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decent competitive splatoon team (blopwher | zyf | eevee | stan) clip stuff courtesy of thyme
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a special moment between a jr and crab #compsplatoon

a moment where the enemy team's attention is not directed at a flank, opening a path straight through enemy ink to mid which would normally be a bad idea to take #compsplatoon

zyf hitting an insane clip with blop's help #compsplatoon

an example of how staying safely behind cover during hold can prevent the enemy from being able to push you or even just approach mid unless they burn specials just to clear you out, at which point they can't use the specials to guarantee the zone #compsplatoon

a demonstration of how winnable a game can be, even in overtime with numbers disadvantages, as long as you make the right decisions AND the enemy team is panicking (protip: most enemy teams panic in OT) #compsplatoon

a demonstration of awareness of exactly who is alive and where they could be hiding, and how to sniff them out (e.g. using yourself as bait) #compsplatoon

cleanly communicating enemy positions on a hold to punish them for staggering and taking bad fights #compsplatoon

if you're wondering why we didn't go 0-5 in the sq finale this season it's because we finally got blopwher to play splatoon

T-3 in sendouq s6 finale! through the power of getting rolled in jp solo and watching insane 3300+xp players ggs to all we'll be back stronger - bamboos - stampers - carbon/decav - jr #compsplatoon

warming up

Live for a warm up scrim -> SQ Finale !

we're playing the sendouq season finale tomorrow at 1PM EST (10AM PST) streams: bracket:

a demo of how quickly you can snowball a game to KO by locking the map down in an aggressive but reliable way (poking from mid when needed, crossing with strikes to block line of sight, poking but not forcing past spinner, backing up to defend panic push, etc.) #compsplatoon

eevee decides to make them miserable by standing in obvious or dangerous locations #compsplatoon

a discussion on how to maintain stable control in a 3v4, instead of backing up for free or surrendering space by zipping (ft. funkyeevee sensory stimulation audio)

looking at two retakes that could have happened with better fight timing #compsplatoon

examining how a fizzy throw is wasted if nobody is there, even if it's thrown at an important area #compsplatoon

an example of backing up and respecting enemy specials when they force you out, but also punishing opponents who overextend beyond the space those specials actually give them #compsplatoon

"ok guys that isn't what we're supposed to do" #compsplatoon

a demonstration of why it's important to play calmly in last-minute situations, and an example of how quickly you can flip a zone cap if you're efficient #compsplatoon

a situation where being on retake and having special doesn't mean it's worth it to use it, and a discussion of other more important tasks to focus on during the retake instead #compsplatoon

top 8 in ITZ again lol

an example of fighting in useless low-ground positions, and how it leads to both missed opportunities to move up for more picks, as well as can lead to losing control of mid entirely #compsplatoon

analyzing a case where "safe" play that doesn't get you immediately killed gives the enemy team breathing room to push back in, kill your teammates, and force you out #compsplatoon

figuring out how to sneak a bubble into mid even when down a player, and pointing out that the same opportunity was taken (and worked) later #compsplatoon

an example of when pushing further into the enemy spawn could be possible and would set the team up for a stronger defense against the opponent's next retake, as well as how to know it's possible to go #compsplatoon

an example of using paint that the enemy didn't cover and specials saved by jumping out from a previous enemy retake to sneak into zone and clear mid earlier than the enemy might expect #compsplatoon

reviewing how to retake faster without having to farm our specials for a full retake first (the last resort) using loopholes in the enemy defense #compsplatoon

an example of when it is safer, easier, and most importantly faster to clear with fizzy bomb than to patiently check an area with bamboo main weapon #compsplatoon

a discussion of a bad zipcaster approach angle during hold and finding a principle to know when your holding position is bad and you are needed elsewhere #compsplatoon

an example of a tricky situation where trying to go in with strikes forced zyf into overextending, and a discussion on how to avoid it or get out of it in the future #compsplatoon

ITZ 40 w/ HDFG

itz 40 soon

a relatively straightforward example of gathering information on how the enemy seems to be preparing to retake and then directing our attention/punishing them early in response #compsplatoon

a discussion about the best way to overcome numbers disadvantage and try to preserve hold when other options are available (specials, space/map, info advantage aka sharking, etc.) #compsplatoon

a review of when we should rush for key areas early on retake after losing mid, and how to know it's safe to do so mid-match (it came to blop in a dream) #compsplatoon

an active hold making use of small opportunities to take extra space and force the opponents into awkward positions and situations, followed by an organized zone hold with clear responsibilities on who should paint vs fight #compsplatoon

*dies instantly* (very serious content)

a close ending during our set vs lucina/kiver/hypnos/delta featuring a silly amount of clutch from blop (and stan) after zyf (and eevee) nearly throw the game (do not try at home)

retake involving a bunch of interesting decisions about evaluating enemy positions and coordinating in response (counting enemies, partially ignoring people and repositioning fast, coordinating cap, etc.)

healthy holidays! (c: