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At the Europa bar thirty girls show off their makeup and cheap rings to men in fur-lined coats and caps who are drinking glasses brimming with alcohol: of these a third are thieves, a third embezzlers, and another third workers and comrades deep in a black mood. #booksky

Certain young people, expelled from the Party for demanding “the New Course” have turned revolvers on themselves. Young women, as everyone knows, prefer Veronal. #booksky

Dit is de langste straatnaam van Nederland. Het bord is ruim twee en een halve meter lang.

Berlin only recently knew inflation more incredible even than ours. We never paid more than a million for a lemon: in Berlin postage stamps were charged in trillions. #booksky

At 5:15 a.m. on 1 December 1924, 227 Estonian Communists attacked the public buildings of Tallinn with the objective of seizing power. By 9:00 a.m., they were being slaughtered in all corners of the small capital. #booksky

Everything is set for the seizure of power on 25 October 1923! Red Saxony and Thuringia are to lead. In accordance with Comintern directives, Brandler, Heckert, and Bottcher have entered the Dresden Cabinet under the Social-Democrat Zeigner. #booksky

Everything was for sale: the daughters of the bourgeoisie in the bars, the daughters of the people in the streets, officials, import and export licenses, state papers, businesses in whose prospects nobody believed. #booksky

“Are you Polish?” “No,” I replied, laughing, “Lithuanian.” “Fine then. Let’s have a drink! If you had been Polish, I might even have killed you.” #booksky

Tesla share price Dec 17 - $480 Tesla share price today - $306 (Location: Tesla Gigafactory, Berlin)

The New Economic Policy was already giving marvelous results. From one week to the next, the famine and the speculation were diminishing perceptibly. Restaurants were opening again, and, wonder of wonders, pastries that were actually edible were on sale at a ruble apiece. #booksky

I became acquainted with Henriette Roland-Holst, a Dutch Marxist and a notable poet. Lank, scrawny, and gray-haired, her neck disfigured by goiter, she had a delicately sculptured face with an expression of gentleness and intellectual austerity. #booksky

Lenin, Trotsky, Karl Radek, and Bukharin had, beyond any doubt, become the brains of the Revolution. They spoke the same Marxist language, and had the same background of experience with the Socialism of Europe and America. #booksky

Luisteren! 👇Ik sta zeer ambivalent tegenover de PvdA, heb een tyfushekel aan GroenLinks Amsterdam, maar voor Frans Timmermans heb ik respect. Hij zegt verstandige dingen en hij raakt mijn Europese hart.

Winter was a torture for the townspeople: no heating, no lighting, and the ravages of famine. Children and feeble old folk died in their thousands. Typhus was carried everywhere by lice, and took its frightful toll. All this I saw and lived through, for a great while indeed. #booksky

The rations issued by the State cooperatives were minute: black bread (or a few cupfuls of oats instead), a few herrings each month, a very small quantity of sugar for people in the “first category” (workers and soldiers), and none at all for the third category (non-workers). #booksky

Wilders feliciteert de neonazi's en antisemieten die in Duitsland vermoedelijk 20% van de stemmen halen. Realiseren mensen zich dat Wilders met zijn zondebokdenken, zijn haatzaaien, zijn aanzetten tot geweld tegen andersdenkenden of mensen met een migratie-achtergrond, bij de neonazi's hoort? /2

Trickle down economics. This is exactly how it works.

I met Lenin when he came to Petrograd for the first session of the Congress. We had tea together in small reception room in the Smolny. Vladimir Ilyich was wearing one of his old jackets dating back to his emigration, perhaps brought back from Zurich. (1/3) #booksky

Over-powdered, over-painted women, leaning against the marble slabs, cigarettes between their fingers, drank coffee made from roasted oats; men clad in black leather, frowning and tight-lipped, with heavy revolvers at their belts, had their arms around the women’s waists. #booksky

Party Committee members were forbidden to enjoy any material privileges at all. Vodka was banned, though the comrades obtained it clandestinely from peasants, who through home distilling extracted a terrifying alcohol from corn, eighty proof. #booksky

I was neither against the Bolsheviks nor neutral; I was with them, albeit independently, without renouncing thought or critical sense. It would have been easy for me to pursue careers in Government but I decided to avoid them and also jobs that required the exercise of authority. #booksky

We were entering a world frozen to death. The Finland station, glittering with snow, was deserted. The square where Lenin had addressed a crowd from the top of an armored car was no more than a white desert surrounded by dead houses. #booksky

ik zag deze oproep voorbij komen en dacht: die geldt ook voor kunstenaars. - óók als je naar de geschiedenis kijkt: rond de tweede wereldoorlog verhuisden veel kunstenaars van dit continent naar de vs en dat leidde daar tot een florerende kunstwereld. (met ook enorm economisch gewin - just saying)

Zolang Van Weel met de fascisten en racisten van de PVV in één kabinet zit, geeft hij er blijk van niet de minste moeite met haatpredikers te hebben.

Three months after the news of the Russian Revolution, the Comité Obrero began to prepare a revolutionary general strike, entered negotiations for a political alliance with the Catalan liberal bourgeoisie, and calmly planned the overthrow of the monarchy. #booksky

“Out of jail?” “Yes.” He wagged his head. Might he be interested in “my crime,” or my future? He leant over: “You in a hurry? There’s one hell of a brothel near here …”

Omdat de lente is aangebroken kan het weer: een gehaald en bij ‘t Siertje een espresso gescoord.

The outlaw anarchists shot at the police and blew out their own brains. Others, overpowered before they could fire the last bullet into their own heads, went off sneering to the guillotine. “One against all!” “Nothing means anything to me!” #booksky

A Social-Revolutionary had introduced me to the members of his party among Russian émigrés. The Russian Social-Revolutionary Party was passing through a serious crisis of morale, since several police agents had been unmasked in its Battle Organization. #booksky

Wat. Een. Abject. Zwijn. #Vermeer

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