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Neurotic labrador personality with paparazzi voyeur tendencies. I watch people watching. I witness. Hope my death poem(Jisei) will be a photo. đź“ŤCzechia, Prague (EU) đź”— đź”—
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Underground entrances and subways are one of my favorite places. Transition between worlds. Usually I am wandering, what are the people thinking, where are they going, what's theirs story and how much time do they have left.

Ryokan, a Zen master, lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening a thief visited the hut only to discover there was nothing in it to steal. 1/3

I like to watch people watching, so naturally on the photographic event - Fujikina, that occured in Prague on the main train station, I mostly enjoyed photographing photographers...

The back side of the graves. Same as what is left from the human being after death, the Grave is just the facade, echo left in heterotopia of human culture. The echo of the animal or thing can be stored like this as well.

Dogs can be same excuse as cigarette for just wandering out or to chat with people. I love those little encounters with foreign dogos.

Daj se všechny politiky a zřízení osekat většinou jen na "seš s náma/náš nebo proti nám?" A pouze metrika toho, kdy seš s náma a kdy ne, se mění?

EU bez neměla akceptovat ve svých členských zemích něco, co proběhlo v Maďarsku se zákazem pochodů hrdosti. Je to jasný odklon od hodnot EU a Maďarsko by mělo minimálně přijít o hlasovací práva.

Ptačí panelák na Skalce. Během chvíle se na střeše a některých balkónech prostřídala hejna holubů, kavek pár jedinců strak.

Smoking was a favorite place for discussion for me. Both with other smokers and with myself when alone. Figured that it works for me when I go out even without the cigarette. And "smoking" fresh air has the effect for me too.

You got bloody fingers quite quickly with a bass.

Spring brain fog or wtf got me. Maybe allergy plays it's role. Some infection might have it's fingers there too. Someone got similar experiences? This year it arrived more abruptly, kind of.

Vůně jarního deště je top. Podkres ptactvem. Vonná substance je prý tvořena umírajícími bakteriemi v půdě, masový zánik nikdy nevoněl tak sladce. Opačně to ale funguje u nohou.

Změny tlaku boostují impeding doom pocity, ale zase to spláchne ten pyl. Žejo?

Just in the moment


Pyl je někdy solidní pyj. Souhvězdí Zyrtecu dorazilo na naší polokouli.

Nest next to the frequented highway, but the birds might see it as great. Everything is about how one see things.

Co daruješ je navždy tvé.


For Musk, Vance and others, this is basically their "Mein Kampf": graymirror.substack....

Ptáci už rozjeli kompletně letní fucksongs.

Nate Vance, a cousin of JD Vance, has been fighting alongside Ukraine as volunteer in the "Da Vinci Wolves" group, for 2.5 years. His comments on the events in the Oval Office:

Musk is attacking his own, well paying customers (Ukraine military). That usually inevitably happens when mixing business and politics.

Dark Souls boss

Womens day today: I think women should be in the leading political positions everywhere, since there is much greater statistical chance there will be less wars and suffering. Only because of some big ego and small penis.


Got back to shoot some metronky, subway wide angle shots I started years ago on my camera yourney.

Some beings from the sea of public space. ⛓️ #streetphoto

Tady je vůbec zkreslený vnímání politickejch škatulek, jeden z důvodů, proč sem kdysi šle k Pirátům bylo, že mi tohle dělení už přestává dávat smysl. 1/4

This agitator needs to be imprisoned!

🍊Je tam ještě?

Checked on my former kitten

Trump, himself avoiding conscripting when his country fought (a war it considered needed for democracy values, now for Trumps administration there is only profit and me "values"). Trump even mocked the soldiers that died there. 1/2

Transformation of snow One or the last days of snow, when it was through the rising temperature transformed into fog.

The point

Bartender duo