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So much for his Hippocratic oath.

Just saying.

Remember when Trump swept into office amid promises to lower costs? Well...

Ok sure, eggs are more expensive and inflation isn’t lowering, but at least they cut the funding for childhood cancer research, stopped monitoring Bird flu, shutdown Medicaid, stripped hungry kids of their school lunches and took hot meals away from seniors

The vice-president a week ago. “Obviously.”

Gotta love ppl who work in book shops

The actuaries believe in climate change. "I am more powerful than Elon Musk, I am more powerful than Mark Zuckerberg, and I am more powerful than Jeff Bezos, because I can say right now out loud, fuck you, Donald Trump, fuck you. And they can't afford to do that."

I wonder if the UK is the same. Worldwide, the principle Mission of right libertarians is to destroy the State in pursuit of a mad ideology that has no evidence that it can ever benefit us.

Anyone else remember when Dr. Oz said that it was fine for 2–3% of schoolchildren to die? Yeah, he’s in charge of Medicaid and Medicare now.

Ich finde die Worte von Roger Willemsen passen perfekt in unsere Zeit. Wir treten in allem auf der Stelle, ohne Plan und Perspektive „Wir waren jene, die wussten, aber nicht verstanden, voller Informationen, aber ohne Erkenntnis, randvoll mit Wissen, aber mager an Erfahrung."

VIDEO: How To Teach the Bible in Oklahoma Public Schools:

So, where are the Blacks for Trump? A cabinet should represent and reflect its people. This collection resembles an exclusive country club.

This is terrible and will undermine democracy and rule of law. It is important that people are starting to understand that the Durham investigations were Trump's first foray into the political use of criminal prosecutions.

This week’s Just for Xeets and Giggles (the “Find Out” edition) is out! Some say we shouldn’t laugh at a time like this. I say that fundamentally misunderstands what laughter is for. See the whole collection here:

49.97% and dropping

Why wouldn’t EVERYONE want to see the ethics report on Matt Gaetz? If he did nothing wrong, it would exonerate him, no?

10th floor of the Children’s playroom. Dallas in the background.