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Writer, coder, music-lover. My digital home: Vocal of the prog-metal band Fomalhaut ( Band account: 作为乐队号的个人分号,今后这里将作为主要个人生活向、政治、音乐无关话题的发言基地。关注全部原好友,欢迎回关,非常感谢!
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Getting Started

Companies doing moderation: not a free speech issue People blocking you for saying mean things: not a free speech issue Fact checks: not a free speech issue This right here? THIS is an attack, by the government, on your constitutional right to protest against oppression.

求蓝天的“中文圈子”推荐一点传播学与新闻学的易读的理论入门书目 🙏

'In a post on social media, Vance added: "But let's be direct: there are many countries who are volunteering (privately or publicly) support who have neither the battlefield experience nor the military equipment to do anything meaningful."' So.. he means Germany?

曼海姆,狂欢节😡 先说目前几家大媒体都确认的事实:死两人,肇事者为40岁的土生土长德国公民,有精神病患记录,两次案底,分别为伤人与仇恨言论。 德国汽车冲人群的公共犯案手法已经形成模仿,屡试不爽。新政府除了在公共安全措施与警力上寻找解法,是不是也要对社媒舆情热点对模仿犯的引导反思一下。另外事件发生后,非常多的(特别X)谣言出现,包括假开盒的,虚假信息引战移民和穆斯林的,我不知道有多少人会信了而对后续真实信息忽略。比如蓝天guardian号的留言下就有“谢谢默克尔”🙁 完全没关系吧? 最后,小道消息有指出凶手的“新纳粹”政治倾向。尚无法核实。

昨天晚上的纽约时代广场 与乌克兰🇺🇦站在一起


我是 哈哈!从今天起开始准备把乐队号和个人号分开运营,其实主要动机是两边想要分别开始做基于atprotocol的博客,所以不想混在一起。另外,乐队/音乐那一边,和个人生活这一边,都可以浓度高些。 刚刚土法API,批量follow了所有那边fo过的好友,希望大家被fo了不要惊讶,可随意回fo :)不过我预计这边未来信息浓度会更高一些。