canada party; the party of the flag and everything unique to us we hold dear. Cons have always tried Americanising us throughout their history.

Billionaires will never win this fight—greed is no match for solidarity. They try to buy redemption with foundations, but they will never know the true wealth of empathy and altruism. Only those fueled by unshakable collective strength will achieve real change.

An #Anonymous message to the people of the United States and Trump. #3E (part 1)

This is going to sound like a joke, but it’s not: the closest thing that anglophone Canadians have to a single unifying national identity is the overwhelming and widespread desire to not be American.

This is public health in Alberta now? “Hey there’s a rash outbreak, rashes are just a symptom and we aren’t saying anything about what it is but wash your hands Kay?” #abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli

Send a quick note, make a quick call. We're a democracy. Make your voice heard. Be part of the metrics.

'The virus that causes COVID-19, known as SARS-CoV-2, may also make the brain vulnerable to Alzheimer's'. It's very important to think through the population-level effects this will have in the next decade.

Study: "95% of the most disinformed Canadians are planning to vote for the CPC or PPC.” People! #PierrePoilievreIsLyingToYou Don't be duped! "I am more powerful than Elon Musk, I am more powerful than Mark Zuckerberg, and I am more powerful than Jeff Bezos, because I can say right now out loud, fuck you, Donald Trump, fuck you. And they can't afford to do that."

Why are our kids sick all the time? Read this as many times as you need to

#RejectPP #NeverPoilievre #ClearanceNowPierre #trudeau #TrudeauResignation

Donald Trump is off his f’n rocker

In the words of our Prime Minister.

I am Canadian 🇨🇦 and I #REJECTpoilievre. #ForeignInterferenceReport #GetAsecurityClearancePP

It must be so fun being a naturopath because you just make it all up as you go and people pay you for it

Thank you Prime Minister Trudeau for your unwavering support and love for this country. All the best to you and your beautiful family now and in the future. #ThankYouPMJT

I’m heartbroken 💔 but I understand and agree with PMJTs decision. He has been the target of hate for many years now. And he’s handled it with complete grace and dignity. F U maplemaga for ruining this country. But now who will you hate? The only good thing to come out of this is we won’t have to see

PMJT is one of the most Progressive PM's next to his father in my lifetime. He has given Canada so much and this is the result due to the hateful attacks on him, his family and the entire Liberal Party by right wing media, disinformation, lies, misinformation and foreign interference. #Canada

“As Justin Trudeau said, ‘We took on debt so Canadians wouldn’t have to.’ The Trudeau government deserves praise for its handling of the pandemic, and the support they provided to Canadians. It’s time to stop pretending otherwise.”

It would explain a lot.

"I know people are tired of COVID, I know how badly we all want to forget how awful things were at their worst, how many millions died, how many more were left with long-term health consequences. Like a modern-day memento mori, my masked face reminds people of horrors they’d rather deny"

New schedule posted and I’m back to my regular of 4 shifts. Phew. I was very worried.

Last year feels like it was just yesterday (deep thoughts by me)

Happy New Year to everyone except Donald Trump, Elon Musk, J.D.Vance, Pierre Poilievre, Doug Ford, Danielle Smith, François Legault, Scott Moe, and their fellow travellers.

#IStandWithTrudeau2025 #cdnpoli #peipoli #onpoli

I only work 3 shifts in the next week & a half. Schedule isn’t out for the week after, but I’m worried. Do they not want me there? I asked & was told there just aren’t enough hours given by the company, but 2 of my coworkers have 4 shifts each week. I can’t help but wonder if it’s because I still 😷

"Stop asking why schools don't have bulletproof glass and metal detectors at all the doors. Ask why schools have to. That's the question that needs to be asked,” Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes

I’m in a LOT of pain tonight. I’m glad I got a prescription of Tylenol 3 from the dentist in October when I got a root canal. I didn’t need most of them then. I did take one tonight however, & I believe it is helping. I don’t know how I can go another 20 years standing for work😭

Finally cleaning up my house today. It’s a day off and I have energy. Better get it done before I lose said energy. Listening to a cheesy Christmassy audiobook should help. Happy Sunday peeps!

#TaylorSwift #Swifties Please wear a properly fitted mask/respirator when visiting people that are sick. Not cool. Via

In true Canadian fashion I would like to send the United States my sincerest apologies. Jordan Peterson is your problem now, best of luck to you all.

Yay!! Good riddance.

Today has been a fantastic Friday the 13th. My work was busy so the day went very fast. My favourite local author came in to the store and we had a great chat. She’s so nice. And now I’m at home in my pjs cuddling with my cats. Going to eat mandarin oranges and bananas for supper. Delicious

Study shows masking on long flights prevents COVID transmission Get weekly updates: 🍁

Them: “Your health is not my responsibility! Don’t expect others to protect you!” Me: “Ok I will wear a mask” Them: “no not like that …we want to ban masks” We are in the worst of times. People don’t test, clean the air or isolate A respirator is our best defence. We need the right to mask