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Intrepid adventurer of Elanthia. Interests include magic, potions, scrolls, wands, cats, owls, and painting pictures of my food to share with friends. Meet me in the world of GemStone IV at artwork: and
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I can’t decide whether my first Wizard Familiar should be a cat or an owl. 🦉 🐈 ?????

I asked my trainer for a better way to dispatch the rats so I stop shocking myself. She suggested a water spell instead. It's also an easy new way to bathe! People sure are more friendly now. My reputation as an expert rat-dispatcher must be getting around... #AlmostFamous #HeroInTraining

As a fledgling adventurer in Elanthia, you may ask yourself, "Phelynn, what do you do if you run out of mana while hunting rats?" The answer is NOT "bap them on the nose with your runestaff and run." #Wizard #WeakArms #DontPokeThemEither #BackAwaySlowly

I'm not saying a giant rat got me, but I'm not NOT saying that someone may or may not have had to save me and that Empath Helnora may or may not have had to put me back together so a Cleric may or may not could resurrect me. Whew. Saved it. #TipYourHealers #TipYourClerics #StopTippingOverThough

The giant rats in the Catacombs are very... prolific. It's a wonder the Landing hasn't been overrun before now... but we will hold the line... #HeroInTraining #WizardInTraining #GS4 #GemStone4 #Gaming

Dear Diary Day Four Do you know what happens to a giant rat when it's struck by lightning? ... your bolt spell backfires on you through the water in the sewer and shocks you instead. #WizardInTraining #ShouldaSeenThatOneComing

I have single-handedly fended off the Great Rat Invasion of 5124. No one seems particularly grateful. Ever since I got out of the sewers, everyone's giving me funny looks. After I was down there for hours, slogging through the muck and the waste. This is the thanks I get. #rude

they have taken the grate and the second hole I am still holding I cannot get out I hear squeaks Squeaks in the deep They are coming #GiantRats #SendHelp #fantasy #GS4 #WizardInTraining

quick update: those were not raccoons whatever you Wehnimer's Landing people are throwing in your sewers, YOU NEED TO STOP #GiantRats #omg #RunAway

I've been observing a family of abnormally large raccoons for a few minutes. They haven't spotted me yet. I wonder if they're friendly. They probably shouldn't be in the Catacombs. I might need to rescue them. #Fantasy #GS4 #HeroInTraining

something just squished past my leg

it's dark in here #GS4 #GemStoneIV #gaming #Catacombs #newbie #stinkytoo

I managed to afford some lessons with my local Wizard trainer. I feel much more capable of handling any challenges that might come my way. She suggested I try some smaller foes in the Catacombs to start. After the mines, this should be a piece of cake. I guess I was really in there for maybe half an hour. Time passes slowly when you haven't had breakfast. now I'm hungry enough to eat a thrak. or maybe a manticore... ooooooor maybe just a bagel. Yeah, let's stick with bagel.

dear reader if you've found this, i may already be dead #LastWill #DidntThinkItWouldEndLikeThis #SendMeBackToTheMines

DOES HE EVER STOP #RagingThrak #MoreLikeRavingThrak #GS4 #Fantasy #Adventure #NeedMoreCoffee

I could really use an intermission

this fellow seems nice. he IS a talker. I should've brought breakfast. #tired #hungry #sleepy #broke

Dear Diary Day 3 Between the blacksmith and the clerk, I was able to scrape together enough to stay at the Raging Thrak Inn last night. I hear there's a fellow I can chat with for some advice. Hopefully it doesn't take very long. So #tired #GS4 #Gaming

Good morning Elanthia! Where will our adventures take us today? #GoodMorning #AdventureAwaits #CoffeeFirst

maybe tomorrow will be my day. Still a lot to see and do. until then -Phelynn

...okay so I guess I was really only gone for maybe an hour. Turns out mines are very dark, very damp, and very hot. Who knew. And the kobold infestation isn't doing anyone any favors. There must be an easier way. #broke #WizardAdventures #OnlineGame #GS4

dear reader if you've found this, i may already be dead. i don't know if it was getting lost in the mine, fighting the kobolds, or the moldy muffin i had to resort to eating. tell the blacksmith he's a two-faced anvil-kisser. farewell, probably phelynn

i drew a picture of the mine for posterity in case i ever get out of here

i'm getting hungry

i swear i've been down here forever, it just keeps going

there are a lot of things moving around in this so-called ABANDONED MINE

My silvers troubles may be over. Just talked to the blacksmith while dropping off a message. It's too bad he's too old to run the abandoned family mine anymore. I've never mined, but he said it looks like I have "natural talent." This might be the break I need! #PayingForWizardSchool #GonnaBeRich

i swear to gods if i get sent to argent aspis ONE MORE TIME #AllTheWayAcrossTown #SupposedToBeAWIZARD

So that money the clerk gave me yesterday... He actually expects me to pay it back... And has a whole stack of messages for me to deliver... Funny how that worked out... #sus #WhereIsTheRunner

Did you know that the Town Clerk in Wehnimer's Landing will pay people to run messages!? He's awfully nice. He gave me money yesterday when I got to town, too, so he could help me "get started." #OnlineRoleplaying #GS4 #OnlineGames

Dear Diary It has been suggested that incidents such as the unfortunate turn of events last night may be avoided with gainful employment. I am off to find such. Wish me good luck and please stop talking so loudly, your pages really don't need to move around that much. #NewDayNewMe

dear diary day 2 why #GemStone #GS4 #Hungover #NoMoreGrog #NeverAgain

dairy. dyari. diary. found a nice alley tink i'll stay herre next to hegla hedgela helga did you know it comes in pints

supplemental log: found a fellow who seems to know what that whole sprite thing is about thank Imaera it wasn't the mushrooms

Adv. log supp. sprite seems to know an awful lot about Luukos. I might need to ditch this chucklehead. though he's had the hook-up for some interesting armaments. we'll see....

adventurer's log supplemental I found a quiet spot to talk with the sprite. probably real. suspiciously seems to know a lot about shady dealings going on around town. is this the sort of sprite mama warned me about? proceeding with caution...

dear diary arrived today at Wehnimer's Landing. unsure if the sprite on my shoulder is real or a result of the mushrooms I foraged on the way in. waiting to see if someone comments on it.