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strings everywhere... I do ancient lyre, ancient fiber arts, modern fiber arts, Greek and Latin. all pronouns check out my youtube, and blog where I host my projects
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“Magister, quid significat ‘sonus’?” “I’ll give you a hint, it’s where we get the word ‘sonic’.” “Oh! Fast! Wait, no… blue!!”

Maybe my favorite class of the semester! I love spinning more than anything but to actually get to use the full-size warp-weighted loom is something I've been dreaming of for so long, and I'm so glad I went for it and get to share it with students!

You wish you had an fraction of my swag rn

First week of WEAVING! We learned what weaving is and what a loom is, and explored the ancient backstrap loom, ground loom, vertical two-beam loom, tablet weaving, and sprang. On Thursday we will start weaving on our own DIY cardboard looms, and next week will be all about the warp-weighted loom

solidarity with the cat-having weavers of a couple millennia ago

English Professor Suddenly Realizes Students Will Believe Literally Anything She Says

I made some valentines for my department. Crocheted heart pockets from hand-spun yarn, and the cards have little joke pickup lines based on everybody's area of research 💙

Interested in growing #flax for #linen #spinning this year? Support our PA Flax friends (who're being impacted by the federal funding freeze) and buy a "square yard" of flax seeds for your garden all at once -

Woke up to the wonderful surprise of my little co-authored commentary reviewed in the BMCR! It's really great to see a resource freely available and designed for intermediate learners featured in such a platform!

surely my set of new documentation will be the perfect thing to organize this project with years and years of disorganized and scattered documentation

This little bird survived a volcanic eruption! Buried by volcanic ash from Vesuvius in AD 79, this Roman fresco of a little bird pecking at fruit re-emerged looking as delightful as it did some 2,000 years ago! Villa Poppaea, Oplontis, Italy 📷 by me 2023 #Archaeology

Sapphic Silk Two Sappho poems were tacked on at the end of this special 1754 Scottish edition of Anacreon printed on golden silk with paper interleaving. Thanks for suggesting she might be hidden here! #NewberryLibrary

the other day one of my students asked me how big washu's "spinning department" was. imagine a world....

So proud of my #RomanTechnology students for creating their own Roman leather BULLAE and LUNULAE (ancient protective necklaces). We are halfway through our Roman Shoe Project so they are learning leather working skills through smaller projects first. 🖤⚒️

We do all our own stunts! Hemp winter retting 2025. One harvest down, three more to go #hemp #uvm

I've got my eyes on Iphis 👀

Our desks look about the same right now haha. Looking forward to hearing more about how this class goes!

Supply spotlight: Roman ring #distaff, 3D-printed at WashU's tech den. This is based on a surviving bone distaff now housed at the Louvre. The ring goes around the pinky, fiber is wrapped around the shaft, and then kept out of the way in hand during spinning.

Students are practicing between studio sessions with some store bought roving to start. I'm doing a bit of spinning with some washed #wool we combed ourselves in class. This (coopworth?) is making a rough thread but the loose top is quite easy to draft. #Spinning

Thread and open access version to come- Ancient genomics and the origin, dispersal, and development of domestic sheep | Science #adna

In which Bayla learns how hard it is as one instructor to teach 14 students to spin from nothing. But they were all great and made some amazing progress! I can't wait to see where they will be at after a couple weeks of practice.

A small selection of spindle whorls of the ancient med. across time and space. Spinning is fun, and for ancient folks indispensable, but spinning on a beautiful spindle is an extra joy that has persisted for thousands of years. All pics NYC Met collections.

Intro to spinning! Students tried to make string out of wool with just their hands - many figured out quickly to wind their finished thread around pens or to ply their thread to balance it. Tech evolution in real time! Exit ticket: How does the spindle make string production easier/more efficient?

First studio! We handled wool of different breeds and different washings (some w/ lanolin, some not) + flax. We learned how to use combs and hackles but spent most of class time trying to prepare wool for spinning with nothing but our hands. As a bonus, we checked out some silkworm cocoons

In Tuesday's discussion of fiber prep we looked through several depictions of ancient sheep/rams and thought about similarities and differences to modern domestic sheep vs. Mouflons.

🏺 The Call for Papers for the 9th Purpureae Vestes International Symposium (Lisbon, 22-24/10/2025), co-organized by UNIARQ, the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, LAQV-Requimte, and NOVA School of Science and Technology is now open.

Supplies highlight: A collection of various wools at various degrees of washed/scoured for us to play with on Thursday. Plus some flax as a bonus

Tues. Today was intro to fiber prep. We read Prehistoric Textiles 1 and TPCA 3-4. We went over the domestication of flax and sheep, the diff. properties of each fiber, and how to prep the fibers for spinning. Students had a lot of qs about other fibers such as hemp, silk, and other animal hair

Scenes working with my warp weighted loom students. Tina wove an ambitious piece this winter, and is starting another. Kimberly is going to use the full width of the loom for a project using her own farm wool. I love students who push me to grow as a teacher. #Weaving #warpweightedloom 🧶

I have created an account to document my course this semester in ancient textile production. Follow along to check out our readings, discussions, and above all our studio work! #AncientTextiles #TeachAncient 🏺

#DHMakes folks -- check it out!

they really let just anyone (me) teach college courses

I saw this sassy little Hermes on a 5th century BCE kylix and had to draw him. The original piece, titled “The Embassy to Achilles” by the Tarquinia painter, can be found in its entirety can be found in the collection of the Louvre, G264. #greekmythology

I am getting the perfect intro to university teaching/ My course starts Tuesday and currently it has: - the wrong classroom listed (and the right classroom is one I am not sure actually exists) - five students registered who I think were not supposed to be able to register for it

just published my first canvas (sorta) aaa