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Non-profit science company dedicated to collecting, editing, publishing, and distributing powder diffraction data. Powder Diffraction File™ (PDF®) Databases and JADE® software
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Hey ICDD Members (and those interested in becoming one) - Check out the ICDD Spring Meetings page for the event schedule. It's a hybrid meeting, so you can participate at HQ or from home/work!

The Pharmaceutical Powder X-ray Diffraction Symposium Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 5 March 2025 #chemsky

ICDD is excited to announce our March InSession "Unlocking the Past: Electron Diffraction for Ancient Material Characterization" with special guest speaker Dr. Partha Pratim Das. Registration is now open at Register today! #chemsky

A personal account of the origin and development of structural X-ray crystallography at the University of La Plata and its impact on the scientific research of Argentina and Latin America. #chemsky

ICDD's X-ray Fluorescence course is happening in one month. Make sure to register now and book your hotel room early to secure your spot. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity! Visit for more information. #chemsky

Last call to register for Clay Analysis: Part III presentation on 26 March 2025! It's a stand-alone lecture. But you can also watch the first two parts on the same page 👍

There is still a little time to sign up for Clay Analysis: Part III - presented by Dr. Anja Dosen!! #chemsky

The crystal structure of xanthine based on the analysis of 3D electron diffraction (3D-ED) data recorded for microcrystals in a powder sample, in conjunction with periodic DFT-D calculations and the analysis of powder XRD data. #chemsky

ICDD's Executive Director, Dr. Tom Blanton, presented a workshop on powder diffraction at the 5th International Conference of the Advanced Materials Technology and Minerals Resources Research Institute, held in Collaboration with JSPS on 19 February 2025 in Giza, Egypt #chemsky

ICDD's X-ray Powder Diffraction course registration is now open! The XRD course is presented in two separate week-long sessions, each of which stands alone as a complete class. 2 - 13 June 2025. Register at by 21 April 2025 and save $250! #chemsky

It's the last week to register for ICDD's February InSession, Clay Analysis: Part III. Register now at #chemsky

Congratulations to this year's 2025 Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship recipients! Learn more at #chemsky

Don't forget to submit your abstract for DXC 2025! Inviting papers in all areas of X-ray analysis. Present your work in a casual, friendly environment, and seek advice from industry experts. Submit by 13 March 2025. Visit for more information. #chemsky

Happy Valentine's Day from ICDD! #chemsky (Go Birds!)

🥳🥳"Our students have been awarded the Ludo Frevel #CrystallographyScholarship, reflecting their interest in incorporating crystallography as a critical component of their #research workflow" #crystallography #education

Clay Analysis: Part III - See the original and the sequel and sign up for the FREE webinar here! #chemsky

PPXRD-18 Call for Papers! Visit for guidelines for preparing your abstract, including an abstract template available for download. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 5 March 2025. Submit today! #chemsky

Today is the last day to register for ICDD's XRF Course and save $250! Go to and register now! #chemsky

ICDD's Executive Director, Tom Blanton, visited USCSNI on 5 February 2025 to present with other notable scientists at the "Analysis and Materials Characterization Using XRD" workshop. #chemsky

Congratulations to ICDD Board Member, Ashfia Huq! #chemsky Ashfia Huq has been selected to serve as the next director of the Molecular Foundry at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).

Free webinar - sign up now! Delve into the depths of this intertwining and ever-evolving story as art imitates life - investigate chemistry's role in the history of moving pictures. #chemsky

Workshop 1 at #ICCDublin25 PDF-5+ & JADE Pro - 13 July, Dublin Part 1 - Intro to PDF databases. Part 2 - Qualitative & Quantitative XRD analyses using JADE Pro software and clay modelling using the JADE Pro Toolkit features. More info & Reg:

Will the data you collect today still be useful in 60 years? Hear from leaders at the top global databases to learn what strategies they're setting for #structuralbiology #structuralchemistry and #bigdata Sign up:

Join us for this year's first InSession: Clay Analysis Part III, with ICDD's Senior Scientific Editor, Anya Dosen. 26 February 2025. Register now at #chemsky

A yellow, man-made vitriol is an ingredient only occasionally mentioned in alchemical texts. #chemsky

January's PDF Entry of the Month: Calcium Iron Silicate! This month includes a Raman entry, a 3D structure, SAED and EBSD extensions, and more. Visit and click on the icons to learn what this PDF entry offers! #chemsky

ICDD is a sponsor and exhibitor and will run a workshop at this prestigious Clay Conference at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, from the 13th to the 18th of July 2025. #chemsky Register for the 18th International Clay Conference (ICC) -

Read this open access Powder Diffraction Journal article: A set of simple equations based on the Lorentz-Scherrer equation and Bernoulli statistics #LorentzScherrer #BernoulliStatistics #DataAnalysis #ScientificResearch

Bamboo-shoot fiber (BSF)-reinforced casein-based films were developed using ultrasonication (US) and cellulase treatments (ET), both individually and in combination as a sustainable alternative to plastic packaging. #BambooFiber #chemsky Join this expert panel from top international data institutions, to learn how they are preparing in the face of change. FREE Webinar Wed, Feb 12, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST #DataScience #DataAnalytics #FutureOfData #ExpertPanel

Data management impacts future research! Hear from the leaders of the PDB, ICSD, ICDD, & CSD to learn the strategies they're setting now to meet future tech and science changes. 💻 12 Feb @ 3pm GMT/ 10am ET 🔗 #CompChemSky #BigData

ICDD's Powder Diffraction File™ is the only crystallographic database specifically designed for material identification and characterization! Need more convincing on why you need an ICDD database? Read our customer testimonials!

Check out the December 2024 PDJ issue, Vol. 39 No. 4, featuring the article "Crystal Chemistry of Garnet Type Solid State Electrolyte, Li5-xLa3(NbTa)O12-y". Learn more at #chemsky

We proudly serve the scientific community by maintaining and improving the Powder Diffraction File™ and JADE® software. See which database is right for you - #chemsky

ICDD's Grant-in-aid January deadline is approaching! The deadline to submit is 31 January 2025. Submit today at #chemsky

PPXRD-18 Call for Papers! Visit for guidelines for preparing your abstract, including an abstract template available for download. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 5 March 2025. Submit today! #chemsky

ICDD's curated RAMAN database is now available in PDF-4/Minerals, PDF-5+, and PDF-4/Axiom 2025 databases. Stay tuned for a paper describing this exciting new opportunity and future directions for the RAMAN user community. Visit to learn more. #chemsky

AcSIR Science Club & ECS-CECRI Student Chapter, CSIR-CECRI in association with the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD), USA conducted a workshop on "X-Ray Diffraction: Fundamentals to Applications" at CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi [10-11 Dec 2024]. photos: AcSIR/ECS-CECRI #chemsky

The platinum nanoparticle was synthesized using lemon peel extract. Parameters such as time, pH, concentration, temperature, and change in color from yellow to yellowish brown indicate the reduction of platinum ions. #chemsky

ICDD's tuition waivers were established to promote the education of the scientific community, particularly the academic sector, in X-ray materials analysis. If you are currently developing a program in XRF, XRD, or Rietveld analysis, apply today! #chemsky

Look at all the simulations an ICDD PDF Entry can have! #chemsky

ICDD's X-ray Fluorescence Course is happening soon! Register by 10 February and save $250. Visit for more information. #chemsky

It's all about the people! ICDD exhibited and taught worldwide in 2024. We look forward to meeting you in 2025! #chemsky See you in the UK for PPXRD-18 - Pharmaceutical Powder X-ray Diffraction Symposium! Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 5 March 2025

A New Year! May we introduce ourselves again as the world’s largest solid-state collections of minerals, metals and alloys, polymers, active pharmaceuticals, and commercial materials? #chemsky

Happy Holidays from all of us at ICDD! #chemsky

Cambridge University Press has granted free access to PDJ Volumes 38 (2023) and 39 (2024) until 31 December 2024! #chemsky

Wow, we were blown away by the speedy creativity of our employees! Here are the fantastic entries from ICDD’s 15-minute timed gingerbread house contest! Who do you think won? #chemsky

Keep up with all things: ICDD • MDI • Powder Diffraction Journal Grant-in-Aid program • Denver X-ray Conference InSession • PDF® Entry of the Month You'll also get the latest Powder Diffraction news and facts!

ICDD X-ray Fluorescence Course - 24 – 28 March 2025 Let Our Team of Experts Help You Take Your Skills to the Next Level #chemsky Register by 10 February 2025 and save $250!