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Ag adhartachadh na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Eideann Promoting Gaelic in Scotland's capital
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🎙️new podcast episode: Professor Rob Dunbar ( ) joined us on A SAHA Conversation on Gaelic, his academic journey, and so much more. 🎧Available now on #Spotify #ApplePodcasts and #amazonmusic

Ainm-àite an latha airson #SeachdainNaGàidhlig2025 Edinburgh ~ Dùn Èideann 'fort of Èideann' NT257741 Tha an t-ainm seo cuideachd ri fhaicinn ann an Dunedin ann an Sealainn Nuadh a tha a' leantainn cruth na Gàidhlig seach cruth na Beurla. #AinmÀite #Gàidhlig #Cleachdi

TOMORROW - IONAD POP-UP 1400-1630 Darroch, 7 Gillespie St, Dùn Èideann Activities for all ages and all levels of Gaelic and a community café. Join us for music, conversation, singing, books, games, community and more

A-MÀIREACH - IONAD POP-UP 1400-1630 Darroch, 7 Gillespie St, Dùn Èideann Gnìomhachdan airson gach aois agus gach ìre de dh’fhileantas sa Ghàidhlig,agus cafaidh coimhearsnachd. Thigibh còmhla rinn airson ceòl, còmhradh, seinn, leabhraichean, geamannan is barrachd

📖 Join us on Thursday 10th April at for a special FREE in conversation event with writer & performer of Through The #ShortbreadTin,, about how a work of fiction has shaped Scotland's cultural identity

Aithris bhrosnachail air Gàidheil òga Ghlaschu: "An àite a bhith a' gearan, tha iad a' dèanamh rudeigin mu dheidhinn"

Gaelic in Edinburgh: Past, Present and Future Four events presenting different aspects of the story of Gaelic and the Gaels in Edinburgh, as part of the Edinburgh 900 celebrations Many thanks to the National Library of Scotland and the City of Edinburgh Council for their support 1/5

Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann: an-dè, an-diugh agus a-màireach Ceithir tachartasan a’ taisbeanadh diofar thaobhan de eachdraidh na Gàidhlig agus nan Gàidheal an Dùn Èideann, an lùib na fèill Edinburgh 900 Taing mhòr do Leabharlann Nàiseanta na h-Alba agus Comhairle Dhùn Èideann airson an taice 1/5

Aithris mhionaideach agus choileanta air staid na Gàidhlig, air thoiseach air a' cho-labhairt a-màireach a chomharrachadh 40 bliadhna de obair Chomunn na Gàidhlig Ceangal dhan co-labhairt

A new booklet celebrating Dundee’s connection to Gaelic Culture, language and history is being launched as part of World Gaelic Week 2025

🌍✨ It’s World Gaelic Week! Join us in celebrating the richness of Gaelic language and culture! From music and storytelling to workshops and events, there’s so much to explore. Check out what’s happening near you: Let’s keep Gaelic thriving—get involved and celebrate with us!

UofG, in partnership with have launched Gaelic Connect, a digital platform connecting Glasgow's #Gaelic community. Find cèilidhs, learning groups & more at your fingertips.

Many thanks to everyone at Morningside Library for hosting our two Gaelic Immersion Days on 18 January and 22 February, in their lovely Community Room! We plan to run more classes in future - more information soon.

Taing mhòr dhan a h-uile duine aig Leabharlann Morningside airson a bhith a' cumail ar Làithean Bogaidh air 18 Faoilleach agus 22 Gearran san t-seòmar choimhearsnachd àlainn aca! Tha sinn an dùil barrachd chlasaichean a chur air dòigh - fios a'tighinn a dh'aithghearr

Tha Seachdain na Gàidhlig 2025 an seo! Thèid barrachd air 150 tachartas a chumail an t-seachdain seo a’ brosnachadh agus a’ moladh na Gàidhlig air feadh na h-Alba agus air feadh an t-soaghail, ann an Sasann, Canada, Argentina agus air loidhne! Tha sinn air bhioran gus am faic sinn dè a tha

The John Bannerman Lecture is back! The 2025 lecture will be given by Prof. Deborah Hayden (Maynooth University), on 'Medical practitioners in the Medieval Gaelic world: Myth and history’. Register (free): #History #Medicine #Gaelic #Edinburgh #HCA #Ireland

Our Gaelic Writer in Residence, Niall O'Gallagher, welcomes two Scottish writers to chat all things Gaelic poems and translation ✨ There'll be talk of processes, readings from Garry and Taylor's recent book, and a drinks reception too 🥂 🎟️ Book for free:

Celebrating Celtic Languages Three speakers share insights on the rewards and challenges of living and working in Gaelic, Welsh and Breton Sunday 23 March, 1700 Institut Français, W Parliament Square, Edinburgh Opening event for Bilingualism Matters Symposium 2025

An dug sibh sùil air na bhios a' dol far a bheil sibhse rè Seachdain na Gàidhlig? 🎼🥳

13 March, the John Bannerman Memorial Lecture at the University of Edinburgh will be given by Prof Deborah Hayden (Maynooth). Details 👇 #histmed #GaelicHistory #MedicalHumanities #CelticStudies #LámhscríbhinníGaeilge

New Crowdfunder page! Your support will help us organise a range of Gaelic events in Edinburgh and raise funds towards renting or purchasing a space for a Gaelic hub. As a charity we can claim Gift Aid. We are very grateful for any donations, large or small!

Duilleag Crowdfunder ùr! Cuidichidh do thaic sinn le bhith a’ cur air dòigh raon tachartasan Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann agus a’ togail airgead a dh'ionnsaigh mòr-ionad Gàidhlig sa bhaile. Bidh sinn fada nur comain airson tabhartasan sam bith, beag no mòr!

Tha sinn a' gabhail fadachd ri Seachdain na Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann - 25 tachartasan eadar 24 Gearran agus 2 Màrt, a' gabhail a-steach Ionad Pop-up againn fhìn Excited for Gaelic Week in Edinburgh - 25 events from 24 Feb to 2 March, including our Pop-up event on 28th

'Gaelic in Edinburgh: Past, Present and Future' Four events at as part of the Edinburgh 900 celebration To start off: a talk on the Gaelic place names of Edinburgh by Dr Jake King on Saturday 22 March at 2pm. More information and tickets (free):

'Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann: an-dè, an-diugh agus a-màireach' Sreath thachartasan a tha sinn a' cur air dòigh aig an lùib na fèill Edinburgh 900 An toiseach: òraid leis an Dr Jake King air Ainmean-àite Gàidhlig Dhùn Èideann, 22 Màrt 2025, 1400

IONAD POP UP! Café, music, community, conversation, books, singing, games and information on Gaelic groups and activities in the capital All welcome, whatever your age and level of Gaelic - come help us create a Gaelic Hub, here in Edinburgh! Friday 28 February, 14.00–16.30: Darroch, 7 Gillespie St

IONAD POP UP! Cafaidh, ceòl, coimhearsnachd, còmhradh, leabhraichean, seinn, geamannan agus fiosrachadh air buidhnean is tachartasan Gàidhlig anns a' phrìomh bhaile Thigibh ann gus ionad Gàidhlig a chruthachadh ann an Dùn Èideann! Dihaoine 28 Gearran, 1400–1630: Darroch, 7 Sràid Ghilleasbaig

📣 GAIRM airson sgrìobhaidhean ùra! 📣 Cuir thugainn pìosan sgrìobhaidh ro 30 GIBLEAN airson cothrom a bhith ann an STEALL 10. Fios gu: [email protected]

Translating Gaelic Poetry 24 Feb – free Niall O’Gallagher, Garry Mackenzie, & will discuss their methods & approaches to translating Gaelic poetry, & how it interacts with other languages

A’ Ceangal Chruinneachaidhean: Beul-Aithris Ghàidhlig | Connecting Collections: Gaelic Oral Tradition 26 Feb, free Exploring Gaelic oral tradition through handwritten manuscripts & audio recordings from the 18th century to the present

Seachdain na Gàidhlig Dùn Èideann 2025 - 24 Gearran-2 Màrt Tha làrach-lìn beò a-nis - tòrr tachartasan tarraingeach do gach aois! Gaelic Week Edinburgh 2025 - 24 February-2 March Website is now live - lots of fun and interesting events for all ages!

In a fortnight at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. A great honour (and surprise) to be asked by to deliver the lecture. Join us for a celebration of Douglas Young, George Campbell Hay, Derick Thomson, Willie Neill, and others whose work brought Gaelic and Scots closer in new ways.

Alba & Èirinn: Bùth-obrach Òrain is Sgeulachdan na Fèinne Scotland & Ireland: Songs & Stories of the Fianna 26 Feb, online – pay what you can Màiri MacMillan & Gráinne Holland explore songs & stories of Finn MacCool & the Fianna

New Scottish Parliament Gaelic newsletter launched including material for learners and those with an interest in the language. Read and subscribe at:

Cuairt-litir Ghàidhlig ùr aig Pàrlamaid na h-Alba! Leugh is fo-sgrìobh

Fèill Chuimhneachaidh Iain MhicLeòid (John MacLeod Memorial Festival) in Edinburgh, Thursday 30 January-Sunday 2 February Memorial lecture, writing workshop, panel discussion, historical presentations, walking tour and more

Fèill Chuimhneachaidh Iain MhicLeòid ann an Dùn Èideann, Diardaoin 30 Faoilleach-Didòmhnaich 2 Gearran Òraid chuimhneachaidh, bùth-obrach sgrìobhaidh, deasbad pannal, taisbeanaidhean air eachdraidh, cuairt coiseachd is eile

Iomairt chudromach ann an Glaschu - a' bhuidheann Gàidhlig A-staigh ag amas air teaghlaichean a tha a' feuchainn ri clann a thogail le Gàidhlig a thoirt còmhla

Madainn mhath! A bheil Gàidhlig agad? A bheil thu ag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Good morning! Do you speak Gaelic? Would you like to learn Gaelic? We are starting a Gaelic chat group, free to join and meeting monthly - to begin with! - here in the bookshop! If you're interested, email us.

Seo am mapa de Dhùn Èideann a rinn