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Scientific research institution on the coastal margin of British Columbia, Canada | Part of the Tula Foundation
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A new paper featuring Hakai Institute researchers reveals that the tidal swamps of the Pacific Northwest, alongside mangroves in Mexico, stash away the largest amounts of carbon on the Pacific coast of North America. Full paper with vital regional estimates🔗

FRIDAY: Join us live (and over Zoom) as Dr. Alyssa Gehman from discusses "Marine disease ecology in a changing environment". (Please note this session will NOT be recorded)

We work with folks based in Nanaimo, Quadra Island, and Vancouver - it was great that some of us could get together at the DFO State of the Pacific Ocean meeting in Sidney BC!

FRIDAY: Join us live (and online) at 11 am PT, as Dr. Margot Hessing Lewis of discusses "KELP on the RISE: from marine science and monitoring to biomass production and biodiversity". More info & to RSVP: #kelp #seagrass #biodiversity

A new study by Hakai Institute and contributes to the growing evidence that environmental DNA (eDNA) is an effective tool to study complex marine zooplankton communities, challenging the view that eDNA is imprecise or unreliable. Full paper 🔗

Check out this great Introduction to Using #eDNA for Environmental Management from DFO, and the Sunday lab 🧪 🧬🌊🐟🦀🐚 Is a great primer on eDNA for marine conservation!

Many thanks to the Canadian Embassy in Guatemala for highlighting the incredible work of TulaSalud, which has been working in remote communities across Guatemala to improve access to health care services for women and girls for more than 20 years 🔗

Very nice signals across southwest BC picked up by the Raspberry Shake seismic network, operated by the Geological Survey of Canada,, and

Nanwakolas Council and the Hakai Institute produced a short film on the 50 Watersheds Project, an Indigenous-led initiative monitoring key watersheds to understand climate change and forestry impacts on salmon. Check it out here: 🔗

Check out yesterday’s Vancouver Sun article highlighting new research by and other Hakai Institute scientists that connects storm season intensity in British Columbia with ocean acidification in the Strait of Georgia 🔗

The Tula Foundation has received $250K from NRCan’s GeoConnections program to develop a web application to help translate our trove of geospatial images and data into a better understanding of how climate change is impacting the BC landscape 🔗

Dr. Brian Menounos recently co-authored a global study on glacier mass loss published in Nature. For Canada—home to 1/4 of Earth’s glaciers—having this data is key for understanding the impacts of climate change. Full story 🔗

Historic moment! Canada and the Haida Nation have signed The Big Tide Agreement, affirming the inherent legal right of the Haida people to the land. This agreement is the first time the federal government has recognized Aboriginal title through negotiations.

Ocean acidification is threatening marine ecosystems. A new paper in Nature led by Hakai Institute researchers links storm-season intensity to ocean acidification conditions in BC, offering predictive insights for coastal communities & fisheries 🔗

Hakai Institute researcher Alyssa Gehman is studying the impacts of sea star wasting disease on Pycnopodia helianthoides—sunflower sea stars. She recently traveled to central BC’s coastal fjords to explore whether these cold- water ecosystems could provide refuge for the endangered sea stars.

The Hakai Institute is refurbishing a retired buoy, which it deployed in Bute Inlet last Friday! Equipped with measurement tools, it will collect real time oceanographic data to help Homalco First Nation decide when to release salmon from their hatchery.

As part of the Marine Planning Partnership (MaPP), Nanwakolas Council has created a helpful guide on best practices in showing maya'xala—respect—when spending time in the territories of Nanwakolas member First Nations 🔗

Throwback to the good ol' days (2011-15) working on Calvert Island as a postdoc. Such great facilities. Such great food. Such great Quaternary geology. 🧪⚒️

The Pacific Northwest Crab Research Group is expanding its larval Dungeness crab monitoring network across Washington and BC 🦀 This collaborative effort is key to understanding the crab's life cycle in the Salish Sea. Learn more🔗

Learn how insect genes and fish pee are helping Nanwakolas Council understand the impacts of forestry practices and climate change on salmon in First Nations' territories—thanks to eDNA technology 🧬

Homathko River delta hillshade from high-res (Norbit) multibeam sonar from a cruise with a few years ago 😍 ⚒️

Hello🦋 Hoping for a nice platform to exchange science again. I'm a #kelp ecologist, finished my PhD last year on climate change impacts on kelp forests (🇬🇧, & work now on microbes (🇨🇦, kelpy times🌊🌱

Researchers on the 2024 Northeast Pacific Deep-sea Exploration Project (NEPDEP) deployed the ROPOS submersible, a powerful, deep-diving robot able to reach depths of 5000m. ROPOS captured beautiful images of deep-sea organisms, as well as samples, giving us a glimpse into an unseen world 🪸🦑

Many of you likely saw "Island of the Sea Wolves", the 2022 Netflix series about British Columbia's coastal wildlife. But what you _didn't_ see was the three minutes of illegally-obtained killer whale footage that a BC court judge barred from being included in the series. 🧵🐙📷📽️🧪

Sue Velazquez developed a low-tech eDNA sampling kit for tracking fish biodiversity—which is now being deployed by a network of coastal partners. Monthly eDNA samples are processed on Quadra Island and supply free data for local conservation efforts🔗

This summer Hakai Institute geospatial scientist Keith Holmes traveled to Pangnirtung to assist in an ongoing study of bowhead whales. The team deployed an arsenal of high-tech gadgets to gather data from the whales, including suction-cup tracking tags. 🔗

Holiday reading? The final Tula Quarterly of the year is live with stories that run from the sea floor (sequencing ancient DNA in deep-ocean sediment) to the sky (deploying airborne LiDAR after the Chilcotin landslide). And lots more in between! 🔗

A new paper from the Coastal Rainforest Margins Research Network explores how climate change and other anthropogenic factors are affecting the land-sea interface and coastal marine ecosystems 🔗

New research led by Hakai's Justin Belluz shows that changing freshwater dynamics have the potential to alter phytoplankton communities that support BC's coastal ecosystems—and can promote toxic blooms harmful to marine mammals and humans🔗

North America is experiencing massive glacial loss. Brian Menounos and the Hakai Geospatial team conduct LiDAR surveys to monitor the region's snow and ice —data that contributes to the annual WMO State of the Climate Report, improving our understanding of the global climate emergency!

The final Tula Quarterly of the year is now live, with stories that run from the sea floor (sequencing ancient DNA in deep-ocean sediment) to the sky (deploying airborne LiDAR after the Chilcotin landslide), and more! To view the full newsletter, visit 🔗

Farming, aquaculture & population growth has increased nutrient overloads in the global ocean, which can lead to harmful algal blooms and dead zones—but monitoring is sparse. GEM-in-a-Box is aiming to fill the gaps, from Kenya to Malaysia to the Bahamas 🔗

Researchers at our Ancient DNA lab are analyzing deep marine sediment cores extracted from Barkley Canyon. Their findings offer an opportunity to look into how this ecosystem has changed over the past 15,000 years. Stay tuned for an exciting sedaDNA article in the upcoming TQ!

The final issue of Tula Quarterly for 2024 is dropping soon - haven't signed up yet? We got you 🔗

A new paper by Hakai Institute researchers points to bull kelp—those long whips seen on Pacific beaches—as an “ideal” biological indicator species for marine planning efforts in the Northern Shelf Bioregion. See the full paper 🔗

A landslide blocked the Chilcotin River in July 2024, threatening to unleash a devastating flood. Hakai Institute affiliate Brian Menounos was on the scene to assist in assessing the extent of the hazard and its potential impacts. Read the full story 🔗

We're hiring! 📣The Hakai Institute is looking for an experienced Data Scientist and Developer to work closely with the oceanography team. View the full posting here 🔗

A new study on hazelnut biogeography in the Pacific Northwest led by @SFU researcher Chelsey Geralda Armstrong and Hakai Institute researchers, reveals the profound role of Indigenous peoples in shaping hazelnut range and distribution over thousands of years🔗

On B.C.'s coast, an invasion of the European green crab is happening below the waves 🦀 Their destructive impact on nearshore ecosystems is setting off alarm bells— but Hakai scientists are deploying a new tool making it easier to detect these invaders 🔗

The first week of the Quadra Island Bioblitz had a terrestrial focus and was a huge success, with nearly 1000 species (and counting) recorded on our iNaturalist project! 📷: Brian Starzomski, of a brown elfin butterfly (& one of the species of the day winners! 🏆)

The terrestrial portion of the Quadra Island Bioblitz is underway at Enjoying practicing my vascular plant ID and learning from our visiting experts! Keep tabs on what we’re finding on our iNaturalist project here:

grateful to the support for coastal science from 🧪

Although all the planet’s killer whales are currently considered a single species (Orcinus orca), some of the world’s leading experts are proposing to split them into three species. By

Watch the whale! Help us in our campaign to get to 300 members! 🦑 #conservation 🧪

Congratulations to Dr. Chris Harley for being #funded by @NSERC_CRSNG #AllianceGrant.

In Victoria? Curious what goes on in that brick building down in the inner harbour? Come on by our open house, 10am-3pm today and see some of our work on display—3D models, drones and ROVs, plankton under microscopes, archaeological artifacts, and more!

Dr. Alyssa-Lois Gehman says this is first step on many. She said scientists need to learn more about a wasting #disease that affects #seastars so that future generations don’t suffer from it.

Honoured to have received the Open Zooarchaeology Award for my ICAZ 2023 presentation in Cairns, Australia! Thank you to everyone who made this possible Tula Foundation & Mitacs