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A small community-led artsy nonprofit located in Scottdale, GA (Atlanta, GA) main website:
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Sunday is #wipitgood and gonna be sunny. Stop by with your work-in-progress project and hang with us. We're on the East side of #Atlanta, close to Avondale Estates. RSVp here:

2 more spots are left for this workshop on Friday 6-9pm. We're located near Clarkston and N. Decatur (Atlanta, GA). Deets and sign up here:

Last Tuesday, An interview with Paula Novelle, exe dir, for a documentary on

Come Art the Heck up! See our events here: We're located in Scottdale GA close to Clarkston and N. Decatur.

#ATL My film #LipstickAndDynamite is screening on Sat 2/22 @4PM in the Cabbagetown Community Center at 177 Estoria St. Proceeds support the renovations for the Joyce Brookshire Amphitheater in Cabbagetown Park!! Can't wait to see y'all! #Wrestling #documentary

This Tuesday is #StitchNBitchLikeHeck Pics are from previous meetups. Come get crafty with us. We're located between N.Decatur & Clarkston (Atlanta areas) RSVP here:

We cleaned up a little on Friday and had a new #monolith installed. The 10 ft monolith is made by a local artist, Cash.

Here's a music video made here by a band called Beef & Broccoli

Wanna art the Heck up? cHECK out our upcoming events: We're located near N. Decatur, Avondale Estates, and Clarkston (ATL, GA areas) #ATLworkshops #Atlantabluesky

Wanna draw up some fun? Join us this Friday night! We're located between N. Decatur and Clarkston (ATL,GA areas) Sign up here:

This Sunday is Groundhog Day, warmer, and #wipitgood that will have an art supply swap. See details here: #atlantabluesky

Thorsday #heckthorsday said, "it's cold! Let me in!" every hour or two. He will not just stay in. Humpty #heckhumps said, "if you're cold, roll with it." while rolling in any leftover snow he can find. Thorsday's sister, Sundae #hecksundae thinks the dryer is the warmest spot. #heckpets update

Free food in Atlanta! #mutualaid #Atlanta

Our Humpty #heckhumps loves the snow.

le tits now! #snowinatl #atlantasky #heckhouse

Thanks to those who came yesterday and stabbed like bats. #needlefelting #sylkiawebbworkshopseries

This is #blindcontourdrawings from last Friday's #heckindrawinclub. Wanna join? the next one is Feb 7th

This past Friday's #heckindrawinclub We draw 3 words (noun, verb, and adjective) as a prompt. Then we try to guess the words by looking at the drawings. RSVP for the next one on Feb 7th:

We did this at last Friday's #heckindrawinclub: doodling over abstract water/ink color designs. We doodled over a different one than we painted. The next one is Feb 7th.

Wanna play some drawing games? Join us Friday night. for the #heckindrawinclub All skills are welcome. Warning: it can be a little naughty, and you may laugh too hard. Pics are from previous meetups. Deets here: btw, on E Ponce between Decatur & Clarkston GA

Yesterday's #artjournaling workshop by Sylkia Webb. Thanks to all those who came. Who is interesting in art journaling class this Spring? btw, we're located near N. Decatur, Clarkston, and Avondale Estates GA.

I love the mixed media collage I made today at

Humpty #heckhumps love the snow. Turkey #heckturkey just wanna eat all the snow. #atlsnow #atlantasky

Georgia may be getting colder... but the puppet shows are getting HOTTER! Forget the bread and milk and grab a couple of tickets to FELT NERDY x Bean&Bear! THIS SUNDAY! #puppetry #adultpuppetry #burlesque #redlightcafe #atlanta #comedy #magic #nerd Tickets-->

Some of y'all need art to deal with the new year. Go to Heck and get right with Art. The first one is the #heckindrawinclub on the first Friday. The next one is January's #wipitgood on the first Sunday. Then the #stitchnbitchlikeheck on the first Tuesday. RSVP here:

You wanna get fancy with ya gift wrapping? This Thursday before Xmas, we got a workshop for ya. btw, we're located in ATL area near Clarkston. Deets and signup here: #sylkiawebbworkshopseries #atl #atlanta #atlworkshops

Some of y'all need to finish up some homemade gifts. We have a #stitchNbitchlikeheck this Tuesday (located ATL area). Come get it done. RSVP here:

It was a stabby, stabby time last night at the #needlefeltingworkshop #yeti #sylkiawebbworkshopseries

Sylkia Webb has been working on some thicc yetis preparing for this Friday's #needlefelting workshop here. We have 5 spots left. Sign up here: btw, Heck is located near Clarkston, N. Decatur, and Avondale Estate (Atl) Georgia.

This Friday is Yeti another #needlefelting workshop! We have 5 spots left. Deets here: #atlanta #atl

This Friday is the #heckindrawinclub. It will be cold, and we will be inside. Join the club here:

This Tuesday is #stitchnbitchlikeheck RSVP here: