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The #AIRS campaign, a coalition co-led by Vidal Guzman alongside people impacted by incarceration, aims to expose and dismantle the "prison–televisual complex"—the idea that prison is a spectacle to be profited from rather than a site of injustice.

So true. Monetizing the pain and suffering of the human condition that is American prison system is no less humiliating or demeaning than the side-show "freak" shows that used to ply their trade across the country at the turn of the century.

However much carceral reality TV shows create awareness around prison conditions, they do so in a way that reinforces the need for prisons rather than advocating for solutions to address the root causes of incarceration, writes Vidal Guzman of the #AIRS campaign.

Thoughtful piece from Joseph Margulies.

This week's newsletter: Abolition and the presidency

The Trump administration can be expected to lash out fiercely against people and localities working to end the harms of mass incarceration. But as Joseph Margulies writes, this worldview "looks backward as we drive forward": is right. The 47th admin’s shock-and-awe tactic with the EOs is intentional. It’s aimed to overwhelm and disorient us. So we need to think more imaginatively and strategically about how we organize.

A Bridge to Health: Medicaid access, both pre- and post-release, is a promising path to ensuring that reentry is a genuine, lasting return to freedom.

"Reentry waivers have potential well beyond increasing access to substance use treatment, smoothing post-release enrollment in Medicaid, and priming people for coordinated care upon leaving prison. To fulfill that potential, the waivers must be designed beyond the context of the carceral system."

"[F]ollowing release from a [prison], [..] access to health care can be the difference between life and death. People who have been recently released from [..] prison are at drastically greater risk of death by suicide, overdose, and cardiovascular disease." #healthcare #uspol

Medicaid access for people newly released from prison, as well as for those nearing release, is a promising path to ensuring reentry is a genuine, lasting return to freedom, write John Card and Spencer Andrews. Here's how reentry waivers could work under current law.

"Some told their stories as if they were no big deal, casually joking about them. One person laughed about being beaten, at the age of seven, by his mother's boyfriend. He had a gun put to his head because he'd urinated while asleep."

This week's newsletter: Winning the wars

"The challenge is to create new cultures of resistance and transformation. The root of this effort is building trustworthy relationships that over time begin to replace fear and enmity with caring community" - in

Inquest is honored to be a finalist for the National Magazine Awards in the General Excellence – Special Interest category! We're grateful to all our readers, donors, and authors—particularly our incarcerated and formerly incarcerated authors!

Abstinence-only drug treatment doesn’t work. For people in prison, where drugs flow freely, such programs place them at greater risk of relapse or even death, writes incarcerated writer Catherine LaFleur. In partnership with

"None of this will be easy. There are no certain outcomes. In some instances, there will be legal risks and attempts to intimidate organizations and individuals into silence. But to do nothing is to surrender our own humanity and any hope of a better, democratic future."

For, Catherine LaFleur writes that abstinence-only drug treatment doesn’t work. For people in prison, where drugs flow freely, such programs place them at greater risk of relapse.

This Is How You Win the Culture Wars by via

"Survival in this moment demands that we prioritize relationship building over reactivity; that we prioritize solidarity over silence. In this way, we create the possibility of emerging from this violent hydraulic as a society, transformed for the better."

"At its best, the law represents the codification of a set of rules for a society that allows all people to live with dignity and freedom."Learning from @Sonali_Chakravarti and Inquest on the role of jurors in court: #prison #carceral #JusticeMatters #RuleOfLaw

This is brilliant, and much needed now. Reality looks bleak, in so many ways, but here is hope, here’s what we need to do a lot more, to get out of this almighty big mess. And there’s a role for everyone. Thank you Kay.

Really looking forward to reading this tonight

This is a must read.

Kay Whitlock has been and is a guiding light.

Prioritizing relationship-building over reactivity, and solidarity over silence, is how abolitionist writer and activist suggests we all confront the rising violence and authoritarianism in the days and years ahead.

“If I feel invisible and disposable to the powers that be, I’m ushered into a well-organized supremacist validation of my worth in which I learn that it’s others who are disposable, not me.”

My latest for ...and yes, we can ultimately win, if we are willing to work in transformative ways. It will require the best we have in ourselves, but along the way, we may become quietly courageous in ways that will surprise and energize us.


This week's newsletter: Becoming decarceral jurors

Erik Maloney, an incarcerated psychology researcher, has theorized that many men in prison have had their minds "imprisoned" long before their incarceration. Here are some of his stark findings. From

Joe Biden made history when he commuted the sentences of just about everyone on federal death row. But he lost the moral argument against the death penalty when he denied mercy to some, writes Carol Steiker.

"The power of a jury to acquit is arguably the single most powerful tool that citizens have for stopping someone from going to prison."

"[A jury's power] to nullify [.] is not one that most jurors will know about, nor will the court condone discussion of it." "To refuse to participate in a jury trial because of the [legal system's] great harms [.] would [.] throw away the chance to block an unfair punishment."

For anyone committed to ending the scope and scale of mass incarceration, the jury system is worth serving in—and preserving, writes Sonali Chakravarti. Resisting over-punishment and unjust punishment by the state is why it exists.

"Settler colonialism works by making invisible the appropriation of Indigenous lands and oceanic spaces. It severs the caretaking relations of Indigenous people to land, water, and the elements and eliminates their presence through a range of technologies that relegate them to the past."

"[W]e have an obligation to counsel about how oppression operates ... A fuller engagement with issues makes it easier to show clients why their options may actually be limited in criminal court, while also showing where they or others can push back on those limitations in other forums."

I can't overstate the extent to which the criminal legal system is built on a foundation of vibes rather than data. This piece on the (practical, human, data-driven) case against pre-trial detention is a fantastic illustration:

This week's newsletter: All of us or none

#BULawProf writes for on the ways defense lawyers can not only counsel their clients on an individual criminal case, but the broader system of mass incarceration. Read more ⬇️

Really grateful to the folks at inquest for letting me share some thoughts I've been noodling over about client counseling.

"If [lawyers] only ever push back on our [legal] clients when they ask why [systemic oppression] is the way it is, we are then part of the reason it is that way." "[D]ialogue can lead to [...] collaboration, both partners demystifying the law and [...] [challenging] [...] it."

How might a defense lawyer counsel her client not just about an individual criminal case, but about the broader oppression of our system of mass incarceration? Former public defender of offers insights.

"Settler colonial logics course through deportation policies, which rely heavily on criminalization and incarceration—two potent assertions of U.S. sovereignty over a space that, in actuality, is animated by Indigenous politics of self-governance." #uspol

"In the tradition of civil disobedience, the IYC activists risked arrest and deportation to expose the violence of the penal and deportation systems in the United States. The main message—'All of Us or None'—telegraphed their solidarity with all those who are fodder for the carceral system."

“We must not mistake current practices of policing, surveillance, and deportations as a “moment in time.” Instead, (…) continuing legacies of resistance requires us to turn our attention to enduring strains of violence perpetuated by the U.S. racist, colonial, and capitalist history.”

Anti-detention activists, and the broader migrant justice movement, aren't just concerned with keeping people from deportation. Their aim is to put an end to the harms of the entire punishment industry. An excerpt from Monisha Das Gupta's 'All of Us or None,' out now from

"The widespread use of pretrial detention is a relatively new phenomenon, and its expanded use was largely untethered from the problem of flight or public safety." On coming to realise that the detention of legally innocent people pretrial (on remand) is indefensible:

There's no shortage of things to read about how abolitionist analysis will help in the context we're facing. One of the things such pieces tend to focus on is that people are criminalized, in part, because criminalized people are already seen as disposable. One good read: