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ex-economist, retired professor, Autonomist Marxist, Zeroworker, anti-capitalist, pro-Wilderness, pro-all-sentient-beings, pro-commons, For details:
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How long & in how many different ways do you think this grotesque, ideologically driven purging will begin to result in dramatic increases in disease & collapse of public health? Already with avian flu? And how fast will folks perceive the connection between purge & threat?

How long & in how many different ways do you think this grotesque, ideologically driven purging will begin to result in dramatic increases in disease & collapse of public health? Already with avian flu? And how fast will folks perceive the connection between purge & threat?

Only stupid from the point of view of the electric vehicle industry & owners. Brilliant for the fossil fuel industry which bought the Trump presidency before it got started.

"because he is a white man" AND because he's a fascist in the Trump mode. Being "white" is hardly enough.

"Science [SHOULD BE] a public good." Unfortunately, in a capitalist system it is increasingly monopolized by those with the money to fund it and they fund only that which will profit them. No capitalist should be allowed off planet to pollute any more of the universe.

Say it clearly & say it loudly: these attacks are racist & aimed at restoring flagrant discrimination, segregation, Jim Crow laws, & if they can get away with it, the formal enslavement of all groups deemed inferior. It's the Nazis playbook, Heritage Foundation style & they are following it.

Click on all four parts, print each one out. Read & learn, then equip yourself for battles to come. It's gonna get a lot worse before we force the bastards to back down.

Adults have been banning all sorts of stuff from kids since forever. Guess what? They always find a dozen ways to get what's been banned anyway & tech-savvy kids will be even better at it!

The "need to use large amounts of artificial inorganic fertilizers" is because plants have been chosen with big heads of grain requiring more nutrients (& short stiff stems that require controlled irrigation). One more tech fix to the political problem of food supply!

It's not an "Astonishing betrayal of an ally" when the criminals shutting off access are actually the allies of Putin rather than of the Ukrainians! It's only to be expected among collaborating neo-fascists out to achieve total domination by crushing resistance everywhere.

How long & in how many different ways do you think this grotesque, ideologically driven purging of medical data will begin to result in dramatic increases in disease & collapse of public health? Already with avian flu? An how fast will folks perceive the connection btwn purge & threat?

Whatever the impetuses to colonization in pre-capitalist eras, there is no excuse for painting colonization by capitalists with the same brush & ignoring how THEIR efforts are shaped by the class conflicts driving their colonizing - as is done in this article. Interesting, but no banana.

As Trump's neofascist appointees continue to remove every protection that government provides to people, do ya think that some of his cultists will finally understand how government CAN be useful to them & not just repressive? Whether, of course, depends on struggles to make it so.

Good to have this kind of complicity with fascism revealed & reviled. It's happening all over. Either cowards or fellow-travelers, just like in Nazis Germany. Celebrate the resistors who tell President Musk & Trump to go fuck themselves & carry on until physically removed & then join opposition.

"bare minimum" is too generous. Because "posting signs" is not about to help "wildlife" who can't read, it's really about undercutting one, minor objection to trapping (danger to pets & humans) in order to reduce pressure to outlaw ALL trapping.

Duh! Given that racism has been an integral part of how capitalists manage their labor force, judging people by their physical characteristics has long been deployed in recruitment.

Say it clearly & say it loudly: the attacks on DEI are racist & aimed at restoring flagrant discrimination, segregation, Jim Crow laws, & if they can get away with it, the formal enslavement of all groups deemed inferior. Slave labor camps were integral to Nazis control of their labor force.

"Reviewing"? Editing is more likely. What's the going rate for having your name deleted?

In Vietnam, fragging one officer helped keep others from being too gung-ho about risking grunts' lives. In this case, it would just turn 'em into a martyr, quickly replaced by another sold-out, fascist soul just like him.

It ain't being "rich" that makes 'em your oppressors, it's being capitalists who exploit you, who steal your lives by subordinating them to the work that produces their profits. Profits = theft of life time, often reinvested to impose more work, again & again & again.

Guess what? Kids who are most likely to NEED lunches are from working class families way down the income/wealth hierarchy. Keeping 'em hungry is just another way to maintain the poverty & misery upon which capitalism depends to keep everyone else in line, thru fear of joining them.

Public lands as "assets"? The only meaning of "asset" for capitalists is a source of money, either quickly by selling it, or more slowly by bleeding it. Their final ravaging of Nature is about to begin. Time for monkey wrenching on an unprecedented scale.

Sadly, neither Zeldin nor the asshole who appointed him gives a shit about the life stories of the workers they are firing. Their only concern is eliminating ANY limits on capitalist exploitation of people & Nature. They will NOT "protect the environment" for anything except its exploitation.

"Trickle up" is cute but more accurate would be "massive transfer". Once upon a time, the same folks argued such transfers would result in more investment & increased "supply". Today, they're simply grabbing as much money as they can to get rich. Then:

It's not just the attitudes, it's the patriarchal laws that are written so that cops can act only in response to physical assault (whether women or men are attacked). It's why there are so many "battered women" centers created to provide escape & support for women those laws don't protect.

For the musically illiterate:

Well done! Need more, lots more of this! Because he's right about MAGA and its executive wing - Trump et al - are coming for those who don't fall in line.

Is the answer to the question of why so many on social media hide their identity behind pseudonyms just "bosses!" or is the fear of retaliation more widespread, e.g., parents, friends, clients, etc. Perhaps those who are hiding their identities will explain their motives.

A proper education in finance would teach how capitalists manipulate money to control people, by imposing monetary price on everything they produce while holding wages & salaries low. Then there's the banks, their speculating & profiting from other people's money. Oh, yes, let's teach about money.

Very special! They treat women like shit, chop off heads & chop up journalists who ferret out their crimes.

To be expected. The "food system" is a capitalist one and all the EU has ever tried to do is manage it, sometimes by controlling prices, sometimes by trying to reduce the number of farmers, but never to challenge capitalist ways of production & consumption.

Never assume that what Musk believes what he says. His statement is merely a fabricated rationale to attack and slash Social Security - a longtime goal of conservative politicians who want to force people to save thru banks, which can then speculate with & profit from the money folks save.

The implications are clear: TALK about the cuts & who gets hurt & make them fire you! No complicity! Absolutely refuse to go along with this fascist takeover!

While the sentiment is understandable, it makes more sense to read the damned thing in order to better understand how to counter this fascist plan to takeover & transform the US economic & political system.

Read. While all true, the points made can also be made against the educational system as it is - designed by capitalists to produce ignorant, manipulable workers, not citizens capable of critiquing the system & creating alternatives. e.g., Callahan, Education and the Cult of Efficiency (1962).

Capitalist oil companies destroy both Nature & any humans who get in their way. Read up: The massacres in the film Shooter (2007) were fictional versions of real murders carried out by capitalists getting rid of local opposition.

Old news in Texas where most of it has already been done. Refuse to comply! Say it clearly & say it loudly: the attacks on DEI are racist & aimed at restoring flagrant discrimination, segregation, Jim Crow laws, & if they can get away with it, the formal enslavement of all groups deemed inferior.

Gutting the National Park Service is undoubtedly a prelude to turning national park land over to capitalist developers, loggers & miners for exploitation & destruction. Will it be piece by piece, or entire parks, one at a time?

Forget? These are Trump's Brown Shirts. As promised, he is releasing them! As in Nazis Germany their roll will be to terrorize & intimidate his political opponents & the communities that support them. Read up & prepare to fight! Tim Mason, Social Policy in the Third Reich (1993).

Defunded? Time to go back & study how groups being defunded originally got funded, i.e., study the struggles that forced the funding, adapt, update and renew those struggles!

Hopefully, the nonprofits told those officials to "go fuck yourselves"! Refuse compliance! Fight back with refusal in action, in the courts, in your communications with donors.

It ain't just "racist", although that's an element due to the lies about immigrants. It's an grape-shot blast at vital income won by generations of workers of all races against a penurious capitalism that now wants revenge by reversing those victories!

This is despicable! Is it pure cowardice or are those responsible in accord with Trump's bigotry & merely seizing an opportunity to do what they'd like to do anyway? In either case they should be removed from their positions & replaced.

"ridiculous" is far too generous! The Times has been systematically misrepresenting all sorts of things, from the obviously racist attacks on DEI to the genocide in Palestine. By so doing, it's guilty of complicity with both these & other things.