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Mimic elf painting Skaven and Nurgle. Loves niche TTRPGs. Twitch: Refs and Links: Intro:
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Thanks for coming to the stream everyone! I got a decent amount of paint on the lads, and even got to try out using speedpaints for glow effects which is still WIP for the Commando but is looking real nice.

I'm been painting a lot of larger units for my various Trench Crusade warbands, but I need to get me a few grunts so I can try out the Naval Raiding Party. Let's see how far I can paint these lads up!

Thanks for coming to the stream everyone! Policenauts is an extremely neat game with a real strong mood and a setting I'm very much enjoying digging into. I did not take a better screenshot so here's cute space flight attendant.

For some reason my brain thought Policenauts would be a good follow up to TokiMemo, but hey it's been a while since I've played a Kojima game so this should be a fun ride.

Local man of God too angry to die. Very happy with how my War Prophet turned out! Now I just need to give him some proper Pilgrims to lead. #trenchcrusade #miniatures

Movie night is over with Hell Comes to Frogtown! Easily one of the horniest movies I've ever seen despite not having much actual sex. Great frog costumes and the ending 10ish minutes were a fun action ride.

I've managed to make it past the gate bandits and into the big city of Tarant. Now with the world map all opened up it's time to find out what to do next.

Thanks for coming to the stream everyone! Shrine Warjackorite turned out very legit! I wanna give him a bit more TLC and some weathering powder, but he's ready to stomp around on the tabletop in this state.

I thought it'd be fun to take an old Menoth Warjack and kitbash it up for Trench Crusade as a Shrine Anchorite. The rubbery plastic was more of a pain than I was expecting, but I still think I can salvage this bad boy with paint.

Somehow my social and mental batteries managed to fully recharge themselves on their own and I'm riding this high as far as I can in one evening.

Schedule time nerds! Once again I find myself back on Kojima's wild ride with Policenauts, my poor dorf trying his best in Arcanum, and as usual rad minis to paint!

Thanks for coming to the stream everyone! Big lad is done and I even finished this fine scroll lad next to him! Now I have so many proper photos to take...

This large lad has been sitting around mostly finished, so let's get him off my table. And hey, if I get done early I can go back to some saucy nuns.

Thanks for coming to the stream everyone! I destroyed my lad's chances of having any sort of further education or career, but hey we got the tomboy in the end so everything worked out.

Last week I undertook the path of the muscle in order to date the apex tomboy Nazuna. So far things haven't exploded horribly. Let's see if I can keep things going.

My taxes are done, but at what cost?

Thanks for coming to the stream! Everyone in game still hates me for being a dwarf, but there are two less bandits out there due to the liberal application of explosives.

Last week terrible ice storms stopped me from going on sad dorf adventures. NOT THIS WEEK BAYBEE. Now to deal with 3 very stupid but strong bandits...

Thanks for coming to the stream everyone! Lad's lookin pretty good even if he's not quite ready to party just yet.

I've been enjoying my Grail and Court lists so far, but I'm feeling like letting some ranged damage and mobility into my life, and if I finish off a War Prophet I can run Trench Pilgrims. Let's get this lad ready for the shop!

The rest of my Dirge lads for Trench Crusade. With them done I got a full 700 ducats, and they've been fun as hell to play with at the shop. Viscera Cannons my beloved. #trenchcrusade #miniatures

Schedule time nerds! Basically a repeat of this week, but hopefully this time horrible weather doesn't stop me from romancing tomboys, being a sad dwarf, stabbin rats, and painting minis!

Thanks for coming to the stream everyone! I managed to get the Scrivener enameled along with some extra work on some of my WIP bucket of Plague Marines!

I made plenty of progress with my Scrivener last stream. Let's see if I can get ready for a nice enamel bath.

Thanks for coming to the stream everyone! TokiMemo has been a blast so far. Def going to continue this into next week because I must successfully romance the green haired tomboy.

For this years (late) Valentines, I thought it'd be fun to play one of the elder dating sims: Tokimemo. I've also heard it's very hard so time to get romantically obliterated I guess.

This Artillery witch was so sick that I had to make my own.

Power is finally back yippee!

Checking out the lancer rpg one shot game jam, tons of cool stuff in here:

Sorry to cancel another stream but I’m still without power and might not be getting it back til late tonight.

Well my power has been out since 9. I’m hoping it comes back before stream (also cause I’m cold). I’ll keep you nerds posted.

Thanks for coming to the stream everyone! My Praetor is drying and looking good! I expect he'll need some additional work in the end, but I'm very happy with where he's at right now.

Today's another one of those projects created by sudden neuron activation. Said neurons lead me to make a hideous fat tentacle blob with a carved out face and a toothed scythe. I think I need to go to the doctor one of these days.

Schedule time nerds! Back to the mini mines, the more literal Arcanum mines, the rat infested mines over on Loremaster's stream, and the high school romance mines with Tokimeki Memorial! I'm a very dwarfy elf this week.

We real romance gaming this Saturday.

Thanks for coming to the stream everyone! Very good progress on horrible plague critter.

I picked up this horrible little lad from my LGS's used bin a while ago, and if I get him painted up apparently I have a fully painted Maggotkin Spearhead ready to party. Let's see how far I can get in 2.5 hours!

As a head's up, the cold I've been dealing with this week has really drained me today, so I'm going to cancel tonight's stream and rest up.

I really need to clean out my random images folder because I just flashbanged myself with the Squart guy again.

Another Elf Discord movie night with Fire and Ice! It was a solid 1.5 hours of caveman fights, lovingly rendered rotoscoped ass shots, and people getting choked. Glad to have finally watched it.

Thanks for coming to the stream! Everyone hates my dorf but I despite that I'm enjoying the hell out Arcanum. Hopefully for next time I can work out the tech jank...

I've been meaning to get around to Arcanum for years and have heard nothing but good things the entire time. Tonight's the night!

Thanks for coming to the stream everyone! I feel the plague taking me, but at least I got the 4 lads ready to minus some mod podge, and even got some progress on the Annointed.

Took my Bereaved to the shop last weekend and they did a pretty good job in their game. To celebrate and really get them boosted up, let's see if I can wrap them up fully!