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Independent School SendCo 🌻 BEST Team Leader 🌻 MH & Wellbeing advocate 🌻 EAA & Exams Office advice🌻 busy juggling family life in thriving Boarding House
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I am proud that we have a strong international boarding community with young ladies from over 20 countries calling it home. They are strong and confident, and I cannot wait to see them put their mark on the world! ##IWD2025 #AccelerateAction #IndyEdSENDCo #EduSky

A fantastic evening at An Inspector Calls this evening. Throughly enjoyed it and our y10 & 11 kids were a joy to be with on a Friday evening. Fantastic set and a wonderful cast! #IndyEdSENDCo #WolverhamptonGrand #AIC

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🌼Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant🌼🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 A busy day taking our choir to a local music festival 🏆. then a taxi run for our eldest to the 'wrap' party for the panto he did. Matt is on duty in BH all weekend. Then back to a 'WICKED' home movie night with the youngest (🍿🥤) E is getting a lift back🥂. #IndyEdSENDCo

We have had a really hard start to this half term. What makes this easier is having staff on my team & in leadership roles who listen & support. Thankful for my TA team who keep me supplied with nourishment (if chocolate counts!) & regular check-ins. #IndyEdSENDCo #EduSky #SENDteamwork #TAsarefab

OMG... have never laugh so much in a while...such a great end to the half-term break! If anyone gets to experience this I would highly recommend... choose your seats VERY carefully though! #IndyEdSENDCo

Signs of Spring! #IndyEdSENDCo

MELODY UPDATE! The cone is off for good (we hope) she is still scratching but is less stressed so we are going with that. Still in the steroids for a few more weeks. We are starting to see her old character come out again!!!

Happy Half-term!!! Time to rest, reset and...spend lots of time driving my eldest back and forth to Stourbridge for the Panto he is tech-ing this week!! ##EduSky #IndyEdSENDCo

A cheeky evening out after a busy few days of boarding duty and musical rehearsals! #IndyEdSENDCo #theatretechmum

MELODY UPDATE! Slowly on the mend- even if she does have a bald neck! Still on the steroids and still in a collar for the majority of the time but so much better than she was! #Melodystory #IndyEdSENDCo

Gotta love a Gobo light setup!

A quiet drink out after a day of Entrance Assessments, driving my oldest to various Theatre bookings! #IndyEdSENDCo #EduSky ##IndyEdSENDCo #EduSky

Weekend rehearsal number 1! Can anyone name the musical? #IndyEdSENDCo #EduSky

My view this morning! #IndyEdSENDCo ##EduSky

My son's latest theatre lighting project- Tell me on a Sunday! #IndyEdSENDCo

Melody update... 3rd eye flap released- Hydrops has gone. We now just need to sort her skin out! The Eye Vet Clinic Leominster were amazing with her! #IndyEdSENDCo

Melody update🐱 She is now on HA diet & is off antibiotics. Has been improvement in skin ever since. She seems more alert & interested in climbing around again. Eye vet on Thurs 7am leave😴 (8.30 app)- to remove stitches! hopefully the Hydrops is sorted & can put on steroids to speed up the process!!

We are looking for a new Teacher of French! A lovely Independent School in the West Midlands! #IndyEdSENDCo #EduSky #mflteacher #frenchteacher

Melody update! Partial Biopsy result show no cancerous cells. Her skin condition seems to be a major allergy- probably to food... special diet (expensive!!) to follow. Once her eye is sorted she can go on steroids, but not quite yet! #IndyEdSENDCo #itsacatslife #poormelody

A Christmas Santa Run and a Boarding Evening Meal and Disco! #boardinglife #nearlythere #IndyEdSENDCo

So...Melody has a corneal hydrops (blister) on her eye... they have put sutures in to close the third eye flap over it. She has also had corrective entropion surgery to both eyelids...she has a cone of shame until 2nd Jan!! #IndyEdSENDCo #feelingsorryformyself

Today I am at the Eye Vet Clinic in Leominster with seems her eye was not just an ulcer... once again thankful for pet insurance!

Getting ready for a busy Christmas filled weekend with the Boarders!!! Charity Santa Run in the morning followed by a candlelit (floating of course!) Harry Potter themed gala evening meal with photo booths...

Sensory lights! Had to have one in my office as well as our teaching rooms! #IndyEdSENDCo

An evening out before a very busy weekend! #IndyEdSENDCo

Vet called- Melody's bloods are clear, so all good. Just need to dig her out of the food cupboard to get the eye drops in twice a day... we can cope with that! #IndyEdSENDCo

So... Melody now has an eye ulcer😿... so eye drops twice a day... then back to the vet next week. They also did a bloods check so let hope they have improved too otherwise she is back on the tablets as well!! #IndyEdSENDCo

Hopefully the last visit to the vets... Melody is feeling much better (and my hands are recovering after 10 days of giving her antibiotics- why do they always claw the knuckles!) #IndyEdSENDCo

Teacher of French in a fab school in the West Midlands

Tomorrow I shall call the bat phone for the 2nd time in our boarding career! We need batman to give advice for Bertie the bat! Luckily, he/she has a cluster of ladybirds (top left) to feed on.. or a house of boarders-depending on breed😉 #TCboarding #boardinglife #EduSky #IndyEdSENDCo #dracula

A chance to work at a lovely independent boarding school in the West Midlands. #EduSky #IndyEdSENDCo

Day 6 of mocks- we are done🎉 Thank goodness I found the missing physics paper for pupil E!! Melody is still at the vets, she has had a scan (clear) but still has a temp and rash..hopefully home tomorrow!!!🐱 At least she has eaten something today!! Thank goodness for pet insurance!!

Day 5 of mocks...All going well But... We have poorly moggy😿 she is not eating... apart from cat litter 🤮- so is having a night at the vets...Thank goodness for insurance! Hopefully, after some fluids & antibiotics, she will feel better! When I called, Vet said she is fiesty- so on the mend then!!!

The view from my window today! #IndyEdSENDCo #Edusky #snowdays

Antibullying Week 2024! Odd socks day, Random Acts of Kindness, Choose Respect wristbands... with Friendship Friday to look forward to at the week #IndyEdSENDCo #EduSky #AntiBullyingWeek #KindnessWins #ChooseRespect

Today we had a beautiful service remembering pupils who have served during conflict. Our pupils showed utmost respect. Sometimes we get bogged down in the flashy, newsworthy things we do. This was not flashy but even more important! #lestweforget #IndyEdSENDCo #UKboarding #EduSky #boardinglife

Lest We Forget. 3 very important words. I love my new poppy from the RBL. It highlights the work of Women in WWII. I am going to research Elsie Edwards. She is remembered & I am proud of her! #IndyEdSENDCo #lestweforget

So excited!!!!