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More land animals than ever before are slaughtered for meat. Recent estimates indicate that globally, most animals are raised on factory farms. In the US, where better data and research are available, 99% of livestock is factory-farmed.

Er zitten Russische buikspreekpoppen in onze regering en parlement.

** Landbouw- innovaties wat dacht je van gewassen direct opeten in plaats van er vee mee vet te mesten **

I was just told that I have to remove “climate” from the title of an ongoing grant if I want to keep it. And publications from that grant cannot include “climate” and other forbidden words. I can’t believe I’m writing this from the United States of America. #AcademicSky

(1/4) Voor de verkiezingen had de PVV mooie beloftes. Lagere AOW-leeftijd, lagere huren & gelijk een lager eigen risico. Nu probeert de PVV er alles aan te doen om het niet te laten gaan over deze verbroken beloftes. Gelukkig hebben we de stemmingsuitslagen nog...

trump wants more AIDS. AIDS is a horror no human imagination could dream up. The body starts disintegration, well before it allows the spirit to die. It's one of the worst things that has ever happened to humanity. AIDS is preventable and was (ever too slowly) on its way out of human history.

Dutch politics are starting to look more and more like a 'Polish parliament'. "Het lijkt hier wel een Poolse Landdag!"

Closing your curtains at dusk improves insect -, plant -, bat - and hedgehog life in your garden or immediate surroundings, because it keeps your house lights from shining out. And it's energy efficient and cosy. Who knew!!

We might yearn for paradise, temporal or spiritual. But to our descendents our habitable planet will look like an almost unimaginable paradise. No tech fantasy, no space station or controlled environment will ever compare. Fight for what we have. This is our heaven, and there can be no other.

Animal Agriculture is EXTREMELY inefficient - using a staggering ~83% of ALL agricultural land despite only producing ~18% of global calories

Kan niet wachten om NSC opinies van het constitutioneel hof naast zich neer te zien leggen.

Toneelspelers weten: je kunt geen koning spelen. Je krijgt het gewoon niet geacteerd. Je hebt entourage nodig die je dient, die tegen je opkijkt, die je vreest. Dat is speelbaar. Welke rol spelen wij tov autocraten? Maken wij ze koning? Optimistisch kwartiertje:

"[52% of 13 to 27 year-olds] can’t see the point of all those time-wasting elections and parliaments. [...] In a sense, they’ve brilliantly proved their own argument against democracy. If they are so wrongheaded, maybe it is better not to consult them?"

Tips to keep democracy alive in 2025: 1. Be Brave. Avoid helpless/hopeless talk. Authoritarians want you to feel powerless because it makes their work easier. Courage, faith, and optimism are essential. Fascism feeds on cynicism and pessimism. Starve it.

Ik durf niet te bedenken wat Caspar Veldkamp nog méér nodig heeft.

Toch maar een starterpack gemaakt met redacteuren, columnisten, critici en andere vaste medewerkers van ik vergeet nog mensen, maar de lijst zal worden aangevuld. Volg ze allemaal!