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Father, Green-IT enthusiast, Engineer, Tinkerer, Ham radio HB9HUS, retro Tech repairer, Swiss
25 posts 24 followers 25 following
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Software is getting slower more rapidly than hardware is becoming faster. ( We should change that and put mor focus on optimization. #GreenIT #ClimateAction

practicing CW with slowly but steadily getting better at it... #ham #cw

New blog post: Turn off your servers, How to use the Scream-Test to find out which servers to shutdown. #sustainability #climateaction #green-it

I don't want my fridge to have a camera or Wi-Fi. I don't want my dishwasher to be smart. I don't want my washing machine to text me. In fact, I kinda miss knobs and dials and knowing big appliances would last 20 years and could still be repaired.

Decarbonising manufacturing: Most processes are no longer ‘hard to abate’

havent design't digital circuits in ages... trying to build a small 8-bit cpu


Die gute Nachricht des Tages

A great example of how powerful serious games can be, especially when you bring them into communities & localize them! “The Adaptation Game is a playful workshop that simulates how you and your community respond to the next ten years of climate change in your town.”

The Maritime Approximation

Multi-track drifting, er, dragging coming to KiCad 9! Video and code courtesy of Tom W :)

Verzerrte Perspektive? Windräder töten zu viele Vögel? #renewables (Quelle #KatapultMagazin:

If you work in tech and want to learn about how to make your work more sustainable, you should really join the community. To get a taste of the conversations, projects, and actions that keep emerging from this wonderful community, check out the 2024 Year in Review presentation.

Morse as an accessibility tool #CW (and ..---- is now skydiving!)

From "always on" to "sometimes on". Interesting read. #sustainable #green-it

🤷🏻 Da die Autohersteller reichlich(!) Sicherheit einbauen, kann man davon ausgehen, dass ein eAuto auch nach 100.000 km noch volle Reichweite hat. Außer, man legt es drauf an, den Akku kaputt zu machen. Mein 'Robert D' eNiro hat nach 102.378 km immer noch bei 100% Ladung die versprochenen 455 km!

unser parlamanet will mal wieder beim #Klimaschutz sparen! Unterzeichne die Petition von klimaschutz schweiz:

goodbye png and jpeg, hello avif and webp #green-it #web

Wie funktioniert eigentlich Jasse? sehr unterhaltsam

Dampfende Kacke, oder einfach nur Kacke? Klima-Kipppunkte unterhaltsam und verständlich erklärt von der unnachahmlichen Mai Thi. Ansehen!

Do you know how much one tonne of #CO2 is? #climatechahnge

das hat unsere politik super gemacht /s #klimawandel

New blog post on #GreenSoftware #Sustainability

creating a #sustainable website