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IZ Digital is INTERZONE’s sister zine Read: Support: RSS: Banner art by Martin Hanford Posts by Gareth Jelley
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Next instalment in the Towards the Fjords series coming next week: if you enjoyed Joy (recently featured on the podcast) then keep your eyes on

‘Joy looked out, across the rolling sea. In the distance, she could just make out the hazy coastline of Europe. ‘ “Joy,” said Arthur. “We’re really going to leave.” ’ ✨ Out 11 March, a splendid new story by about the drone Arthur and its friend Joy, with art by Martin Hanford

So today I was the story on the podcast: the story of Joy, surviving as best she can after the collapse of the United Kingdom.

Thrilled to see (hear!) Dale Smith’s fabulous ‘Joy’ reprinted in Read more of the story of Joy and the delivery drone she shot down in ‘Arthur’, the sequel (Joy and her drone will return to IZD soon, with new art by Martin Hanford… Watch the skies!)

Stories by + many others are free to read at sister zine Our 159 brilliant patrons get ebooks of every new issue of IZ, recent back issues, access to 700,000 words of Nick Lowe’s Mutant Popcorn – 40yo this year! – film reviews, & help INTERZONE stay afloat ⛵

At our Ko-fi, Martin Hanford’s art for the forthcoming third episode of’s story of Joy and the drone she shoots down and then befriends. called the first part ‘masterful’ and you can read it for free:

‘Joy looked out, across the rolling sea. In the distance, she could just make out the hazy coastline of Europe. ‘ “Joy,” said Arthur. “We’re really going to leave.” ’ ✨ Out 11 March, a splendid new story by about the drone Arthur and its friend Joy, with art by Martin Hanford

At our Ko-fi, Martin Hanford’s art for the forthcoming third episode of’s story of Joy and the drone she shoots down and then befriends. called the first part ‘masterful’ and you can read it for free:

‘He sat up slowly. The tubes in his spine tickled as he brought his legs down, then turned to give his son a doting glance. He didn’t see past his budding relief to note the strangeness in the construct waking the boy first.’ More by with art by 👀

‘When Mortstedt makes landfall in three days, the children will be asleep while the adults hold to their beliefs amid a thornbush of my design.’ And another by, this gem illustrated by talks a bunch about THE GANYMEDAN on the IZ show here, from the 42:17 mark, after his reading of ‘The Building Across the Street’ (IZ 294), in particular about the influence of a specific scene in 2001 Pre-orders are open: Roll on November ✨

I talk somewhat coherently about my coming soon novel The Ganymedan on the Interzone show. Please listen and thanks and continue to support the IZ podcast. The Ganymedan comes out this November and I am beyond thrilled!

‘One day he was beating the shit out of gringos with his brass knuckles and hurrying to arrive in time to watch telenovelas with his mom, the next he was locked up in a prison cell with two sweaty dudes and a pack of cigarettes.’ New by, ‘There Is Love in São Paulo’ 💕

Hi 👋 If you're new here, I have a fairytalesque novella with Tordotcom called BUT NOT TOO BOLD about a monstrous spider woman with a taste for human brides 🕷🗝 You can find it in your favorite online bookshop, or order on the link below:

‘When Mortstedt makes landfall in three days, the children will be asleep while the adults hold to their beliefs amid a thornbush of my design.’ And another by, this gem illustrated by

‘He sat up slowly. The tubes in his spine tickled as he brought his legs down, then turned to give his son a doting glance. He didn’t see past his budding relief to note the strangeness in the construct waking the boy first.’ More by with art by 👀

Make an author website. Doesn't need to be fancy. Just make sure you've got your contact info on there and a list of all your work (with links!). You can add reviews/mentions, anything that brings you joy. Because if nothing else, the website's there to remind you of all you've achieved.

INTERZONE patrons get IZ 301 with stories, regular columns, and book reviews; recent back issues; art cards; an invite to the forum; access to 40 years of Nick Lowe’s Mutant Popcorn, and more Subs and pledges help small press zines survive, thrive, and grow

Support independent publishing, and get yourself some fine stories and art!

This is Emma Howitt’s stunning IZ 301 cover. I adore it. Emma has created art for and IZ before; I’m ecstatic that she’s now an IZ cover artist. Emma’s art is for ‘Orange Slab’, a special story by in a v. special issue of IZ

‘I’m confined to this luxury cell, like they were to their pens. Like them, I didn’t do anything to deserve it. Not that I remember, anyway.’ More excellent fiction by Giselle Leeb in IZD, free to read and with stunning original art by Carly A-F

INTERZONE patrons get IZ 301 feat. ‘Mirrored’ by ‘The Astral Key’ by non-fic by, & plus recent back issues, access to 650K words of Nick Lowe’s Mutant Popcorn reviews & more Without you we’re nothing

‘The Instruction meant doom. ’It meant salvation. ’It could mean anything you wanted it to mean.’ Read ‘Orange Slab’ in IZ 301 and then read more stories by Ashley, who is fabulous Art and alt text by Emma Howitt

While I am at it, END-OF-THE-WORLD LOVESICK BLUES came out on IZ DIGITAL last New Years Eve and missed last year’s roundup.

I have been told I need to keep posting even though the book is already out, so

details! The design was inspired by the painted panels that you see in some very old stained glass, contrasting against the dyed glass pieces. I also wanted the irregular colours and textures of the very old types of stained glass.

‘I’m confined to this luxury cell, like they were to their pens. Like them, I didn’t do anything to deserve it. Not that I remember, anyway.’ More excellent fiction by Giselle Leeb in IZD, free to read and with stunning original art by Carly A-F

Thrilled to see (hear!) Dale Smith’s fabulous ‘Joy’ reprinted in Read more of the story of Joy and the delivery drone she shot down in ‘Arthur’, the sequel (Joy and her drone will return to IZD soon, with new art by Martin Hanford… Watch the skies!)

REMAINS is here! There’s a story in #1 and an story coming in #2 Buy and pre-order both at the site

Last day! We’re getting close; please send to any current full SFWA members you know! I know a lot of people have left over this and other issues. Hopefully we can make the organization more welcoming for the future, but it will take action.

INTERZONE patrons get all the recent issues of IZ, plus access to over 650,000 words of Nick Lowe’s incisive, enlightening, hilarious, entirely individual Mutant Popcorn film reviews, and at the art tiers, prints of illustrations by Emma Howitt, Carly A-F, and Dante Luiz

In case you missed these last year, Dale Smith’s ‘Joy’ and ‘Arthur’ – stories about the bond between a human and a robot both trying to make their way in a hostile future Britain – now have a home of their own at IZ Digital TOWARDS THE FJORDS, a serial by Dale Smith with art by Martin Hanford

Hey #SF fans: want to read the stories I had published by earlier in the year? A heartwarming story of a woman surviving the apocalypse by shooting down delivery drones on the coast of the former United Kingdom:

As it is award season and I must try to stop the world from being destroyed by nostalgia, here is a rare public Patreon post to share my review of THE LAST DANGEROUS VISIONS:

The community library shelf is up!! 🌠 More to come.

This is my Universal Monsters official print set, printed beautifully by as super vivid A3 high quality prints. I have a few sets left in my shop, or you can get individual monsters from: #art #monster #horror

Art there is by the always fantastic who has also created art for IZD stories by and, and stories by Stephanie Lane Gage,, and

Find more of Emma Howitt’s beautiful art in IZ Digital, IZ’s online sister zine The image below is for ‘Nine Dioptres’, a story by Lyle Hopwood Emma has also illo'd stories by,, and many others

Out now, INTERZONE #301: 60,000 words of spectacular new fiction and non-fiction. Patrons get this issue, and recent back issues right away Or get the issue at The cover art is by Emma Howitt, illustrating ‘Orange Slab’ a new story by Ashley Stokes ❤️‍🔥

‘The chemistry between the characters is great, the worldbuilding feels rich, and I very much liked the portrayal of Kato’s disability. The matriarchal empire […] is also a nice touch. I’d love to see Sui take on a longer work. She’s definitely a talent to watch.’ from’s review

I love how writes and have done since I first read REPO VIRTUAL, and I loved the first version of ‘Mirrored’ I accepted, and it was a real joy for me to see a writer as talented as Corey take that story and change it so confidently into something even more brilliant, and powerful ❤️‍🔥

Today is a great day to become IZ’s  159th patron (almost 200!). Patrons get the new issue, 2024 back issues, access to the Mutant Popcorn archive, exclusive episodes of the IZ show, and more You can also give a membership as a gift, which would be a really sweet thing to do 💝

Art there is by the always fantastic who has also created art for IZD stories by and, and stories by Stephanie Lane Gage,, and

‘There were maskheads smashing windows and fucking up Waitrose, then Robocop-style dudes started shooting into the air, then into the crowd, shooting at literally everyone, it was wild. You know that old Talking Heads song, “Life During Wartime”? It wasn’t like that…’ Read more by Ashley in IZD 👇

Interzone #301 contains my story 'Mirrored'. It's a story I wrote pre-transition but was able to extend slightly to make it truer to the the person I always was, even if I didn't know it at the time. I've written about it here:

ANNOUNCEMENT! My new story collection contains 16 weird tales of magical and mechanical automatons from history and myth. GREAT ROBOTS OF HISTORY will be published by in March, and can be preordered now from the website. (1/2)

IZ 301 out 5.2.25, feat. Emma Howitt, Aliya Whiteley, Nick Lowe, Ashley Stokes, Philip Fracassi, Rachael Cupp, David Cleden, Martin Hanford, Corey Jae White, Una McCormack, Zachary Gillan, Kelly Jennings, Nick Mamatas, Val Nolan, Marian Womack, Alexander Glass, Dempow Torishima, Preston Grassmann 🔗👇