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Anti-capitalist. Anti-imperialist. Anti-racist. Anti-colonialist. Dreaming of the liberation of all Pasifika People Demilitarize the Pacific
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A truly inspirational figure, Palauan demilitarization and peace activist Salvadora Katosang

"By the beginning of the twentieth century, phosphate mining by US-based and European companies had been launched in Palau... These developments not only had a massive environmental impact on these islands... but also significantly altered their cultures, economics, and politics." -CPIS

"In response to concerns about overfishing and marine pollution, the Republic of Palau passed the Palau National Marine Sanctuary Act in October 2015. The legislation calls for the creation of a 193,000 square mile (500,000 sq km) marine sanctuary..." -CPIS

The AmeriKKKan military is evil

Capitalism could only emerge, take root and reproduce itself... through a violent, coercive, and often war-assisted process subjugating, dominating, and often annihilating many of those social forces that stood in its way – processes that continue to this day. -Alexander Anievas & Kerem Nişancıoğlu

"In the modern day, multinational corporations, often occupying monopoly or near-monopoly positions, continue to exploit workers in the Global South, particularly women workers, on behalf of rich shareholders primarily based in the Global North." -Oxfam

"Between 1970 and 2023, Global South governments paid US$3.3 trillion in interest to creditors in the Global North... Oxfam estimates that for every US$1 that the IMF has encouraged a set of poor countries to spend on public goods, it told them to cut four times more through austerity measures."

"The IMF requires borrowing countries to prioritize the repayment of debts to creditors above all else, and to implement policies including privatization, liberalizing trade and cutting government deficits to obtain new loans. These policies undermine access to education and healthcare." -Oxfam

"Colonies that involved the large-scale immigration of settlers, such as Canada, the USA, and Australia, were often the site of some of the most appalling colonial acts, as settlers sought to liquidate existing Indigenous populations and take their land." -Oxfam

"Today, almost sixty years after the end of the historical colonial period, our global economy is still clearly structured in ways that lead to wealth flowing from the Global South to the Global North..." -Oxfam

"On average, low- and middle-income countries spend 48% of their budgets on debt repayments, often to rich private creditors based in New York and London. This is far more than their spending on education and health combined." -Oxfam

"This system still extracts wealth from the Global South to the super-rich 1% in the Global North at a rate of US$30million an hour." -Oxfam

"In the modern day, multinational corporations, often occupying monopoly or near-monopoly positions, continue to exploit workers in the Global South, particularly women workers, on behalf of rich shareholders primarily based in the Global North." -Oxfam

"Between 1970 and 2023, Global South governments paid US$3.3 trillion in interest to creditors in the Global North... Oxfam estimates that for every US$1 that the IMF has encouraged a set of poor countries to spend on public goods, it told them to cut four times more through austerity measures."

"The IMF requires borrowing countries to prioritize the repayment of debts to creditors above all else, and to implement policies including privatization, liberalizing trade and cutting government deficits to obtain new loans. These policies undermine access to education and healthcare." -Oxfam

"Global institutions, financial markets and multinational corporations, all shaped by colonialism and rich-country dominance, continue to facilitate this south–north transfer of trillions of dollars each year." -Oxfam

"Colonies that involved the large-scale immigration of settlers, such as Canada, the USA, and Australia, were often the site of some of the most appalling colonial acts, as settlers sought to liquidate existing Indigenous populations and take their land." -Oxfam

"Today, almost sixty years after the end of the historical colonial period, our global economy is still clearly structured in ways that lead to wealth flowing from the Global South to the Global North..." -Oxfam

"On average, low- and middle-income countries spend 48% of their budgets on debt repayments, often to rich private creditors based in New York and London. This is far more than their spending on education and health combined." -Oxfam

"This system still extracts wealth from the Global South to the super-rich 1% in the Global North at a rate of US$30million an hour." -Oxfam

AmeriKKKan neocon warmongers can't wait for WW3 with China, it means the MIC gets $trillions🤑🤑 🤑 China is rehearsing for war, Indo-Pacific commander says

Neocolonialism was “...the worst form of imperialism... for those who practice it, it means power without responsibility and for those who suffer from it, it means exploitation without redress.” -Kwame Nkrumah

"We have to constantly critique imperialist white supremacist patriarchal culture because it is normalized by mass media and rendered unproblematic.” -bell hooks

US officials revealed in a meeting with Pacific diplomats that some aid programs in COFA states have already been paused.

"...neoliberals would aid in the campaign to contain demands for social and economic rights and to institutionalize a parallel global regime in which the investor and the corporation and not the citizen or refugee was the paradigmatic rights bearing subject." -Quinn Slobodian

Neocolonialism is a thing. The Global North has appropriated trillions of dollars in resources from the Global South since 1990-

Conservatives love that the CDC and the NSF are being gutted, but they have nothing to say about the bloated nearly trillion dollar budget of the pentagon. Interesting🤔

"The normative neoliberal world is not a borderless market without states but a doubled world kept safe from mass demands for social justice and redistributive equality by the guardians of the economic constitution." -Slobodian, Quinn. Globalists

AmeriKKKa forced regime change in Palau by murdering 2 presidents and financing political violence.

Marshall Islands seek US meeting as citizens 'panic' over Trump migrant crackdown 😞

"What neoliberals seek is not a partial but a complete protection of private capital rights, and the ability of supranational judiciary bodies like the European Court of Justice and the WTO to override national legislation that might disrupt the global rights of capital." -Slobodian, Quinn

"...U.S. President Donald Trump has issued directives that have halted U.S. aid for 90 days, impacting several key projects in Palau." 🫤 Not good for Palau.

AmeriKKKa plans to use Islanders as cannon fodder in a war with China😢 Marshall Islands, military leaders strengthen partnership, defense > U.S. Indo-Pacific Command > News Article View

'We were all labourers to them': The wider impact of blackbirding across the Pacific

Revelations about the role Robert F. Kennedy Jr. played in a deadly measles outbreak in Samoa keep getting worse.

Not good with another pandemic on the horizon😳 Trump administration’s abrupt cancellation of scientific meetings prompts confusion, concern via

AmeriKKKa is officially ran by nazi oligarchs.

The 1986 painting "After Gauguin" by Andre Marere was a parody of Paul Gauguin's 1899 painting "Two Tahitian Women." The parody painting was meant to symbolize the dangers of nuclear testing on Pacific Islands.

It's Not The Responsibility Of The Global South To Bring Down The Empire. It's Ours.

The 1986 painting "After Gauguin" by Andre Marere was a parody of Paul Gauguin's 1899 painting "Two Tahitian Women." The parody painting was meant to symbolize the dangers of nuclear testing on Pacific Islands.

"As long as foreign imperial powers continue to flex their military muscles in the Pacific Islands, local and regional protest and resistance will endure—and opposition to ongoing genocide in West Papua by the Indonesian military is just one example of the continuing struggle." -CPIS