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I make cat meow online meow meow meow meow. Tuesdays / Thursdays on twitch starting at about noon Seattle time. Business Contact: HowToNito at Outlook
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if your widgets sometimes just like.... don't even show subs or bits or whatever on even the streamlabs recent events dashboard, you might need to force reload the widgets... 2nd time it's happened, always difficult to find! #twitchstreamer #fun #tech

On the 3rd and 4th at 6pm GMT on I will be streaming with a group of amazing streamers to fundraise for a fire truck for volunteer workers on the front line of Ukraine. We've done this once before and managed to buy 2 ambulances for TacMed Ukraine!

kindness is free ♥️

If you never did the Mass Effect crossover in No Mans Sky you missed out. But it's back. Highly recommend this, it was pretty good and made me tear up

If you're having difficulty troubleshooting OBS stutters (mine were game stutters caused by OBS) this video helped reduce stutters significantly. TLDR: Getting monitor framerates as precisely close to OBS frame setting made the stutters much better for me.

🏳️‍🌈🖖🏿🖖🏼🖖🏾🖖😺🖖🖖🏾🖖🏼🖖🏿🏳️‍🌈 How to find me: Twitch: Youtube: TikTok: Instagram: Business Contact: HowToNito at Outlook 💖My favorite charity💖 The Center for Youth Wellness San Francisco 🏳️‍🌈🖖🏿🖖🏼🖖🏾🖖😺🖖🖖🏾🖖🏼🖖🏿🏳️‍🌈