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Associate Professor of Economics, UMass Amherst Associate in Research, Harvard Fairbank Center Publisher, Surplus Das Wirtschaftsmagazin
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Exit polls in German election: - Conservatives (Union): Won the election. - Far Right (AfD): Strongest result since WWII. - Social Democrats (SPD): Historically low support. - Greens (Grüne): Small losses. - Left (Die Linke): Surprisingly high result. - Liberals (FDP): Gone.

Once upon a time, the social democrats were the workers’ party in Germany. In the election today the extreme right AfD gained 3x more support from workers than the SPD.

It’s the economy stupid, again. 83% of Germans say the economic situation is bad, up from 39% in 2022. 96% of voters of the extreme right AfD say the economic situation is bad.

In Germany, a far right party has the best result since WWII. 75% of AfD voters say they are very worried that prices are rising so much that they can’t pay their bills. Inflation once more fueled the extreme right.

As a German living abroad, I like probably 100.000s didn’t get my ballot in time to vote in today’s election, an election that will see the strongest result for a far right party since WWII. AfD reinvents Hitler as Communist. One of their leaders can legally be called fascist.

It's been truly depressing to follow German politics in recent weeks. The Conservatives have for the first time since WWII voted with an extreme right party in parliament. But there is a glimmer of hope. Fierce anti-fascist messaging works as the sudden rise of the Left shows.

Mit Friedrich Merz droht radikale Deregulierung zu Lasten der Menschen und des Klimas. In den USA und Argentinien sehen wir das bereits in extremer Form. Dagegen braucht es eine progressive Wirtschaftsagenda und nicht das Nacheifern von Bürokratieabbau.

10 Great Book Econ Book Pairings 1) How China Escaped Shock Therapy- & How China Escaped the Poverty Trap- Yuen Yuen Ang Two terrific works with a common theme: that optimal policy solutions are highly dependent on context and the stage of economic development.

"The Trump administration fired the only locksmith on staff on Friday...the sole employee with the keys and the institutional knowledge needed to rescue visitors from locked restrooms."

„Donald Trump in den USA, Milei in Argentinien – trägt Friedrich Merz zum Erstarken der neoliberalen Rechten bei?“

In an era of overlapping emergencies, price spikes in essentials can topple governments, writes “When people find that, through no fault of their own, the goods they cannot live without suddenly become dramatically more expensive, they lose trust in the system.”

Danke et al ❤️

Mit Merz als Kanzler droht radikale Deregulierung, die als Bürokratieabbau getarnt sein könnte. Mit habe ich besprochen, wo die Gefahren liegen und was es stattdessen braucht 👇

Mit Friedrich Merz droht radikale Deregulierung zu Lasten der Menschen und des Klimas. In den USA und Argentinien sehen wir das bereits in extremer Form. Dagegen braucht es eine progressive Wirtschaftsagenda und nicht das Nacheifern von Bürokratieabbau.

“57 percent say he has exceeded his authority since taking office”

Very honored to join as a fellow this year!

Anstatt neoliberalem Kahlschlag à la Trump-Musk braucht Deutschland einen Fair New Deal, um das Wirtschaftsmodell zu erneuern und die Demokratie zu schützen. für

Es braucht dringend einen Fair New Deal. Die Krise hat die Lebensstandards zu vieler Menschen gedrückt und zu tiefer Verunsicherung geführt. Das deutsche Wirtschaftsmodell muss grün und fair neugestaltet werden auch um die Demokratie zu schützen.

There is a certain irony in this moment. China’s rise began with opening up to the world economy. The collapse of the Soviet Union culminated in Shock Therapy. Now Trump is trying to cement America’s power with protectionism and Shock Therapy dismantling state capacity.

Trump und Musk machen Politik für ihresgleichen: Steuererleichterungen, Bürokratieabbau und entfesselte Märkte. Das Ganze wird garniert mit populistischen Maßnahmen, um die Massen bei der Stange zu halten. Mein neues Spiegel-Interview👇

Die Menschen, die nicht einen Teil der Profitexplosion durch ihre Aktien wieder eingestrichen haben, haben für den Kostenschock bezahlt. Die Inflation führt zu einer Umverteilung von unten nach oben und erschüttert das Vertrauen in die Demokratie. Mein neues SZ-Interview👇

Es gab eine Alternative dazu im Zuge der Inflation auf dem Friedhof der abgewählten Regierungen zu landen. Mexiko und Spanien haben gezeigt wie sich die Stabilisierung essenzieller Preise politisch und wirtschaftlich rechnet. Mein Artikel bei

The price of eggs in the US is spiking, mostly due to #H5N1 bird flu. Solving the problem requires urgent, important communications from the CDC & FDA* and rapid development of research by the NIH** * Currently paused by Executive Order ** Grant reviews now all canceled

Setting quotas of arrests per day. You know what happens when you have a quota to meet? Scoop them up and let the court sort it out. They will be grabbing anyone they can. No proof of citizenship on your person? Too bad. That’s an arrest. Look “illegal?” Explain it to the court someday.

The real danger of low wind/sun periods: fossil fuel operators exploiting the time period to fraudulently game the system for profit - which can also then serve as a political fodder for the right-wing to criticise the energy transition. Win win!

On my way to Davos. First time speaking at the World Economic Forum! Wish me luck, and if you are there let me know!

“At least 13 billionaires are set to have government posts under the new president, with his expected cabinet worth at least $7bn, double that of his own first term and an astonishing 60 times more than the net worth of the current one”

Vom 17.-21. März organisieren wir von der Pluralen Ökonomik Siegen für Bachelorstudierende (egal an welcher Uni) eine Frühjahrsschule zu plural-ökonomischen Perspektiven auf "Ökologie und Transformation".

excellent piece

Great piece - insights from Spanish + Mexican govts on embracing bold inflation-tackling measures, beyond adjusting interests rates (plus clear communication to publics on what they were doing!) to protect people against cost shocks.

There was an alternative to landing on the graveyard of incumbent governments in the wake of inflation. Mexico and Spain have demonstrated to the world how stabilizing the prices of essentials can pay back - economically and politically. My first

Not all governments have floundered in the face of Inflation. Positive lessons from Spain and Mexico

"Other incumbents..succeeded..because they took steps beyond..interest rates to tackle inflation and..they clearly communicated to their publics what they were doing to keep prices down...Mexico and Spain embraced bold measures, including price controls, subsidies, and both tax cuts and tax hikes."

Det här är en mycket intressant artikel om hur bland annat regeringarna i både Mexico och Spanien höll nere inflationen och lyckades vinna omval

Hay apenas dos gobiernos en todo el mundo, señala aquí, que sobrevivieron electoralmente a la inflación: México y España. ¿El motivo? Atreverse a regular precios esenciales, como se hizo con la excepción ibérica, siendo la energía un insumo estructural para la economía.

Crises have haunted the Spanish economy since 2008, but last year The Economist named it the best economy in the world for 2024. So what happened? This week, we look at the role progressive policies played in Spain's economic recovery:

I wrote a response in an H-Diplo Roundtable to Jacques E. C. Hymans' very cool recent article on how the Bomb is metaphorized as God in US security discourses other respondents include, William Walker, Matthew Evangelista, and James Lebovic.

There was an alternative to landing on the graveyard of incumbent governments in the wake of inflation. Mexico and Spain have demonstrated to the world how stabilizing the prices of essentials can pay back - economically and politically. My first

A new economic magazine to fight neoliberal and extreme-right policies published by top thinkers et al

I have new article on the latest revision of the ECB's inflation target in Politics & Governance (, part of a special issue on the evolving role on the ECB since the Maastricht Treaty (1/n)

“Imagine you are struggling to pay your grocery bills, and then an economist in the country’s top income bracket comes along and says your hardship is just vibes.” My take @thenation on how economists’ dismissal of inflation worries contributed to Harris losing the election.

Da es die progressive Wirtschaftszeitung „Oxi“ seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr gibt (R.I.P.), bin ich froh, dass eine Handvoll gescheiter Leute ein neues Projekt gestartet haben: