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Disaster Risk Researcher from Brazil based in Germany.
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Getting Started


The situation in the US 🇺🇸 is serious, with the constitutional and political order rapidly changing. KIM LANE SCHEPPELE ( explains in our editorial what has happened in the past few weeks and what is at stake.

PARA LEMBRAR | Dezenas de países contestam reciclagem como única solução e pedem menos produção: petroleiros são contra qualquer limite. “Porque o problema é a poluição, não os plásticos em si.” Foi assim que o representante da Arábia Saudita reduziu o grande impasse nas negociações.

Nun ist es passiert: Union und FDP haben billigend in Kauf genommen, mit der AfD Mehrheiten zu bilden. TARIK ABOU-CHADI ( erinnert daran, wie viele Beispiele beweisen, dass solche Prozesse radikal rechte Parteien normalisieren.

#TDGR Potsdam 02.02.2025 14:00 Uhr, Alter Markt

Dear colleagues, These are the last days for submitting abstracts to the #EGU25! We invite you to consider the already "traditional" session on costs of #NaturalHazards. All types of costs, not just direct, tangible ones, are welcomed. Greetings from the Co-Conveners. Hope to see you in Vienna!

#introduction Dear Bluesky, I am a #disaster #risk #researcher with background in hydrology and environmental engineering currently based at the University of Potsdam, Germany. I am a research associate analysing and modelling flood impacts / flood damage. I also teach GIS and risk assessment.

Importante⚠️ Ministério Público lança aplicativo para denúncia de crimes ambientais pela população

Auf deutschen Straßen sterben acht Menschen pro Tag, zuletzt stiegen die Opferzahlen besonders auf Autobahnen. Verbände von Umwelthilfe bis Gewerkschaft der Polizei fordern, beim Dauerstreitthema Tempolimit umzudenken.