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Researching food, gardening, environment, health & sustainability at Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences. Interested in regional development. Living in Karslbad.
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I am excited to share that Professor Monika Egerer & I have brought together over 40 authors from around the world in our edited book “Crisis Gardening: A Global Perspective". This fantastic collection will be out in under 6 months. To find out more follow the link:

Our paper made it to the homepage of the BOKU Institute of Development Research. Post-Growth Food Systems suddenly seem to be of even more importance than ever before! The events in the US exemplify how fragile our global system really is! We need to grow and eat local.

Některá práce člověku dělá opravdu radost, i když téma není vždy úplně veselé👇 Jako třeba spolupráce našeho týmu SOÚ AV ČR a Karlovarského kraje: "Kdo musí jít z kola ven? Sociální a prostorové faktory volby střední školy a dokončení středního vzdělání v Karlovarském kraji" 1/3

Když říká, že tu máme interagovat, ať to tu roste, tak budiž, i když už jsem to psal i jinde 😉 Koho z vás by před rokem napadlo, že tohle je možné? Optimisti, přiznejte se 😀 Ještě zdaleka není hotovo, ale snad jsme na dobré cestě!

I find it fascinating when the journal in which editor has been "compiling the reviewers' comments" of our submission for several month is regularly sending me emails promoting itself as a place to "accelerate your publication"😀

CfP: In the name of Polička Collective I invite you to submit a paper to our panel “Transformative world visions from the Global East? (Post)socialist inspirations for resilience and good life” at the EUGEO conference 8-11 Sept 2025 in Vienna. Full call here:

Petr Daněk and my OA analysis of food self-provisioning based on 800 respondents in Czechia and 500 in Austria is out in Erdkunde: time in the garden, motivations for growing food, volume of production, extent of food sharing, fertiliser and pesticide use...