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Working Together to Strengthen Houston's Public School System
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“The Legislature’s current proposals put a handful of private contractors in the driver’s seat. Other states have already seen problems.”

ProPublica: This Charter School Superintendent Makes $870,000. He Leads a District With 1,000 Students.

Facing Facts: Charter Schools in Texas: - After thirty years it's time for change

Our family relies on public ed. We say NO to Trump’s attack on the Dept of Ed, NO to Gregg Abbott's push for vouchers that will deprive the already underfunded Texas public schools of money they need, and NO to the T.E.A. takeover of HISD. #ProtectOurKids,#SupportPublicEducation

Reminder! Our Zoom General Meeting is today from 1:00 to 2:30 PM! Join us to learn in interactive breakout rooms. RSVP now to receive the Zoom link!

TELPAS accounts for 10% of A-F ratings.L Prior to 2018, about half of students in grades 4-12 earned the top score on the speaking section, which was needed for full English fluency. Since then, only about 10% have achieved that score annually. Fishy?

HB3 is the House voucher bill. 75 Republican members were enlisted as coauthors. The 76 votes, including Buckley, would be just enough to form a majority of the 150-seat House.” Call Republican state reps today to ask them to vote no.

Real voucher 🔎 includes any exams public schoolers take. But “going to such lengths to not require the state exam is the tell: they don't want parents to be able to compare how their kids are doing on the same exact exam." My comments

Join our monthly general meeting from the comfort of your home via Zoom this Saturday, March 1st, from 1–2:30 PM. Learn how to advocate for public education through breakouts. Get informed, get empowered, and take action. RSVP here

Houston marketing firm Outreach Strategists says there are "no easy fixes" for #HISD after the failed $4.4B bond. Here’s one: Replace Miles, restore the elected board, and let kids read full books. Shame on them for not standing with students.

Hear from FL, OH, & national organizers w/ experience in powerful grassroots organizing at the #NPEColumbus2025 conference. Learn how to grow an equitable & honest education movement. Register today networkforpubliceduc...

A follow-up to my piece for The Unpopulist last week on MAGA pushing Christianity into the public schools. Vouchers are the second major prong of their effort to break down the separation of church and state in and via education.

Speaking at the Save Texas Schools rally—because every child in Texas, whether from a big city or a rural town, deserves a fully funded, high-quality public school. If politicians won’t fight for our children, we’ll remind them at the ballot box. Invest in education or get voted out! #FundOurSchools in - Texas And The Conservative Pushback On School Vouchers

You can believe the empty promises of the voucher lobby or you can just look at what happens in other states.

“They expect kids to be like robots,” a teacher says of NES schools under Miles. Rigid scripts, endless worksheets, and no teacher input—critics say it kills the joy of learning. #HISD #EndHISDTakeover

This is a $45,408,138 grant, set to run from 2019 to 2030, to study methods for helping students with disabilities achieve their post-high school goals. It was just arbitrarily cancelled. This is too expensive but SpaceX funtime isn't and god forbid we tax billionaires.

Everyone agrees that Louisiana vouchers have been a disaster. Where we differ is on whether that disaster should have been expanded. The “results don’t matter” side won, and last year, 80% of voucher schools got D or F ratings. New coverage

The IES cuts include a required evaluation, run by Abt, of DC’s voucher system. (FYI I was an advisory board member through 2023). The req was watered down in Trump 1.0, but still in statute. The previous evaluation found large negative results👇

Gov. Abbott won’t investigate Miles' electioneering, teacher layoffs, enrollment manipulation, or STAAR score tricks. But he's launching an investigation based on a fake org's complaint about pronouns? Priorities, anyone? Call your state rep! #TEA #HISD

ACLU of Texas sends letter urging HISD to repeal suspensions of Northside student protesters "urging them to "immediately rescind" punishments for dozens of students who protested at Northside High School last week."

This split between the Republican governor of Oklahoma and education chief Ryan Walters is indicative of what's to come. Trump's education agenda is unpopular and nobody embodies that unpopularity quite like Ryan Walters.

This CVPE email is packed with updates: the HISD sickout, a KPRC2 investigation into district finances, student protests and retaliation, and a chance to speak at Thursday’s board meeting. Read more here.

Speak up to hold Miles and the BOM accountable and fight for quality education. Attend and speak up, in person or via Zoom, for schoolchildren at the monthly HISD BOM meeting this Thur, Feb 13, at 5 PM. Visit for instructions on how to sign up to speak.

City Cast talks about why parents & kids joined massive sickout against takeover. Parents cited soaring teacher turnover, lost beloved educators, error-ridden AI lessons mandated by Miles, misallocated funding, and efforts to change state takeover laws.

Many emails were sent to the district attorney in response to the KPRC2 Mario Diaz stories. Here's what Sean Teare says about the process for filing a complaint.

Check out this article about the sickout! National news coverage is great! #HISD takeover has made things worse for kids.

“Together, we can continue to send a message to F Mike Miles, the Board of Managers, the Texas Education Agency, our Texas legislators, and Governor Abbott to end the takeover and give us our schools back #HISD #EndtheTakeover

'Welfare for the wealthy': House Democrats urge Texans to fight against school vouchers

HISD parent Leslie Santamaria said, “Texas has been starving public schools for years, and now they want to give private schools a serving of caviar.l”

The Right blasts public test scores as the “true” results that expose high HS grad rates. But they use voucher HS grad rates to deflect horrific voucher achievement results. I wrote about this —as one of the authors they still cite!

Houston parents and community members from CVPE are at the Texas Capitol today engaging state legislators. Our asks: say NO to vouchers, return HISD to local control, and adopt enrollment-based funding for public education.

In 2023, Miles trashed HISD’s NAEP scores to justify his takeover. Now, with the same flat scores, he’s bragging about progress. What changed? He owns the numbers now. Spinning failure as success doesn’t pass the smell test.

Texas Tribune politics reporter Jasper Scherer sat down with Wu on Tuesday, Jan. 28, in Austin to discuss his party's 2025 priorities and navigating a legislative session dominated by hardline Republicans. Click here to listen/read more.

Glad fiscal notes are getting closer instead of using far lower right-wing think tank projections . But the truth is closer to 75% voucher users already private. In states like AR and NH even higher. These = new costs to taxpayers.

What do you call a half-billion $ voucher scheme for already-private students that destroys learning pathways for the rest? The Kochs and other right-wing billionaires call it a “civil rights” plan 🤦‍♂️ I call it education’s predatory lending

Parents want teachers who inspire a love of learning, but Miles' eval system punishes educators for straying from his AI-scripted lessons, even when it harms students. What parent wants their kid treated like a robot?

Join us on January 30 for a Mini Lobby Day in Austin. We’ll meet with state legislators to demand more funding for public education, oppose vouchers, and resist the HISD takeover. Travel with us from Houston or meet us there. RSVP:

Last year, HISD Miles kept schools open during bad weather, ignoring student safety. Thanks to YOUR advocacy, he's closing schools on Tuesday and Wednesday. Imagine if it had been a MAP testing day, though. Would he have done the right thing then? #PrioritizeStudents,Teachers #Endthetakeover

Nearly $1B spending scandal, new board president’s company under federal investigation, land sale funds diverted from renovations, community member arrested—it’s the same chaos the takeover claimed to fix. #endthetakeover #letkidsreadbooks #firetheliar

The Uber Rich Are Funding “National School Choice Week” to Attack Public Schools

New game: “Where’s the physician who likes NES?” At the board meeting, Trustee Bandy said she met a doctor who praised NES for helping students. Who is this mystery physician?

How to Fight Vouchers in 2025: A Toolkit for Advocates put on by Public Funds Public Schools & Education Law Center - Wednesday, 1/15, 2 p.m. EST. Registration

We asked A.I. to read through 50,000 bills from the past six Texas legislative sessions. Here are the most common topics and most prolific lawmakers.

We’re witnessing a breakdown of basic financial safeguards, and it’s outrageous that no one stopped and questioned these unapproved purchases. This kind of negligence is not just unacceptable; it’s a massive failure that should have consequences.

Write your own 'I Have a Dream' speech and speak up for our schoolchildren! Join the HISD Board of Managers meeting Thursday, Jan 16, at 5 PM. Attend in person or via Zoom. Visit for details. #MLK #EducationMatters

Appointed Board of Manager Ric Campo owns Camden Properties, which is being sued for alleged price fixing.

“We have roughly 35 years of studies showing that high-stakes testing has had profound effects on K-12 education,” Koretz says, “and that many of those effects are undesirable.”