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makyajlı büyüme bile zayıf.

Contemporary hormonal contraceptives significantly increase the risk of ischaemic stroke and myocardial infarction, except for certain intrauterine devices. by Yonis H, Løkkegaard E (...) Meaidi A et 5 al. in BMJ #MedSky 📖 read the article:

Ey insanlar, insanlık tabiatına uygun davranalım, merhametli olalım! Bu karda kışta apartmanlarımıza, iş yerlerimize sığınan sokak canlarını kovalamayalım. Hayvanlar aç kaldıkları zaman soğuğa daha dayanıksız bir hal alıyorlar, onları yiyeceksiz bırakmayalım. İnsan olalım!

Trump’s betrayal of Ukraine has emboldened Putin and pulled the rug from under Nato allies | Simon Tisdall

sence bir süredir neden haber yapmıyorum? a) manita yaptın b) depresyondasın c) yeni haber kovalıyorsun d) bu işleri tamamen bıraktın

Russia can be ready to attack NATO within 5 years-assessment by the Danish Intelligence Service Russia has undertaken a major reform of its military production&armed forces since it invaded Ukraine,today it’s able to devote resources also to rearmament with a view to a war against NATO in the future

This is the most relevant article to NIH and research cuts I’ve seen. Imagine if this was today , how many people would be saying “Why are we studying Gila Monsters and their impact on diabetes ? That’s wasted money !”

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