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On the 3rd anniversary of Russia’s brutal invasion, Europe is in Kyiv. We are in Kyiv today, because Ukraine is Europe. In this fight for survival, it is not only the destiny of Ukraine that is at stake. It’s Europe’s destiny.

“When the Russians come, then your best case scenario is that you are imprisoned or deported.” Lithuania’s defence minister Dovilė Šakalienė sits down with #TheEuropeConversation to talk about her family’s experience of Russian occupation. Watch in full:

El intento de golpe de Estado conocido como #23F fue tal día como hoy. 44 años después la Ley de Secretos Oficiales franquista sigue en vigor y la iniciativa para reformarla de cumplirá este jueves un año metida en el cajón por la mesa del Congreso desde que se aceptó.

Tomorrow will mark three years since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. A day that will forever live in infamy. Today we’re hoisting the Ukrainian flag at our headquarters. It is flying high and proud at the heart of Europe. Where it belongs.

Three years since Russia launched its full-scale war. Three years of Ukrainian heroism. It was an honour for me to receive the flag of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade, a witness to Ukrainians’ bravery on the battlefield. The EU will stand with Ukraine and its people, always.

Please,, ban X on Europe. It is a fascist propaganda machine run by an enemy of the European Union who wants to destroy us. Por favor,, prohíbe X en Europa. Es una máquina de propaganda fascista dirigida por un enemigo de la Unión Europea que quiere destruirnos.

🇪🇺 Manifestantes afines al partido ultra nacionalista prorruso Revival han atacado y prendido fuego a la entrada del edificio de la representación de la en Sofía (Bulgaria). Reuters 👉🏻

#EstaSemana La mutilación genital femenina es una de las principales causas de muerte de niñas en los lugares donde se practica

🟡 La Contra | ¿Cuánto durarán vacunas sangrientas, como fue para Europa la II Guerra Mundial, que para no repetirla se creó la UE? La preocupante conclusión del historiador británico Antony Beevor es que aquellas vacunas están perdiendo efectividad.

Outrageous scenes in Sofia where our EU office has been vandalised. In Europe, we exercise the right to demonstrate in a peaceful way. Violence and vandalism are never the answer.

Bluesky ramps up fight against child sexual abuse content

✨Eklipseen garaia hurbiltzen ari da, eta hilabete honetan ilargi-eklipse bat eta beste eguzki-eklipse bat ikusiko ditugu. Horregatik, datozen asteetan behatu eta ulertu ahal izateko jakin behar duzun guztia kontatuko dizugu. #ilargieklipsea #eguzkieklipsea #ilargia #eguzkia

We say it, we mean it. Ukraine's security is Europe's security!

🌍🛰️ Almost 40% of glaciers in Central Europe were lost between 2000 and 2023. A new study, using data from various satellite observations -including our CryoSat mission- reveals alarming insights about the declining rate of glaciers. Read the full study🔗

Winston Churchill was right: "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried.” Too many Americans have fought and died defending democracy. We must stand with our European allies against the authoritarianism of Putin and Trump.

Euskorpus proiektuaren aurkezpenean izan gara gaur. Lehendakariaren hitzetan, "Euskorpusekin, Adimen Artifizialaren eta hizkuntzaren teknologien potentzial osoa euskararen, gure enpresen eta ikerketaren zerbitzura jartzen dugu"

Euskorpus aurkeztu dugu gaur. Euskararen korpusa digitalizatzeko egitasmoa.

☄️The 2024 YR4 asteroid now has over a 3% chance of hitting the planet in 2032, making it the highest-threat asteroid ever detected.

Este 2025 vamos a organizar nuevos eventos en nuevas ciudades, pero como siempre... empezamos el año en Bilbao celebrando el DÍA DE PI el 14 de marzo! Programa y actividades aquí:

#astronomia #astronomy #europa

✂️ Less red tape. More business! Needless admin holds back innovation and jobs – and hampers our policy objectives, too. Aligning with the EU Competitiveness Compass, we will propose cutting needless rules and admin burdens for companies ↓ #madeinEurope

Today marks the first anniversary of the death of Alexei #Navalny, the Kremlin's most vocal political opponent. His courage against Putin's regime & its cronies will always be remembered We will honour his memory and his fight for justice and freedom Our thoughts are with his family and supporters

Boerenfamilie in interieur

🗣️Edward Rubin, científico: "El voto es lo más importante que tenemos para frenar el cambio climático" El Premio Nobel de la Paz 2007 advierte que el aumento de un grado y medio que el planeta ha sufrido es cuatro o cinco veces superior en los polos

The Greenland Ice Sheet Is Falling Apart – New Study

The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub in the family Lythraceae that grows between 5 and 10 metres (16 and 33 feet) tall.

We view President Trump's proposed "reciprocal” trade policy as a step in the wrong direction. The EU will react firmly and immediately against unjustified barriers to free and fair trade. We will always protect European businesses, workers, and consumers from unjustified tariff measures.

Inoiz baino gehiago, Euskadik oinarri sendoak dituen erabakiak behar ditu, errealismoz, pragmatismoz eta zorroztasunez hartutakoak. Gaur arratsaldean, Herri-dirubideen Euskal Kontseilua batzartu da: 👇 ✅ Konpromisoa ✅ Erantzukizuna ✅ Etorkizun partekatua #EuskadiBerria

Gure eguzki-sisteman ura egoera likidoan (ur-masa txikiak, gutxienez) egotekotan, Marteko hego poloko izotzaren azpialdean egon daiteke.