Dad to two cats, Unix sysadmin, C/C#/C++ coder, Android dev, vintage calculator enthusiast, linguist, mobile tech enthusiast. Based in NW England.
Views are my own and not those of my employer.
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I would love to see a solution. The thing that frustrates me the most is how people don't fully appreciate the magnitude of the problem and the number of hurdles to overcome. It *is* relatively simple for someone who has their own driveway/garage. Not for those who have to park 100 yds from home.
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Far too logical for any government to implement!
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And who's going to pay for the installation of kerbside charging outlets? I don't own an EV so I'm not paying for it.
Who's paying for the energy provided? Who's paying for the monitoring infrastructure? Who's paying for the repairs made necessary by vandalism and simple wear and tear?
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3/3: Getting my dual monitor setup working was a breeze and all I had to buy was a Thunderbolt/DisplayPort cable. The keyboard layout is slightly different from that of a PC but you get used to it quickly enough.
I liked this thing so much that I even ran out and bought an M3 MacBook Air...
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2/3: ...much, much better on Apple silicon than on Windows. This is going to boost my productivity significantly and the Mac Mini will pay for itself in short order. Bluetooth connectivity works flawlessly so I can use my earbuds for those video calls. I couldn't get it working at all on Windows.
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A lot of the people that I follow on twatter are coming over here.
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Welp. Today I learned that the DOS command prompt didn't suck as much as I thought it did! I probably spent a lot more time using a Linux shell and therefore know more intuitively how to get the most out of it.
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When did:
ren *.txt *.lua
become possible?
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Oh, it is!
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2/2: He spent a while looking for a utility that would do this in one go instead of forcing him to do it manually.
I got him to install Git Bash to get a working bash console without the full WSL installation and showed him:
$ for i in *.txt; do mv -v "$i" "${i%txt}lua"; done
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1/2: "Just use Linux" always strikes me as a snotty response from someone with a superiority complex of some kind.
There are, however, instances where Linux or any kind of Unix shell at least makes life so much easier. Case in point, my partner had a bunch of (100+) .txt files to rename to .lua.
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Thank your lucky stars that it was just the look!
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"Over six". So how many? Seven? Eight?...
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It's my preferred image editor on Windows too.
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So you turn it over and guess what... It's the *other* wrong way up now. Flip it back over and it goes in first time.
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2/2: The 2-week lead time strikes me as a bit long but I'll wait. I need to clear some space on my desk and get some extra cables and a bluetooth mouse anyway. My Android dev teammates all use Macbooks so maybe Android Studio works better on Apple Silicon than on x86. We'll see!
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If 45² = 2025 then it follows automatically that 9² x 5² = 2025.
45² = 45 x 45 = 9 x 5 x 9 x 5 = 9 x 9 x 5 x 5 = 9² x 5²
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Definitely confortably numb 🤣
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Both of my cats play that game. Of the two, Luna is the more accomplished!
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If it's an all-you-can-eat joint then surely you can take a bit less and then go back for more if you want it, right? You don't have to load your plate sky-high right from the get go.
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I agree with it wholeheartedly. Wasting something you asked for and did not eat is potentially depriving someone else of it.
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TL;DR No UWB for the US variants.
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Luna approves!
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You can never avoid online tracking altogether, it's a fact of life these days. What you *can* do is avoid using really intrusive services. I disagreed with the privacy policy of WhatsApp a while back and stopped using it. I stopped using Facebook too. I will not start using Instagram or Threads.
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I sincerely hope it stays that way!
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Because there's nothing I want more than a 75" billboard in my living room...
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Saw your tweet so here I am. We've never met in real life but I did buy your old Nokia E7 a while ago if that counts!
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Now if only they'd give it a dark mode...
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Was ist das? Ich erkenne's nicht...
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Au vieux Twitter comme il était jusqu'en 2015 environ...
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J'éspère que tout va bien à Loches et ailleurs dans le 37. Je connais le coin un peu. J'ai vécu 7 ans à Chinon et mes parents vivaient à Paulmy, près de Ligueil, jusqu'en 2013.
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It's all about relativity and time slowing down as you approach c.
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Glad you made your way over here!
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Welp. Windows or even DOS didn't exist when I started computing in the late '70s. I started programming on a Commodore PET.