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Don’t know much, at least compared to what is out there to be known. Agnostic, becoming libertarian. Really enjoy emotionless conversations about emotional topics.
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Applicable to Cuba and Venezuela these days: what did the socialist use before candles? Electricity… 🫤

It is hard to live one day let alone weeks or months without using anything that has been invented, facilitate, or commercialize by a billionaire. Great contribution they make to the way of life.

Thank you capitalism and liberal democracies for this society you provide that allows us to disagree openly and publicly with government, religion, etc. that wouldn’t be possible from Cuba, Russia, North Korea, Nicaragua or Venezuela.

Thank you Bill Gates and Steve Jobs! I very much prefer to communicate with my team across several time zones using my computer than the previous alternatives (telegraph, phone, or written letters). And the multimedia capabilities plus the real-time collaboration. Yes, thank you!

When the alternative of relocate the Gaza population to another place, away from the Israeli army, is evaluated using the higher values of what is just or good, it is horrible. But when evaluated using more down-to-earth criteria such as what is going to keep them alive, it is kind of acceptable.

“As to methods, there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods”. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

“To know is not to know; not to know is to know”. Kena Upanishad.

When we were babies, food, housing, health and education was provided by our parents for free. We are no longer babies and the government is not our parent. Recognize that fact doesn’t make me a far right fascist.

Focusing on the “more taxes” side of the equation without discussing how is this money spent (inefficiencies and redundancies), on what is spent (entitlements, propaganda, and the war machine), and without discussing corruption. Interesting.

Question to those minds infected with the “eat the rich” virus: Do you really believe that if they are tax into oblivion you can keep on doing what you are doing now (and not doing what you are not doing now) but somehow you naturally and spontaneously will prosper into your full potential?

For those who blindly believe anything science says about anything, remember the words of the Controller of A brave New World: “It isn’t only art that’s incompatible with happiness, it’s also science. It is dangerous, we have to keep it most carefully chained and muzzled”. Eyes and mind open. Always

When markets are free and the incentives are right, people can find ways to solve their problems. They do not need handouts, from foreigners or from their own governments.

This urge to reduce the poor to a set of clichés has been with us for as long as there has been poverty. Not demons, nor saints. Not romantic almost ethereal entities. Not lazy scammers.

Intra-month inflation in Argentina with the economy plagued by governmental price controls (12.8%) and with free market without any control of prices by the government (2.4%). Unfortunately, no amount of evidence will be enough for those who analyze everything based on ideology.

Javier Milei is rocking and rolling in Argentina. How much evidence will be necessary to accept the empiric evidence over and over again tells us the same story: a small government and free markets is the recipe for develop a Country.

This entrepreneurial culture rocks!

There are real problems to solve. A health system kidnapped by insurance and pharmaceutical companies, a political system kidnapped by lobbyists, an insatiable government running a big deficit that leads to unsustainable levels of debt. Focusing on Bezos yacht or Musk’s net worth is just envy.

I believe that anyone willing to use a big chunk of the money he/she generates to help those in need is a hero. We absolutely need more of them. I am not a fan of the State forcing anybody to do it, but voluntarily, by all means.

If you remove from society the ones who will sacrifice their time, risk their money, overcome a million obstacles, for the possibility, not the certainty but just the possibility of making a big profit, you end up with a bankrupted society filled with poor people and led by an all powerful elite.

Life before liberalism and capitalism was hard, violent, with the vast majority of the population trapped in a cast system where personal drive or individual abilities were meaningless. And yet when you read some memes it is easy to think everything was perfect before capitalism.

Wealth is not an spontaneous occurrence, the normal throughout history has been poverty, scarcity for all except an elite few, mostly born to that privilege. From 1800 to the present that changed, and we have a new concept or poverty now, but we are too spoiled and entitled to recognize it.

A company lose 100 cents per each dollar lost, but can only keep about half of each dollar made. The rest is paid in all kind of taxes, licencies, fees, etc. Fair?

There are only two “votes” that really matters, the one we make monthly with our wallet (what and where we buy our stuff) and the one we make with our attention (what we read, listen, watch). Whining about millionaires while we buy their products doesn’t change anything.

Don’t just swallow what they give you to swallow. Don’t deny it either right off the bat. Research, several sources.

To support communism from a capitalist economy is a romantic endeavor. Prioritize inequality over poverty when you are not poor is another one. Nothing romantic about actually live in a communist economy or being poor. The fist group longs for freedom, the second for jobs, even low paying ones.

The inconvenient truth is the relationship between the quality of the decisions we make throughout our life and the quality of life we end up living. A much more convenient lie is to believe that we can erase that relationship if we tax the rich to get free stuff from the government.

We are the beneficiaries of two hundred years of intense progress and we take it for granted. Nice bed, fridge with food, running water, safe/fast/cheap means of transportation, online shopping, smartphones. Let’s acknowledge it for a second.

A moment of silence to remember Holodomor (if you don’t know what that is please google it, got nothing to loose).

“Instead of clearing his own heart the zealot tried to clear the world”. The hero with a thousand faces by Joseph Campbell

What I support: 🧠 critical independent thinking 🎯 the use of well-defined concepts 🆓 freedom in all its forms 🗣️ respectful conversations about conflictive topics

If all the multitude of people complaining about the rich decide to stop buying the products or services produced by those heartless monsters, including of course the smartphone and the social media platform they are using to post their complaints, problem solved!

Family time 👏🏼👏🏼

Extreme poverty has been going down dramatically worldwide from 1800 to date. Encouraging, don’t you think?

We don’t need more intelectual bubbles, eco chambers, safe corners, we need to pop them out of existence.

My childhood fears towards spiders is fading away as I grow old. My childhood admiration for those who think they have found the truth about a complex subject is also dying.