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documenting rural chinese life
33 posts 85 followers 47 following
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this app is crap!


thkis guy is so stupid

learning culture


is this capitalism,?

she oun my #shit like alec baldwin

alec baldwin the inly one who can stop elon musk now

profound. #peace

hello blue sky

doing a eu4 style rebellion every time the city sends me a email

my scientist friend is researching fart particles

how will the florida dems fix rthis?

if there is any one reason chang kai shek lost the war its because of the unreliability of his wizard allies

i dont wanr hasan to get old

still a more monumental (anf joyous) world historic moment than ant US ‘election’

ive secured the patent for a medicine that will be sold on g2a

alot to process….

erdogan going bar for bar with the ghost of christmas rn

in the new tears of the kingdom there is a place on the map thgat is dedicated to all the victims of the croatian war of independence (roughly 200 people)

whjy would you ever need to do this😹

im fancy and the boss