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Sociologist, amateur musician, interested in international politics, culture and languages.
12 posts 11 followers 14 following
Getting Started

I am working on attempts at answering this question. It will be published on soon. Does Trump destroy the economy on purpose? No, he is too stupid for that. But his rich ‘friends’ know how to use this clown to this end, I am afraid.

Yes, what we experience as chaos may very well be a systematic attempt to replace our liberal democratic order with autocracy. Too much attention to the clown (Tr*mp)hides the real circus!

I agree

Today Europe lost the ally who after World War 2 helped us become the most prosperous part of the world. Should we say ‘thank you’ now?

Minister Fabers voorstellen zetten mensenrechten en onze democratie onder druk, bevestigt de Raad van State. Meerdere partijen, waaronder NSC, beloofden om de wet dan tegen te houden. Mail de Tweede Kamer en roep politici op om een streep te zetten door Fabers asielwetten: 📢 ❌

🚨 De rechtsstaat komt onder steeds grotere druk te staan. Vandaag lanceren we een nieuw platform waar de tegenbeweging een plaats krijgt: De Rechtsstaatsradar. Hier monitoren we de rechtsstaat en kan je hem ook actief beschermen. 🔊 Ga naar en doe mee!

How to survive and maintain your mental health in a chaotic information environment full of hatred, disinformation and distracting or misleading messages? This is what I am thinking when I try to make sense of the news on social media, in newspapers, and television. What is your answer?