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labs at HMS Neurobiology and the Stanley center at the Broad, doing our best to understand cortical interneurons through developmental genetics and physiology.
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So it seems the newspapers paid scant attention to the "stand up for science". Led by a letter by the NIMH BSC reversed the termination of three young scientists. Your voice for science matters. Make yourself heard.

Busy day. Prospective students visiting and Standing up for Science especially for the next generation of scientists!

Well, some good news. Determination of Soohyun Lee, Mark Histed, Toby Merton seems to have been reversed and all three of them have been rehired. Not the end of the journey but a good first step.

Much as I am touched by the outreach of people proclaiming my role in signing a letter protesting the suspension without pay of Soohyun Lee, Mark Histed and Toby Merton, the issue is simply about due process. Individuals at the NIMH have an expectation of being fairly reviewed by the BSC. Full Stop

Eight years ago we marched for science. This time the stakes are much bigger!

The important step towards understanding brain evolution.

Interesting and compelling idea!

Visiting KAUST in Saudi Arabia to see my wonderful ex-postdoc . 36 square miles of campus,. with 10,000 people all doing science. Interesting to see what they are doing in science. More after I visit the campus for my visit. What a remarkable adventure.

This time, I took the liberty of changing the title myself!

HI Everyone! Cortical Development just moved over to Bluesky. Come to this years meeting in Naxos Sicily May 25th-28th. Come join the fun and science!

Our other big direction is to understand how neural circuits self-assemble from bottom-up signaling, to a mix of bottom-up and top-down computation... spoiler alert, interneurons are centrally involved in the process!

OK, here is my lab's next adventure. We are going to understand how gene regulatory networks modify themselves by bringing together intrinsic programming and non-autonomous environmental cues. Wish us luck…

I completely agree. So proud of my former lab members who have chosen to work in drug therapies, publishing, industry and pharma! Broad choices is a huge appeal of doing a PhD!

So pleased to see Anne Churchland be honored with the Pradel Research Award!

As Bruce Coburn once said "the trouble with normal is it always gets worse"

This without a doubt is one of my favorite TV out-takes! You go Jeff Daniels!

Who knew? The general public, including the USA, trusts us! In fact as a Canadian I am embarrassed to find my native people have less faith in scientists than Americans!

Having spent the last three years collaborating with the armamentarium and most notably with people at the Allen, I second Rui's enthusiasm!

And?....dude that one needs a follow up! The suspense is killing me!

Alison's work is always worth a look! SST interneurons provide precise inputs to the various dendritic branches of pyramidal cells, as well as providing strong interneuron regulation. Go take a look at this review of their role in cognition and learning!

While I will generally stay away from politics, we are now, like Rome, experiencing a permanent post-republican change (pun intended). After Caesar (a populist) disposed of the republic, Rome went on for better or worse depending on the emperor. Let's see how science fares in this brave new world.

Hey Neuroscientists 🧠! Heading to San Diego for #SfN25 in November? Join us for an exciting all-day symposium at in beautiful La Jolla, just a couple of days before the conference. It's free to attend, so register early and plan your travels accordingly! 🧪

This reminds me of classical experiments where you lie a string on the open neural plate and show that it comes out of the bottom of the hypothalamus after folding. Never been a big prosomere fan and looking forward to reading this thoroughly.

A Martinotti cell with two thick tufted pyramidal neurons. Martinotti cells inhibit the dendrites of nearby pyramidal neurons with their ascending axon. #neuroskyence Birdwatching the brain

Big dendrite going up and splitting, axon going down to areas that impact behavior. It is a layer 5 thick tufted pyramidal neuron of the mouse cortex! The brain is populated by “infinite forms most beautiful”. Ramon y Cajal called them butterflies of the soul #neurobiology

I am honored both to serve on the McKnight Scholar's committee and to support two young woman who are making a difference (yeah love to tell you who but not appropriate). To all mid to late investigators, your impact is in no small way based on who you help train and help promote. Pay it forward!!

In principle I agree with this but in truth experiments imply perturbation and observation is entirely correlative.

As Tolstoy said “all happy families are the same, all unhappy families are different”. There is a shit load of ways to suck as a scientist but all out obsessive love of the field is the only way to be good at it. It isn’t being brilliant (although that helps), it is never letting go!

Just had a conversation with a friend about people in the lab. Of all the brilliant people I have worked with, what makes the best stand out is that they never stop thinking about stuff and that makes all the difference.

String theory is a fine idea and even if it is correct will go nowhere until someone figures out a way to test it experimentally. So sure, go have all theories you want but don't expect it to progress until some clever person figures out a way to challenge that theory experimentally.

Yep, I believe that a hypothesis is only useful if you can test it. "all hypotheses are wrong but some are useful"...Useful because with experiments you can discover the world works differently and hence you have learned something....otherwise you have a beautiful idea unperturbed by facts!

“Wet dog shakes”—a common reflex behavior shared among many hairy mammals and designed to expel water and irritants from their coats—happens when particular mechanoreceptors are activated, researchers studying mice report in Science. Learn more:

I love Arden's passion and enthusiasm! Bring it!!!

Exciting news from the lab! In collaboration with our #EU-Nanobrigth partners, we’ve developed and tested a new probe for vibrational fiber photometry, enabling minimally invasive Raman spectroscopy deep into the 🧠.

So I feel so at a cross roads. I have rarely been so excited by my science and science in general ....and yet so worried that it will all fall away through a crunch on funding. That said I have had that same concern for the past 25 years. Short term pessimism-long term optimism!

From our recent paper: 7-color Tetbow image of the neocortex🌈 We can distinguish hundreds of neurons based on the combinatorial expression of 7 FPs. Here is the list of plasmids for Tetbow experiments if you are interested (all available from Addgene):

Tough times and amazing resilience. We aren't measured by how we fall but how we rise....go Luke!

Everyone knows that failure is bad. We devote a lot of time to trying to avoid it. But sometimes failure is good. A brief story: ~11 yrs ago, when my friends were all starting their own labs, I was starting my 2nd postdoc. My 1st postdoc (w/ Gord Fishell at NYU) had ended in disaster when 1/

This paper is a gem: TL/DR: dopamine receptor binding kinetics are slower than fluctuations in dopamine concentration, and D1/D2 receptor affinity differences basically don't matter. We've been thinking about dopamine incorrectly this whole time

I wrote some thoughts about why peer review matters It shapes scientific standards, maintains field coherence & trains new researchers Yes, it needs improvement—but it's the glue that holds scientific progress together

Well I guess it is inevitable....already seeing the noise level rise as I follow more people. Not that I am not interested in your personal lives but please not here. I want to keep this to science.

As I have already said, this is an amazing opportunity!

Here is a list of some institutions/organizations/centers related to Neuro/Bio; Math/Physics/AI Still very sparse...Reach out to your institute/center social network admin to embrace the growing #scienceSky ps. it would be great if to actively send invites to sci/tech